Should I Dual REC it...

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2006
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Newcastle , Australia
I own a marshall jcm 800 reissue it's mint and i hav been already offered alot for's only one of a few in AUST...i really like the RECTO and it's amazing sound..i never play my marshall anymore because i have a Mesa Mk's so good..

Should i give up my marshall for a mesa....
I need to hear this mark IV of yours tom, I never liked mine much.
But I dig the tones I'm gettin from my dual rect lately (havin a quad box opens it up nicely), tho the dual rect isn't for everyone.

So your gonna have a markIV AND a dual recto?
I did that for a while, while i decided which one was best for me. Their very different amps, the recto was just alot more... me.

What I would do:
Give up your marshall, and get a recto... Then sell the one you don't like.
However, I did really like the sound you got from your marshall, if your not happy with it- get rid of it.
No, you'll regret it later for. The 800 is one of the great standards of rock and will not lose value ever if you keep it in decent shape.

Wait longer and save up for a DR if you want one. You've already got some great amps so you aren't exactly hurting for great tone.

If anything, I would keep everything, buy a recto, then sell (or return) the mesa that you like less. A marshall and recto in the same setup is uber versatility (and a great mixed tone) IMO.

Unless the Mark covers all the marshall tones.....
I'm a "Marshall Guy" from waaaaay back in the day.

I've also owned a Mk. IV for nearly 14 years, but never really liked it.

Let me just say that I'm THRILLED with my new Dual Recto.
with mk iv's it's all a question on how you set it up...i hav had mine for about 2 months and about 1 and a half of those two i hated's all on how you set it...i might have a change to get a DR S1 92'....they sound **** hot those older Recto's Too....but yeah i am still questioning the 800....Great amp..
FPFL said:
No, you'll regret it later for. The 800 is one of the great standards of rock and will not lose value ever if you keep it in decent shape.

Wait longer and save up for a DR if you want one. You've already got some great amps so you aren't exactly hurting for great tone.


Agreed. Unless you've been offered a ridiculous amount for it I think you should keep it.
Elpelotero said:
might have a change to get a DR S1 92'....they sound sh!t hot those older Recto's Too..

i'll be receiving a '92 recto this week so i'll let you know. i have a 3ch DR now.

Yeah, me too i want to know about that amp. I've sold my jcm800 too it was a 50watts...sometime i miss it but when i play with my rectifier i forget about my marshall amp selling...
I say keep it. There is no replacement for a Marshall for Marshall tones and an 800 is the epitome of the Master Volume. The reissues have nice effects loops. You will regret the sale later.

As far as the Recto goes, save up for one. It doesn't take that long. Besides, you can have ultra Uber versatility then. You will be able to A/B/Y whatever.

I have 2 Marshalls, 1 Ampeg, and my Mark IV. I play my Mark IV mostly now but I do plug into the Marshalls for instant gratification. I own a JMP and an 800. I love the tight bottom that I get out of the Mark IV though. You won't get that out of any Recto. It is just a design/voicing thing. If you haven't spent enough time with your Mark IV tweaking your knobs you should. I almost gave up after a month trying to cop a certain sound. I found so many good tones on the way I forgot what I was looking for. I might still tone quest with it but I have found some nice stuff I could never get with the Marshall. Though I can get some stuff on my Marshalls that I could never get out of the Mark IV. I am still considering a DR/TR/RK but only for the loose bottom and a little more gain.

Pinetree- what didn't you like about the Mark IV? I too am a Marshall guy from kinda far back though I prefer the MV types because I have nowhere to play a NMV at significant volume. If you still have your Mark IV you might have to approach it differently. It took me a while to figure it out but I treated it like I knew absolutely nothing (was very hard to do) and used my ears to find the tones. The knob sensitivity and the way they affect your tone by design alone can throw you for a loop coming from Marshalls. I am sure that now that you have been playing the DR you know how Mesas react to knob turning. Also, I found that the typical V eq setting isn't always necessarily the best solution. The Mark IV just seems to have too many knobs and switches and can be intimidating when you are first introduced to it. Tubes make a big difference too. I am sure that in the 14 years that you had your Mark IV nothing I am saying is new (provided that you played it) but just in case give her a whirl again. If not, sell her to me cheap. I have the need for a second Mark IV.

On that note, I don't think I would need 2 800s unless one was backup. I would like a 2nd Mark IV for the purposes of having more tones at my disposal without turning knobs. Those knobs can be soooo sensitive.
That's a tough call bud, but i would reluctantly say no. I would just encourage you to keep that jem and save moeny. Good things come to those who wait my friend. To have one is good, but to have more is bliss haha. Good luck with your decision though my friend.

Also, with the recto preamp, you'd still need the power amp section and that would run you a good chunk of money, especially if you want the stereo 100/100 Recto Power supply.

The recto pre will do you no good without the 2:100.... Keep the 800