Should I buy a used Express 5:25 (1x10) for $899?

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Mar 23, 2009
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I was at Guitar Center yesterday (yes, I know everyone hates the place) and I happened to notice a used Express 5:25 for $899. I plugged in a Les Paul and explored all the channels/modes/contours and came away very impressed and wanting it pretty badly.

I have been researching Mesa amps for the better part of a year now. I have also been trying to save money for a Mark V head + cabinet setup but realize it will take another year to save ~$3000. Meanwhile, I've been living with mediocre tone (Crate) for a while.

I am thinking I can get the Express 5:25 now and "reset the clock" so to speak on my eventual goal of getting a Mark V. At least I will have good tone while I am saving up for the next year and a half. I know these things list for $1149 brand new. Is $899 a good deal or is it still a little high considering that it is used? Cosmetically and sonically it looks and sounds good when I inspected and played it.

I would love to read feedback from you guys on this. I imagine since it is used gear that somebody else could buy it by the time I return to GC and this could all be moot.

Looking forward to joining the "Mesa family"... whether via the Express 5:25 now or the Mark V later... :)

Well for $250 more you can get a brand new one. Does it have anything custom? Is it in good shape?
MrMason said:
Well for $250 more you can get a brand new one. Does it have anything custom? Is it in good shape?

Nope it looked pretty stock to me. I would say it is in Near-Mint condition. If it did have scratches/dings, they were basically so minor/small that I didn't see them.

Here is a picture of it...
If it were me, and I really wanted that amp, I would get GC to order me one (I'm deathly afraid of floor model tube amps). Then again, if I really wanted a Mark V I would hold off on buying anything that way I could afford the Mark V sooner. For me personally, the Express amps get me pretty much everything I'm after at the moment.
I actually went back there just an hour ago and was able to use a 15% off coupon to bring the price of the amp down to $765 + tax. I guess at that price it was very reasonable to get the Mesa tone and Made in USA quality. I pulled the trigger and am excited to get home now and noodle with it for the next few hours!

Thanks for the feedback!
I have the 5:50, but I hear the 5:25 is not too much different. I think it is a great amp. The clean channel is wicked and the crunch channel sound great too. I use the burn and clean channel pretty much exclusively since for jazz and clean stuff the clean channel is superb (especially with the gain in the max region, it sounds awesome for chicken picking). The burn channel doesn't have enough gain for the heavy/ lead stuff, but with something to boost the signal it can sound pretty good.

I guess it really depends on whether or not you need alot of gain. If you do, just get a pedal to boost it until you can buy the mark V; otherwise I think it's an awesome amp. Just for the clean channel, I'm most likely going to keep this for a long time!
There are two 5/50's for sale on Craig's list in NC. A 2x12 for $775 and a 1x12 for $750. I saw a 5/25 last week for $550 but it sold pretty quickly.
GD_NC said:
There are two 5/50's for sale on Craig's list in NC. A 2x12 for $775 and a 1x12 for $750. I saw a 5/25 last week for $550 but it sold pretty quickly.

Thanks. I actually went ahead and got the 5:25 for $765 today. I guess I could have gotten a 5:50 for roughly the same price... but then I would have had to drive at least 5 hours to NC... :D

I was able to play with the amp for a couple of hours today and it is definitely the best amp I have owned thus far. Granted, I haven't really owned any high-end amps. I went from a Peavey Express 112 (back in 1992), then a Roland Blues Cube BC-30 (in 1996), then a Crate V50 (last year - my first tube amp), and now the Express 5:25. I have played through many nice amps (that weren't mine) over the years and am just glad that I am finally at the stage where I can afford a little bit of the "good stuff".

Now the clock is reset on my "save for a new amp" plan and I think I can be much more patient as I wait to eventually buy the Mark V!
No worries, I think the price you got sounds very reasonable. Esp. considering it's in mint condition with the added bonus that GC will take it back if you are not happy. I think the 5/25 that went for $550 was WAY underpriced. The ad was up less than a day.

And welcome to the board. I bet you'll be very happy with your Express. The Marks are Killer, but they are VERY heavy and loud as all get out. Express is a very capable little amp that will not break your back or your budget.

