Roadster video (for potential buyers)

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Is that an open back cab? I think amps like the Roadster and RKII sound great when running cleans and mid gain stuff through open back cabs. But for high-gain a closed 4x12 like the Mesa Traditional will make your hair stand up.

I originally wanted a Roadster when I heard about them but my dealer got an RKII first so I thought about the progressive linkage and figured I'd spend the additional $600-$700.

I'll have to post a vid of the RKII. I recently got a great deal on a Mesa 4x12 traditional and couldn't be happier with the amp now.

Have you ever played your Roadster through a sealed 4x12?
G.I.G. said:
So true! It makes you wonder why for a couple hundred dollars more, you wouldn't go with a Roadster over a Dual Rectifier. I have a DR but if the Roadster was around back when I bought my DR, I would have definitely gone with the Roadster!

Even though the DR is Mesa's flagship amp....makes you wonder how long it will stay around in the same form that it is now.

Same here. I would have been all over the Roadster in a heartbeat. Don't get me wrong, I love my DR, but with all the other features on the Roadster for only slightly more money, you'd be silly not to get it.
cudbucket: I'm not one for 4x12's so, I've not tried it through one yet. I just have my 3/4 back 1x12 for now.

You all are going to flip when I tell you how much I have in my Roadster. It all started with a medium head Mark IV I found at Starving Musician for $799 (without a footswitch). I grabbed that MIV up, and ended up trading it for a short head w/ footswitch, then traded the short head for my Roadster head! So, long story short - I have about $1050 in my Roadster head (that includes all shipping and the new tubes I put in the short head!). :shock:

I then traded a thiele for the MINT 3/4 back cab I have now (to the same BB member that I did the MIV/Roadster trade with). I'd love to find a 2x12 3/4 back to trade my 1x12 for now... When I was testing cabs, the 3/4 back sounded the best to my ears...
That is one sweet deal you got there!! Good work! I always try and buy smart and have never bought any considerable gear purchase brand new! The only thing i have splurged on was my Roadster head which essentially cost me $1770 used!!...although mint condition...looking back i think the seller might have taken slight advantage of my desperation and location (Australia)! hehe I think the seller was gear_monkey who posts on here. I'm **** happy with it though.

As a matter of interest it was your Roadster video that swayed me into buying it, among many others. Didnt know if i should fork out the extra for a Road King (just to be sure), but figured if you could get kick *** sounds with it through a run of the mill camcorder then i cant really go wrong.
Thanks for the great vid! Now I can't wait to come back home to play with my Roadster! :D Would you mind posting your settings for channels 3&4? I've never really used the Spongy setting before...maybe I should start.
I've changed my settings since I recorded that video, but from memory I think the EQ is all around noon, presence and bass are lower (maybe 10:00 for both) and gain is at about 2:30 - the same goes for both channels IIRC. That should get you close at least! I've since tweaked my settings for channel 4 to include the bass being higher and the gain a tad lower ala Tremonti's 3CH DR settings. Treble and presence are a bit higher too. It's thicker and sounds even bigger now...
Great video. I posted 4-5 videos of my old Roadster head on youtube before I sold it.

I think the buyer might be on this forum.. These are great amps!!!
This was actually one of the videos that helped me make my decision before buying a roadster! among many other things. You got some great sounds, especially through some average videocam.

And gear-monkey i'm the guy that bought your roadster! :D
Small world! I've since sold my Roadster coz it was not getting any more use than what you saw in the video - it never left my living room!

I'm working on editing a new video I made like this one, but with my F-30. It's my new favorite amp with some help from my EQ and Keeley BD-2... Should have it up later tonight...

EDIT: New F-30 video is up...