Secrets of the Triple Rectifier

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Aug 11, 2005
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I'm looking for the best way to build my Triple Rectifier Rig. I apologize to those of you who LOVE this amp, but I really don't. I really liked my 50 caliber plus with the 5 band eq, but it died. I bought a triple rectifier and have learned to like it... but don't love it. I want a sound that will inspire me to play all day long! I'm looking for suggestions. EQs, Power Soaks, using rack effects (I can't use my 2112 with this amp, it makes a weird noise almost inaudible, but it's there and it doesn't seem to work right)
The Triple rectifier makes my 4 x12 vintage 30s all flubby sounding on Ch 3. The clean channel is way to quite unless you add lots of gain, and there goes the clean that I wanted. Perhaps different speakers? Thanks.
It sounds like you need to work on learning how the gain, channel master, and master output all work together.

EDIT: What're the settings you have dialed in right now? Maybe I can help a little.
I'm just a bit familiar with a Caliber 50+ but these Rectifiers are a new breed of M/B amplification from the Caliber to Mark III (I thnk) and has to be approach differently.

I was in the same shoe as you or similar. I was raised on Fender and M/B Mark II-B (which to me was Fender with more midrange and much more gain, leave the stomp box at home) but when I got my Trem-o-Verb, whole different paradign of amplification.

First set the treble at 12 o'clock, preferably at 11 o'clock. Then adjust the other controls accordingly. Note: Now the presence control now behaves like your treble control.

One of the first problem newbie will encounter (I know i have) on a rectifier series is putting the treble all the way up or 3/4 way up. That's a No-no, your tone will be "bright, mosquito, buzzing distortion".

The treble control govern the other control. It interacts somehow.

I'm not familar with a Dual or in your case Tri Rectifier but be in the second least gain channel / mode. In a Trem-o-Verb, its the red channel / blues mode (or the orange channel High Vintage Gain will also do).

Adjust the gain to your desire and you should be somewhere around a Caliber gain.

Another thing, with your Caliber 50, you probably were able to push the power stage tubes (play loud) without excessively loud and hitting what we called the "sweet spot" and you can't get your TriRectifier to hit that spots. Duh, 150 watts!!!

Someone might chime in and say remove two of the rectifier tube and play with only two power stage tube. Yeah, you will lower the power and SPL but the transformer won't get saturated like a smaller amp does so it doesn't necessarily hit the "sweet spot".

Am I confusing you even more? Hope you learned something from this.

The bottom line, you have to get familiar with your Tri Rectifier.
I loved my triple, but I like my Tremoverb a bit better but they sounded ALOT alike. I ran mine through a Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12 and had no problem with flabby low end. My clean channel was great too, I had it set up like this:
* Gain 12:00
* Treb 11:00
* mid 9:00 to 10:00
* Bass: 10:00 to 11:00
* Pres 10:00
* Master 11:00 to 12:00

For the most part it was very clean but got gritty when I really dug in to the strings.

I had channel 2 set up with Vintage:
* Gain 4:00
* Treb 12:30
* Mid 10:30
* Bass 11:00
* Pres 10:00 to 11:00
* Master: matched my clean

I had channel 3 set up on Raw with about the same settings as my Vintage but with less gain, about 12:00.

That was my main set up for about 7 months until the tremoverb and I loved it for anything from Metal to country to 80s hair rock.
I turned my Dual Rec's BASS control down to 9 o'clock today and noticed a nice tight @ss. Not as tight as my IIC+, but really awesome. Also watch where the TREBLE knob is. It helps tighten it as well. Noon or a little under is great depending on the tubes, speakers, pick-ups etc. :lol:

Also make sure your running it on Silicon Diodes and Bold.

Here is a cool pedal that will do what you need too: (Smooth & Slim)
Dude, Fred, if you don't like the TR and loved the 50 cal, why not sell the TR and find a 50cal on Ebay?

If you are still deterimined to make your TR sound good...what type of music are you playing. I notice the TR had a heavy/darker tone. It's pretty hard to 'lighten' up, but possible.

On ch3, modern, loosen up on the presence and set the master to about 11o'clock, bass-11o'clock, treble 2o'clock, mid-12o'clock, and your gain around 3o'clock depending on how you like it. Also set your rear settings to bold and solid state rect. This should get some dark 'flubbies' out of her. But that's just my ear. :p

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