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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2006
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I've been interested in this thing after hearing that Marty Friedman uses it (used? possibly?) and was wondering since I've never delved into rack gear what I would need if I got this. It's the Sansamp 1.1 I think. Could it be slaved through my Road King? I know that sounds like a sin but...
Yeah, you could definitely do something like that. The, I guess, most 'normal' way would be to just pop it into the effects return of the Road King, a la any other premp. I wish I could remember more about them: I played a rack rig w/ a PSA 1 through some form of Power Amp once, but it was really late at night and I was very drunk, and some dude who lived near where I was staying wheeled it over. I remember it sounding great, though :)
used a sansamp PSA1 for years with my 50/50. Sound great, but the TA is far better !
But there's some sound I can't have with the triaxis that I can have with the sansamp
Yeah I've looked into a TriAxis also. Well Sansamp qualifies as modeling doesn't it? It must be very compressed sounding?
As I can remember it's a bit more compressed than the TA, but not a lot