Rockatron Prophecy

The Boogie Board

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Active member
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Howdy Boogie Board.
So today i went to GC and picked up a Rockatron Prophecy. When i tired it out i loved the metal presets it had and the cleans. Only problem was i had 700 bucks and no power amp to push it. so being the haggling genius i am i got it down from 1.4k to .7k and got some cables thrown in(Brand new too!). Got home plugged it into the Return of my switchable fx loop on mark Iv and A/B boxed it. And let me tell you...It beat my old JSX and Mark Iv combo. with the hit of the Mark Iv fx loop button, im into massive metal territory.

I would recommend this to anyone who is building a rack. it is rockatrons version of the Tri Axis. Sounds glorious.
i also picked up some recording stuff. So expect pics and clips soon
