Roadster wiped the floor with the Roadking!!

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Fair enough. FWIW, I'm more likely to listen to a user who starts his post with IMHO as opposed to "it's a fact that". I can believe it when somebody says "my xxxx amp sucked" a lot more easily than when somebody says "all xxxx amps suck". The latter wreaks of ignorance and arrogance. Stick with what you really know. You can't apply your meager experience with one piece of equipment (or situation for that matter) and really assert that it holds true for everyone else with that equipment (or situation).
I wouldnt say that, I have the roadking, however dont ever use those features as i just have no need for them. And yes i know how to use them all, have used them, just when it comes down to the recto's where designed around 6L6's and that is what i prefer.

Now what we need is the Roadster II, which is just a 6L6 amp with the ability to switch between cabs, then I would be in heaven! Still might not use it all that much, but would be nice to have it there.

kingster911 said:
MetalMatt said:
The Road King and Roadster are much better amps. They are tighter and smoother with more articulation and dynamics than the straight duals and triples. No offence to any of those owners. Mesa is redeeming the old Recto line with these amps.

I agree there is a difference in tone... a slight one. I wouldn't go as far as "wipe the floor" difference between the two, but again it is you personal opinion, I'll respect that. To my ears the Roadster sounded a little more "open" than the Road King. A Road King with 2x6L6+2xEL34 is tighter than the 4x6L6 Roadster. Would this mean a 4xEL34 Roadster is tighter than the 2x6L4+2EL34 Road King? maybe. The Road King has just as much articulation and dynamics, I just have to turn it up more.

I use ALL the function on my RKII. So the Roadster is useless to me.

2britz said:
....Rather than fighting amongst ourselves, let's pick on the Mark IV crowd - LOL.
+1000000 :twisted:

Strange.. I think the RKII sounds pretty **** open. At least because I have a combo. I think people like the Roadster because they're too lazy to understand the bliss of cabinet switching in the Road King, and because it's a little more affordable for a closed-back "tighter" sound. It does have a soundhole though, right?
siggy14 said:
Now what we need is the Roadster II, which is just a 6L6 amp with the ability to switch between cabs, then I would be in heaven! Still might not use it all that much, but would be nice to have it there.

I'd like to see a "Roadking 50". 2x 6L6, 2x EL34, or both together (I guess that makes it a "Roadking 85", huh?). The addition of Simul-class and Class A for the EL34s would be :twisted:

And give me two Brit channels, the second one high-gain for a lead channel.

With or without progessive linkage this would be one bad-to-the-bone amp.
From what I've heard of the Road King amp, it is extremely close to my Roadster. Both are phenomenal amps. I've been impressed with all Mesa amps I have heard, matter of fact...

One last thought:
Tone is in the ear of the beholder!
+1 to MusicmanJP6.

If it sounds good, it is good. And I bet everyone's ideas of what sounds good varies a hell of a lot throughout this board.
CudBucket said:
Maybe so. But you're missing it.
No I'm not, otherwise I would have got the Road King II :p
Seriously, I have absolutely no use for the progressive link setup.

Ciao ...
Symantics. He's saying you don't have it. Which is true. You're saying you don't care you don't have it. Which is true.
metal190 said:
Symantics. He's saying you don't have it. Which is true. You're saying you don't care you don't have it. Which is true.

Exactly. I wasn't even serious. I was just being a 'tard since this thread was started on the rantings of one. That said, I played a Roadster through a Standard 4x12 recto cab last night at GC and thought it sounded great. Was I surprised? No. Why? Because I own an RKII and it's the same amp when I select 6L6's as the Roadster ships with.
Exactly, it has the same preamp section so one would expect that they sound the same as each other when the Roadking II is using 6L6 mode. What was this thread about again? :lol:

Ciao ...
Storm said:
Exactly, it has the same preamp section so one would expect that they sound the same as each other when the Roadking II is using 6L6 mode. What was this thread about again? :lol:

Ciao ...

I believe someone believed the Roadster "wiped the floor" with the Road King II. Funny stuff.
+1 to the last 4 posts. Non-biased, sensical thinkers! The only things to change these amps from one another tone-wise is the backs: Roadster closed RKII open. That and the El's...
So false, there is more to a amp then the pre-amp section, the output section also plays a huge impact on an amp. Now yes with the pre-amp being the same they will sound very simular and some might even sound dead on.

But with the power section, different trannies that each amp use will effect the over all tone. Hell even different preamp and power amp tubes will effect the overall tone.