... and you'll find many of us are reading the recent post and drooling over the Mark V too! :D
Well, for the $900 bucks, I would said save another $200-300 and get the brand new 1x12 version instead.

But for $765 that's hard to turn down. IF........IF........the amp really is near mint and you dont have any problems with it, then you have just gotten the steal of the year! Hope you enjoy it and have 0 issues with it! I love mine.

Wait til you plug it into a 15 inch EV! :twisted:
I guess I was a little lucky to score a 2008 5:25 w/ 1X10" for $775. including shipping, on Flea Bay.
I got it from a youngster in SE Ohio. I placed a bid for his asking $$$ and nobody else bid! Anyway......... the kid didn't know the mysterious workings of EBay/ Pay Pal and it took him an entire week to figure out how to access the funds I sent via PayPal. Then another week to ship it to me. I was not happy and very nervous
He told me it would be packed 'Professionally". Yeah. Right.
He packed it himself in a U-Haul moving box wrapped in bubble warp and stryo peanuts. The corners of the box were caved in - A real crap job and I was horrified when Brown showed up with it. I unpacked it and put it through the motions and surprisingly everything worked. The amp is in like new shape, except for some strange wear marks on the botton naugahyde, between the rubber feet. Oh well....
I very happy with the little beast. My first Mesa Boogie aquisition.
Cool! Thanks for all the comments guys.

I have definitely caught the Mesa bug and am now saving up cash for a 1x12 Thiele cabinet to put underneath this little beast...
I picked mine(5:25 1x10) up for $750.00 used,but in mint condition . It came with the cover and all of the original paperwork in the binder. It was sitting next to a used Mesa studio that sounded great. I went to get the Studio and it was gone. The Express was still sitting there. After a couple of visits to the store and playing it for a while I was able to dial in some sweet tones and fell in love with it. It was on consignment for $899.00..for the heck of it I offered $750.00 and the owner accepted it and the rest is history. I was considering trading It,but I have not been able to find anything as versatile as this little amp. It's a keeper.
I picked up a "used" 5:25 10" on CL for 900.00 with a mic stand and a amp stand for no additional money.

The amp was pristine and without a mark anyway I could find. The fellow that owned it had it less than a year and gave me the original receipt for the full cost. He even gave me the local authorized servicer that had made a tube change within days of the original owner having the amp.

So I called him, after I call Mesa to transfer the warranty into my name, and he recalled the amp. He told me he had looked through it when he had it in his shop and said it was a keeper. Also mentioned that if I had any issues to call him and he would look at it without any warranty or extra cost to keep a new customer. I did take him up and drove the amp to him so he could explain in detail the inner workings of the amp. He is a real pro!!!

I am so happy with my amp that it has forced me to sell all my Fender gear. I sold off my Blues JR. and my Supersonic 112. The Express is so much more flexible and provides so much great tone I really did not know what I was missing.

It is the perfect combo of price, size, versatility and tone.

Great luck wiht yours.
Yep. Now that I have had the amp for more than a month, I am completely happy with it, especially at the final price of $765. It is definitely a keeper.

The tone is there, and several friends of mine have commented on how great it sounds straight in with no pedals or effects.

Even after I went on to purchase a Roadster head and 4x12 cabinet, I still use the Express 5:25 for jamming and bedroom practice.

I think it is a little on the pricey side brand new ($1149) but at $765 it really is a good deal, especially if you pit it against a Tiny Terror combo or Egnater Rebel-20. This Express is much more versatile, has a great clean tone, and is Made in USA.
I'm about to blow out candles for a second year, and tonight I was jamming with a friend having his big Marshall at his home studio, and he was not laughing at all at the end of the night!
Ha Ha... :mrgreen:
The Express is a real beast! :twisted:
iohanr said:
Yep. Now that I have had the amp for more than a month, I am completely happy with it, especially at the final price of $765. It is definitely a keeper.

Glad you still like it :D It crossed my mind when I got mine that it may be short term love, like that pedal that sounds great in the shop, but after a week it your over it.

After two months with mine I am also completely happy.

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