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May 22, 2007
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I just bought a Single Rectifier...I have now been intiated into the world of Mesas.....Problem -------v

I got home and plugged that baby up, sounds thing though......I was unaware that Mesa Boogies were fluent in Japanese.

The freakin' amp started speaking Japanese to me LOL I mean this completely literally, mind you. We have a satellite dish, and I get the feeling that somehow it picked up signals from it (TV is off though). It only made the sound with the guitar plugged in which confirms that the guitar is the antenna (pickups) and I only noticed it through channel 2 set to modern. Let me reiterate and say that it was not static and garble that sounded cool, but a plain as day Japanese conversation
Sureshot12 said:
... sounded cool, but a plain as day Japanese conversation

You could have been picking up a cordless phone conversations, radio, or television signal (AZN channel?). I'm sure there are those on here that will tell you exactly what causes it. It's nothing to worry about, happens to us all. I try to keep mine away from flourescent lighting and telelvisions, as you can here the signal in an effects chain

Did you ever see This is Spinal Tap, where they are playing a gig for the Air Force and the air traffice controller starts coming through the amps?Same thing!
From what I understand, in this situation, the cable is always the antenna. I would switch to some higher quality cables and the problem should go away. Every time I've had this issue, a cable has been the culprit. Good Luck.
If switching guitar cables doesn't work, another possible culprit is the power cable. If you have a power conditioner, that should take care of it, if not, and you want to fix it for cheap, put a ferrite bead around the cable. They can be had for a couple of dollars, and I've had great luck with them.
I thought I had this licked as well but last night I had RFI through the amp (first time w/Roadster).

I am using a Furman PL-8II Power conditioner, all George L's patch cables, an X-2 Digital Wireless from the guitar, and a 20 foot Monster 500 from my pedal board to the amp. I even plugged straight in with the Monster cable and the RFI was still there.

Funny thing is it just went away about ten minutes later.

Hopefully it is something local to our rehersal space. I'll see if it happens again, and maybe try changing AC circuits.

domct203 said:
I thought I had this licked as well but last night I had RFI through the amp (first time w/Roadster).

I am using a Furman PL-8II Power conditioner, all George L's patch cables, an X-2 Digital Wireless from the guitar, and a 20 foot Monster 500 from my pedal board to the amp. I even plugged straight in with the Monster cable and the RFI was still there.

Funny thing is it just went away about ten minutes later.

Hopefully it is something local to our rehersal space. I'll see if it happens again, and maybe try changing AC circuits.


I had this issue several years ago at our old rehearsal space and bought a back ups system with RFI filter and it took care of the problem.
Not only did I have constant radio interference with usually Cuban broadcast radio, we had an amp breaker problem as we shared the same circuit with several other bands as well. :?
It was funny sometimes as I speak Spanish and could translate the conversation or news to my bandmates. It was a blast between songs when we weren't popping breakers.

Good cabling also helps alot. A power conditioner with an RFI filter will do the job.

A good thing to carry with you to gigs as you will always have clean power no matter where you play !
The cable and my one used to pick up the radio and taxi cabs but it was more the cheap *** wah pedal somehow,electronics gear just acts like the antteana as previously stated
My cell phone has been setting off my amps. The signal is weak here so my phone likes to sit and look for signal. You can here it doing its thing. It gets my computer monitor and speakers, my TV, and my radio all doing the same thing when I am around those. In my truck it sets off my truck stereo too. Whirrrrrr beeeeeep beeeeeeep beeeeep whirrrrrrr whooooooh beeeep beeeeep whirrrrrrr. It gets annoying. I might have to replace my phone for one that is newer. I have had my cell for some years now and it has been subjected to pretty harsh abuse. I don't blame it for trying to get even now. The funny thing is that nobody else seems to have cell reception issues here.
Russ said:
... I have had my cell for some years now and it has been subjected to pretty harsh abuse. I don't blame it for trying to get even now. The funny thing is that nobody else seems to have cell reception issues here.

Your not carrying around one of those ole bricks are you? I have an i530 which is a newer Motorola. Any speakers and I mean any I get a chik-chik-chik-chik sound prior to a vibration or ring. So an upgrade may not solve that.
Hmm, no voices today...I'm diggin' the amp though :) thanks for the input guys, i feel better to know its a common problem
I have a Cingular Nokia 3600 something phone. There are not many features on it and it was one of their first color LCD phones. If I hadn't been already locked into a Cingular contract at the time I would have certainly gotten a Nextel. Now that I have no contract and there is number portability I can see what I can do about switching providers. I don't like the idea of Cingular/AT&T. AT&T already sucked up Bell. They wanted me to combine billing. That would not be good. If my account ever got screwed up for some stupid accounting reason I would lose my DSL, my landline and my cell service. This was one of the reasons I didn't want digital cable and internet. I don't like the idea of any one company holding all of my services. As it is, I have had DSL outage in the past because the phone company wanted to migrate lines and also from storms and accidents that knockout phone lines. At least with cable, voice, and data separated I can still do something. The biggest issue I have had lately has been the underground power here is about 25 years old and has had rodents eating it causing power outages from time to time. Then the electric company comes out and replaces the section that got eaten. I guess that is what sucks about living in a rural area.
I don't know WTF these guys are talking about...preposterous! :roll:
Your cable making your amp speak Japanese? Ridiculous! :roll:

Teach it the lyrics in English. 8)
I dont think anyone mentioned dimmer switches..they drove me crazy b/c it threw off my troubleshooting...the noise occurred every time my wife turned on a dimmer downstairs while I was was impossible to get a grip on...I discovered it finally by going downstairs one day and I turned on a dimmer myself...thank goodness my master was around 4-i heard the noise downstairs and I have since discoverd my neighbor's dimmers interfere as well... :twisted: something to think about...
Its electronic interference,pedals,cables are all prone to it

sometimes its just the way the cables/pedals are sitting

it will happen
While we're still conversing well here, are there any problems I should be aware of in owning a Mesa? I know most electronic devices and gear have downfalls, but since I'm new to this company I'm a bit unaware of any problems with the exception of things like "leads don't really sing w/out pedals" etc. I'm just wondering if there are common technical problems I need to be aware of or looking for.
Mesa's are the best amps on the planet,you wont find much problems,just the usual tube life dying etc. no real technical issues especially nothing like them talking

Ive never heard one to be the problem when it comes to interferance they are tested to within an inch of their life for that kinnda stuff I cant see this being the problem

Im sure there are guys on here who have had problems but Im unaware of any major ones that have come out!!!

Well she was quiet tonight. Because of the RFI the other night our bass player bought a Furman PL Plus DII conditioner (with the volt meter) and we noticed the voltage getting down as low as almost 100V for short times !! I think we all can agree that clean stable power is extremely important.

I think I'm going to start saving for a Voltage Regulator. They are quite pricey but most likely worth it.

I know of the Furman AR1215 ($550) and the Furman AR15II ($650). Any other suggestions??


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