In one amp they could be biased to a certain degree, say at 32MA's where in the other it could be 33MA's. Yes this difference of 1MA could make a world of difference.

Even if you took out all the same tubes and switched them between amps they could still have a different bias rating, just one resister could have a slightly different tolorance and it will change the Bias by 1MA.

By the way, this resister thing goes for the same with the preamp section that could change the voice slightly, a different tolorance will change the voiceing just so slightly, but most people would never tell the difference.

If you dont know electronics, studied it and understand it, then dont make stupid statements! I use to be CET (ceftified elctronic technician), only reason i say use to be is because you have to renew it every two years and since i got into computers I never did. But with that being said i have the experience to know that slight values can change overall tone.

So as you can see there is alot more difference to these amps then closed back, open back, EL34. And everything will effect tone.

kingster911 said:
+1 to the last 4 posts. Non-biased, sensical thinkers! The only things to change these amps from one another tone-wise is the backs: Roadster closed RKII open. That and the El's...
I so disagree, if anything the roadster will replace the dual rectifier in the end and maybe even the triple. I can tell you i know many professional musicians that use to be dual/triple rec players that have switched to the roadking I when it came out and kept them.

But then again the dual was the beginning of the rec fleet, so maybe they will keep it around for that purpose. But I do not see the roadster or roadking going anywhere anytime soon. They are great amps with many options for a true gigging musician that needs more then a clean and dirty channel.

gearHead said:
The RoadKings/Roadsters are a marketing fad. The Mark series will be here to stay. The plain Dual/Triple Rec. heads will stay as well. I feel that sometimes Mesa OVER-engineers some of their amps trying to give you so much flexibility that something is lost a long the way. I think people need to realize that most of us use the phrase IMHO a lot and opinions are like a$$holes- everyone has one. Don't attack opinions.
I'll split the difference with you- Mesa won't have both a Roadster and a RoadKing in the lineup after too much longer (couple years). I can see the Roadster staying.. Adios RK.
Actually i would think it would be the opposite, if anyone of the two are gonna go it will be the roadster. The Roadking is there flagship and there top of the line recto, still many users out there that love that amp and the different features it has.

I can see honestly see the dual recto's being discontinued and the roadsters will take there place as being the mid line recto and the roadking being the top.

gearHead said:
I'll split the difference with you- Mesa won't have both a Roadster and a RoadKing in the lineup after too much longer (couple years). I can see the Roadster staying.. Adios RK.
siggy14 said:
If you dont know electronics, studied it and understand it, then dont make stupid statements! I use to be CET

Good for you. So if we're not CET we're stupid right? I have ears dude. Most of the things you're going to mention can only be detected by precision equipment. Our ears, more often than not, can't hear the difference.
gearHead said:
I'll split the difference with you- Mesa won't have both a Roadster and a RoadKing in the lineup after too much longer (couple years). I can see the Roadster staying.. Adios RK.

Well if you say so...
Do you not understand the basic concept, different electronics, different transformers, different tubes will change tone. This is not a assumption, it is a proven fact by many experts/professionals.

By the way you will never truly be able to hear the difference in amps till you have them side by side with a switching system that allows you to instantly switch on the demand. The mind plays tricks, so if you have more then 10 seconds between switching of amps it would be impossible to tell the difference.

I have a headtrip unit, which allows me to use two amps into the same cab. With a little tap of my midi board i switch between heads going into one or two cabinets.

When i side by side all my mesa's, two roadkings, rackmount, tremoverb, R0005 ect... all sound slightly different. They all have the recto tone, but there is a slight difference in everyone of them.

Yes i said slight, but if i didnt have the headtrip and i was to take the time to switch out tubes, switch the speaker cable, input cable etc.., most of the times i wouldnt be able to tell the difference.

There is a little thing called ear fatique, you could play one for ten to twenty of minutes, plugged in the next and by that time your ears have come back some so the tone sounds different.

Like i said, only real way to go by "your ears" is to do a side by side with a unit that lets you switch into the same cab, have tubes that are rated exactly the same in each amp, and then you can truly let your ears decide.

CudBucket said:
siggy14 said:
If you dont know electronics, studied it and understand it, then dont make stupid statements! I use to be CET

Good for you. So if we're not CET we're stupid right? I have ears dude. Most of the things you're going to mention can only be detected by precision equipment. Our ears, more often than not, can't hear the difference.

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