Single Rec bad sound @high vol. (sound clips)

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Feb 13, 2010
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Hello everyone. I believe this is my first post on these forums so I just want to say I really enjoy coming here as everyone seems quite friendly and helpful. I hate to come with bad news though...I have a series 2 single rectifier and I've always felt that something wasn't quite right with it. It is mainly when I turn the output or master past 12:00 that things start sounding weird. I have attached two sound clips showing the comparison between 1) Output at 12 vs output at 3 (master 12) and 2) Master at 12 vs master at 3 (output 12)

The sound begins to crackle and become mushy and very un-musical. As well, I really don't know if this is normal or not, but in order to get any usable sound at these volumes, I need to reduce the gain to 9:00 or lower :S and even then, it seems to lack that 'feel' I want. When I look at the power tubes, they glow a strong blue, and light up/dim along with my playing and don't do this at low volume. Switching to 6L6s does not help. As well, the amp doesn't seem to get much louder past noon either, it just has more gain and sounds less musical. It is at a volume where I can play for 30 seconds or so before feeling uncomfortable.

(plays in web browser)

Some details:
re-tubed feb last year with JJ KT66 and 12ax7s
Mesa 2x12 recto cab
settings - output/master vary, Pres. 9:00, Bass 12:00, Mid 10:30, Treble 9:00, Gain 1:30 Vintage Mode

For all I know, this could be totally normal...I'm just that type of person that always want to know their gear is working as it should ;) So, if you could just have a quick listen and tell me if you hear any problems then I'd be really thankful :)

Edit: It seems I already asked this question 6 months ago and totally forgot haha my apologies. Regardless, I have tried previous suggestions made, and now have sound clips available so maybe we can narrow down the problem this time
I would switch out your PI tube with your V3 and see what happens for starters.

What kind of tubes are in the preamp section?
ericalto said:
Hello everyone. I believe this is my first post on these forums so I just want to say I really enjoy coming here as everyone seems quite friendly and helpful. I hate to come with bad news though...I have a series 2 single rectifier and I've always felt that something wasn't quite right with it. It is mainly when I turn the output or master past 12:00 that things start sounding weird. I have attached two sound clips showing the comparison between 1) Output at 12 vs output at 3 (master 12) and 2) Master at 12 vs master at 3 (output 12)

The sound begins to crackle and become mushy and very un-musical. As well, I really don't know if this is normal or not, but in order to get any usable sound at these volumes, I need to reduce the gain to 9:00 or lower :S and even then, it seems to lack that 'feel' I want. When I look at the power tubes, they glow a strong blue, and light up/dim along with my playing and don't do this at low volume. Switching to 6L6s does not help. As well, the amp doesn't seem to get much louder past noon either, it just has more gain and sounds less musical. It is at a volume where I can play for 30 seconds or so before feeling uncomfortable.

(plays in web browser)

Some details:
re-tubed feb last year with JJ KT66 and 12ax7s
Mesa 2x12 recto cab
settings - output/master vary, Pres. 9:00, Bass 12:00, Mid 10:30, Treble 9:00, Gain 1:30 Vintage Mode

For all I know, this could be totally normal...I'm just that type of person that always want to know their gear is working as it should ;) So, if you could just have a quick listen and tell me if you hear any problems then I'd be really thankful :)

Edit: It seems I already asked this question 6 months ago and totally forgot haha my apologies. Regardless, I have tried previous suggestions made, and now have sound clips available so maybe we can narrow down the problem this time

Switch the PI tube with V3 as mentioned above. Hard bypass the fx loop as well.

It sounds like you might have a burnt screen resistor or some kind of power tube related failure.
I have swapped tubes like you suggested with no change :( The preamp tubes are JJ ECC83S tubes although one of the tubes blew a few months after I bought them (V3 I believe) so I put the old Mesa 12ax7 back in
If its the channel master that you're referring to, my single rectos have always sounded best between 9:00 and 11:00. Anything past 12:00 sounds like crap.
ericalto said:
I have swapped tubes like you suggested with no change :( The preamp tubes are JJ ECC83S tubes although one of the tubes blew a few months after I bought them (V3 I believe) so I put the old Mesa 12ax7 back in

how about hard bypassing the loop? try doing that and turning the volume to about 12:00

it sounds in your clips as if your power tubes are overworking or something and mushing up
I was about to try bypassing the loop but I figured I was heading out today anyway so I ended up giving it to a guitar tech to have a look at it. I just have to play the waiting game now. Thanks for the help though guys
ericalto said:
...The sound begins to crackle and become mushy and very un-musical. As well, I really don't know if this is normal or not, but in order to get any usable sound at these volumes, I need to reduce the gain to 9:00 or lower :S and even then, it seems to lack that 'feel' I want....
It seems to be normal with Single Rectos; I have one and it's the same thing.

ericalto said: feb last year with JJ KT66 and 12ax7s
Throw your JJ preamp tubes away... well, not all of them, but a whole JJ set can make your amp sound like mud; it happened to me.