SED 34's

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cecil 607

New member
Apr 22, 2007
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what do u guys think about SED EL34's. I need to re-tube my 2 channel Dual, and the description on the tube .com(s) sound like what i am looking for.
Basically a nice tight but full bass and a more balanced sound.

I have also heard good things about the tung sol ax7. Any opinions on them?
Try the JJ El34L's from euro tubes .. they are ment to be tighter and a much better bottom end..tung sol are great pre amp tube.. very good for noise and micphonics..
The SED =C= has too much bottom end for me and are boomy, too boomy. I like the Svetlana EL 34's. Easier on the wallet too.
i have heard the Svetlana's are great but kinda classic rock sounding, would u agree with that dennq45 ?
cecil 607 said:
i have heard the Svetlana's are great but kinda classic rock sounding, would u agree with that dennq45 ?

Well since I am 46 years old I am partial to classic rock. I use the Svetlanas in my RKII and both my Riveras. I used to love the SED's but the Svets are my favorite tube. The Svets dont have that crushing bottom end but I use a 4 X 12 cabinet so getting the low end thump isnt a problem.

I like the cleans better with the Svets too. Better detail and has that nice swirling effect. Much smoother brake-up too

I really dislike the JJ's power tubes. Seems like the middle of the road to me. Dont do cleans or distortion real well.

Tung-Sol preamp tubes rock in V1 and V3. The rest use Chinese 12AX7's

If you really want some real bottom thump use the =C= but I find them way too much. You cant go wrong with either the SED's or the Svets. Let us know how you make out.
the tung-sol 12ax7's are a very nice preamp tube, I use them all the time in my ROV v1,v3, balanced v5,,no complaints there.
I read your post a couple hours ago and figured I would go down and
put my SED el34's in to try and compare them to the jj6l6's ive been using for the last month or so. I own the sed el34's,,jj6l6's and
the mesa 6l6's. I swap them around periodically for a different sound when I need something new again. I cant really compare the SED's to any other el34's because I dont own any but I can help a bit comparing them to the jj6l6's ive been using recently.
The first thing I noticed is the SED'S had less bottom end than the jj6l6's, I left all my settings on the amp the same after the swap. The SED'S had a more pronounced mid range to them. I thought the jj6l6's have a better sounding clean though not much better, I was able to improve the SED'S by raising the treble some. After a while of playing I swear the SED;s give my amp a sort of 3d sound to them,,I cant think of a proper way of explaining this,,maybe fuller,rounder,deeper not bass wise. Its hard for me to come up with something better than that but the SEDS's offered something I havent heard from my amp in a while using the jj6l6's. I noticed a poster above said they sounded boomy,,I wont say he is wrong but I didnt find that at all with mine,,matter of fact I thought I might need to add some bass. I thought the SED'S seemed to smooth out my lead sounds some probably due to the mid range they offer,,a bit more like a marshall sound but not dead on. I also noticed pinch harmonics seemed to work really easy tonight but who knows if that has anything to do with a power tube or not,, maybe the atmospheric pressure, is it a full moon??? Anyways I think they are a good choice for some el34's,,I enjoy them. Good luck
lol i enjoyed reading your post Recto rob, and it sounds like you enjoy your amp. Ty for your response Dennq and Shep.

I probably wont change tubes again till they fail after i choose on a set. I am still a little unsure what ones to get, but your input has definitely helped. I will post when i have the set in.

as for the V3 spot, didnt know i needed anything different. I know the V1 is usually an upgraded tube, but why the v3?

thanks for your time
Slight differences in setups I assume.

I am using a RKII head so there is probably a difference there. I am also using a Marshall 4 X 12 cabinet with 2 Greenbacks and 2 Vintage 30's wired in an X pattern. I am using a Les Paul Studio with .09 to .46's so I am sure there is slight differences in sounds there.

The original post was for EL-34's so I didnt compare the 6L6's here. I do use the JJ 6L6's in my Vibro King though but I play this amp mostly clean to a bluesy overdrive.
I just ordered some tubes from doug,,kt77's and some 6l6 TAD's.
I also wanted to order a set of the svetlana el34's because for the $25 you couldnt go wrong,,,I currently own the SED el34's so I asked doug for a comparison of the 2 and he simply said the SED'S are a much better tube in his opinion and stated he thought the svetlana el34's were junk and thinks he may stop carrying them in the future. He also stated as funny as that sounds that contrary to what he thinks of the Svet el34's the Svet 6l6's are really nice.... Anyways to each there own of course
I just thought you would find it interesting,,,good luck

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