Single Rec or Dual?

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2006
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Toronto, Canada
Hey folks, I need some info on a few things. First of all I must say I really enjoy reading the posts on this forum, the knowledge and experience with Mesa amps is unreal, really great to read!

I purchased a Mark IV recently and I am extremely pleased with it, however some of my musical tastes and tone pallet require me to be able to use the incredible lead on the the Mark but also being able to switch into a great chunky rhythm. The recto's are what I am looking for, however I'm having a hard time figuring out what would be best.

It would primarily be used for rhythm, maybe the odd solo here and there, the Single Rec seems simple, two channels, I would probably only use the 1.....for now anyways. What is the tone like compared with the dual rec, after what I read they should be very very similiar possibly with better tone at lower volumes? yes? being that it is 50 watts it might be capable of a little more push without the ears bleeding.

Or do I go with a dual rec, I've heard a lot of issues with popping when channel changing and other various issues, do these same issues plague the Single Rec? Having the extra channel would be nice I guess, it's there if I need it.

Or in terms of sound quality, features, tonal options do I wait longer and get a Roadking? That's probably overkill. lol.

So what do you think guys, can I achieve that same chunky rhythm from the Single as I have heard countless times from the Dual, or do I need to go all out?

Thanks a million and sorry for the long winded post, any and all info reguarding these amps that you think I should know would be greatly appreciated.

Ah 1 more thing, I don't really like the diamond plate grill, is it possible to order a single or dual with the same grill as the roadking???? That would be sweet!!!!

just the ticket

considering all your point

I would say a single rec recto verb is just what you want

all the recto tones you want,can push them into saturation easier and it also has a very similar grill to the road kings,non-treadplate I mean

go check em out,these are great amps because they have....(drum roll)......reverb built in

This sounds like the amp you want
I have owned the single and now own a dual, I prefer the dual over the single as to me the sound is tighter with the dual and heaps louder. I found myself running out of oumph with only the single, the dual kills. Plus on the newer duals you have 3 channels as opposed to two on the single.

My single was a rectoverb which came with a black cloth grill instead of the diamond plate.


I vote for the dual or triple, just alot more tone options and worth the extra. LIke i said i found a triple on ebay for $1000 BIN in another thread. If you dont mind used I would go for that.

Mystic-Creations said:
Hey folks, I need some info on a few things. First of all I must say I really enjoy reading the posts on this forum, the knowledge and experience with Mesa amps is unreal, really great to read!

I purchased a Mark IV recently and I am extremely pleased with it, however some of my musical tastes and tone pallet require me to be able to use the incredible lead on the the Mark but also being able to switch into a great chunky rhythm. The recto's are what I am looking for, however I'm having a hard time figuring out what would be best.

It would primarily be used for rhythm, maybe the odd solo here and there, the Single Rec seems simple, two channels, I would probably only use the 1.....for now anyways. What is the tone like compared with the dual rec, after what I read they should be very very similiar possibly with better tone at lower volumes? yes? being that it is 50 watts it might be capable of a little more push without the ears bleeding.

Or do I go with a dual rec, I've heard a lot of issues with popping when channel changing and other various issues, do these same issues plague the Single Rec? Having the extra channel would be nice I guess, it's there if I need it.

Or in terms of sound quality, features, tonal options do I wait longer and get a Roadking? That's probably overkill. lol.

So what do you think guys, can I achieve that same chunky rhythm from the Single as I have heard countless times from the Dual, or do I need to go all out?

Thanks a million and sorry for the long winded post, any and all info reguarding these amps that you think I should know would be greatly appreciated.

Ah 1 more thing, I don't really like the diamond plate grill, is it possible to order a single or dual with the same grill as the roadking???? That would be sweet!!!!
I've owned both the Rectoverb and Dual Rec. The rectoverb is a great amp and definitely has that rectifier sound. I liked the options on the Dual better ie channel assignable loop, ability to run el-34's (the Series II Rectoverb's and Single Rec's have this ability) vacuum tube or silicone diode, bold vs. spongy.

At 50w you do get a a better saturation at low volumes than the Dual. It does lack the punch and tightness of a Dual. Both amps are very loud however the Dual is a little more clear at higher volumes.

My .02 try the Roadster. If I had to buy a new DR today I'd spend the extra 100 bucks for the Brit + Tweed + plus the ability to run at 50w or 100w. Not too mention your not wild about the Diamond plate. I also feel the Roadster sounded like the older 2 ch's that I prefer.

Good luck.
I've owned both the Single and Dual (several).

I agree with the rest that you WILL run out of headroom with the Single but it depends on what your gig is.
If you're primarily going to use it in the studio to record, 50 watts is plenty to get to full tube saturation and great tone. +1 to really take a look and listen to the Rectoverb, very nice amp.


If you plan on playing live alot you won't be happy when you run out of headroom volume with the Single, it's more than a little frustrating.
I would suggest to go with an older 2 channel Dual Rec.

It's like the classic amp saying: It's better to HAVE more than you need than to need more than you've got !

BTW: Welcome to the Board !!! 8)
ok once again I have hada think,taking everything into considration.........

what about a used tremoverb,these are dual recs 100watts,2 channels which are said to sound better than the newer 3 channel recs and built in tremolo

as an added bonus there aint no diamond plating,they have cloth grills

also you would have to pick one up second hand and I aint seen one in bad condition yet so you would be saving a lot os cash

get one you wont be dissapointed
I wouldn't go for a tremoverb, because it's voiced to much like the Mark series with the upper mids, if your looking for something to compliment the Mark IV I don't think it will work as well as a Dual Recto Solo head or the Single Recto/Rectoverb.
Thanks a million guys for your help and for the welcome, I really appreciate it. I seemed to have norrowed my choice a little.

The recto verb seems like a great choice, although I am a little concerned about a few comments of loosing head room and not being as tight as the duals.....I do like a very tight and focused dist/rythem. Hoever most of my playing now is at home/recording, however I don't know what the future holds in terms of gigs, I am in the process of putting something together.

The roadster, I don't really know a lot about this amp other than it's basically the same as a Road King minus the ability to run el34's and 6l6's together. I guess just a slightly more user friendly version?

So I guess I have a tough decision to make, ROV to satisfy my current needs or wait it out and go the roadster/roadking root, ****......
Thanks again guys!
+1 to go for an older 2 channel Dual Rectifier, you won't be left with any tone wants when you pair it with the Mark IV, trust me !

My other guitarist has a Mark IV/halfback 4x12 rig and our tones sound SOOOO nice together, like PB & J or chocolate/peanut butter.

:roll: Well..................................

They really do cover the tone/gain range you're looking for nicely !

my .02