Since I got the Mark V and want to gig with should I ditch..

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2006
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my Diezel 4X12? I love the sound on it and have two of them. So one I would keep at home and then sell the other and get a 2x12. Just wondering if a 2x12 would be loud enough for a non-mic'd gigs? Is so what Boogie cabs would you recommend for a Mark V. The Diezel is front loaded and has V30's so I am used to that tone. So what 2x12 would be similar? Thanks guys!
I ran a 1x12 unmiked for years, never had a problem not being heard in a reasonably loud band...
SteveO said:
I ran a 1x12 unmiked for years, never had a problem not being heard in a reasonably loud band...

Nice. Then since I am Mesa cab noob and don't know any of the other cabs Boogie makes and how they sound other than the oversized recto cabs which I felt where too boomy. So thinking of ditching the one diezel cab and getting a boogie 2X12. Just don't know which one and want to stay with the same brand and not get like an engetar or orange cab etc. Thanks
I just switched from a Recto 2x12 to a Rivera 4x12. While the 2x12 sounded great and was plenty loud, it just doesn't have the thunder the 4x12 does.

2x12's are nice and practical. However to me, the extra size, weight and hassle is totally worth having the balls of a 4x12. And I sure do like balls. If you dish it, you might regret it 8)

EDIT: Just saw you have two 4x12 cabs. I would sell one and get a 2x12 (and have cash left over!) and use the 2x12 for smaller gigs and maybe haul the 4x12 for the bigger ones. However I have been very spoiled by my 4x12 and would use it to play for 5 people if I needed to :lol:
The 4x12 will have more thump for sure but you could totally get by with a 2x12 or a 1x12 for that matter. I would buy a Boogie 2x12 loaded with C90's which is what comes with the Mark V combos, NOT v30's although the V30's dont sound too bad with the Mark series amps. Petrucci uses V30's so i suppose its not too too bad. Just adds a little more fuzz and high end. :D