Single rectifier any good?

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Jan 9, 2013
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Was wondering if I could have some advice on getting a new amplifier. I'm thinking of getting a single rectifier solo 50 head. I owned a 2 channel dual rec in the late 90's, but got rid of it when I had my kids. I was wondering if there is much of a tone difference between the 2. I loved the dual, but I don't need the 100 watts, and yes, I do know 50 is still a ton. I'll be using my ibanez with stock humbucker in the neck, and an EMG81 in the bridge. I also plan on running that into a maxon od808. The cleans on the dual we're always fine for me, and I just loved the gain. I could never beat the palm muted chug that hit so hard in the chest they could revive a heart attack victim. I don't have any shops within at least a 3hr drive since I decided to move into the woods. Any and all pros and cons would be greatly appreciated.
I can't compare the Single to the Dual... I've read that the Single's gain is a tad less gainy, but am no expert on the two. I have a Single (Series 2) and think it's an incredible amp. The main "pro" for me would be cost... I picked up my Single about a month ago for $600 on Craigslist. All the Dual's I see are asking at least $1K, and usually more. Plus... two less power tubes to have to replace. Personally, I think the Single, especially the Series 2, is a "sleeper" amp; not many know how good they are and so the price is very reasonable on the used market these days.

Good luck!
I also have a Single Series 2, it's loud and I love it. Keep in mind that it is voiced somewhat different, but probably not enough to REALLY notice unless you play the two side by side. And as a side note, the Dual 100w is only 3 or so decibels louder than the Single, so you can still rock out if you need to!
The only real "flaw" I've ever heard people complain about with the Single, and which I have experienced for myself, is the delay time when footswitching channels. You stomp the switch but the channel change is not instantaneous. On the Single I was playing the delay was, it seemed, almost a full second. And the sound cuts out for that time, then it switches channels, then the sound quickly fades back in. It was almost like they knew it was a delay, and they were trying to make it inaudible or make it not have a loud click, but they never got it to switch fast enough maybe.

Whatever it was, it was completely unacceptable to me, and I was glad someone pointed it out before I paid the money. Supposedly none of the other Recs have ever had this problem since.
There is no "lag" when channel switching via foot pedal on my Series II... none whatsoever. Must admit... hadn't paid any attention to it, but after reading the above post, fired up the amp and stomped on the foot pedal numerous times and went from green to red to green to red... no lag a'tall.

Not saying the problem didn't/doesn't exist... just not on my amp.
I believe the lag issues was pre Series II.

I ended up selling my Rectoverb Series II Combo and buying a Mini with 2x12 and it sounds fantastic and plays plenty loud if you need to. Im finding out that Mesa like to run EL84 amps really hot versus the 6L6/EL34 versions. It could be the reason why so many feel the mini rec sounds amazing.

If its just going to be an amp to noodle in a spare room or basement consider the mini with a 2x12.
I have a Series II Rectoverb and LOVE it! No channel lag switch issues at all. I play my Rectoverb thru a 1x12 home built cabinet with a V30.

My son plays a DR thru a 2x12 Recto cabinet.

The 2 amps compared side by side are very similar but I believe that the Rectoverb is voiced slightly differently - sounds a bit brighter. The Rectoverb also has a SWEET clean channel if you run a Tung Sol in V1.

I don't think you can go wrong with a Single Rectifier - but I'd go with the Rectoverb instead.

Hope this helps
I do remember now, asking the guy selling the Single Rec if it was series one or not, and he said it was a series one. That must be the difference with the lag time issue. I remember doing some research on how to tell (don't remember the answer) and then checking the amp and telling myself, Yup, he's right, it's a series one.
soundchaser59 said:
I do remember now, asking the guy selling the Single Rec if it was series one or not, and he said it was a series one. That must be the difference with the lag time issue. I remember doing some research on how to tell (don't remember the answer) and then checking the amp and telling myself, Yup, he's right, it's a series one.

Pretty sure the Series 1 only has two modes on.the red channel while the Series 2 has three modes.
Series 1 only has Raw and Modern where the Series 2 has Vintage as well as Raw and Modern.

Also, foot switch jack is on the front of S1, back on S2.
I've played a single rectifier series 2 about 2 weeks ago, I really liked it. If you're fine with the 2 channel recto cleans then these will be great in comparison. Like others said, it's brighter then the dual but still has that mesa recto tone in it. I didn't notice any dely in channel switching but then again i was using the switch in the back of the amp. I'd say get it because IMO it's a great amp.
great amp for all kinds of style. I use to own a dual recto 2 channel, the single recto and o raodster.
maybe the single recto is a little brighter but sounds really great and LOUD