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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2007
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If you have experienced the popping noise when you switch to channel 3, please sign the petition.
Ive been waiting for something like this forever.
Lets put an end to this popping crap forever.
These online petitions do nothing.. you have to call them daily to voice your complaints.
count me in.

I want to hear an explanation and I can't really contact Mesa myself.
Platy...if we get good amount of signature, we can forward it to mesa and I am sure it will move some chairs. I dont think RS will let something like that slide.
I'm an idiot and accidentally clicked the dealie twice, so now I'm 9 and 10...Oh well, I'm all for this! :eek:
73h Nils said:
I'm an idiot and accidentally clicked the dealie twice, so now I'm 9 and 10...Oh well, I'm all for this! :eek:

Me too! :lol: but they'll ask you to confirm by email so you'll just have to do it once. :wink:
I don't know if this petition will actually help us but it can't hurt. I'm also going to call them again and let them know how dissatisfied I really am.
I'm sure that if Mesa could eliminate the pop they would have. I have always thought it was a design/engineering issue.
I'm #19. I'm surprised. I thought after all the complaining on this site about the "popping" that their would be more people signing up.
CudBucket said:
I'm #19. I'm surprised. I thought after all the complaining on this site about the "popping" that their would be more people signing up.


I hope that people don't view this as "Mesa Bashing", as it IS NOT.

I love my Roadster, and would not trade it for the world.

I might even consider a second Boogie, as long as there is no pops.

But come on, I had a 2001 Triple that popped into ch 2. That's 6 years ago with a popping issue.

If this is the "neccessary evil" needed for pure signal flow then so be it, I just want to hear Mesa's official explaination.

Yes, this is for sure not Mesa bashing. Randall Smith is a very technical guy (just read his write ups on the Mesa site). I would be happy if I could just get a technical explanation from him about why the pops are a necessary evil. I think something like that would go a long way in improving how everyone views Mesa as a company. I think it would help everyone get over the popping issue as well (maybe not get over, but deal with it).

Hopefully before all is said and done in his life, Mr. Smith will write a book about amplifiers and Mesa history. I would surely buy it (coffee table book...huge with lots of pictures and a ton of techie stuff).
Exactly, THIS IS NOT MESA BASHING. I just moved to mesa roadster from hd147. And every single time I hit a chord, I smile. MESA IS AWESOME. But I cannot accept the statement that the pop is part of the design.

Once we get enough signatures, I will combine it with a professional letter and send it over to MESA. I am pretty sure RS will not let something like that slip.

No matter what people say, I think roadster has been the close to perfect amp for me. If the popping wasn't there, I would be in HEAVEN NOW!
Also this weekend, I will clear out all the duplicate signatures. Please sign this petition and spread the word.
I just signed the petition as the popping really craps me off. I only just noticed this thread myself, so maybe that's why there appears to be a lack of interest.

Ciao ...

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