Roadster video (for potential buyers)

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Greenville. SC
Used my webcam to record a 5 minute clip (after editing) of the Roadster's 4 different channels. I'm not a virtuoso of any kind (and it shows), but I thought the tone was captured fairly well with the mic on the cam. I go through all channels and play a little rhythm and lead for each. This amp is just phenomenal! I hope this will entice others to look at Roadster's more closely...

Take a look:
Nice, the roadster is just unreal, becoming my fav all time amp. I couldn't have been happier with mine
:twisted: :twisted:

Good demo, but I am liking channel 3 on modern as well and running 2 modern channels with different voicings. Oddly enough I have changed my settings to channel one tweed and channel 2 clean.

The tweed channel is VERY cool.

Nice demo, but scary thing, that is only a sample of what it can do.

remember you have 2 other voicings for each channel, and the options for EL34's.
So true! It makes you wonder why for a couple hundred dollars more, you wouldn't go with a Roadster over a Dual Rectifier. I have a DR but if the Roadster was around back when I bought my DR, I would have definitely gone with the Roadster!

Even though the DR is Mesa's flagship amp....makes you wonder how long it will stay around in the same form that it is now.
As Fixxer said, there are many more options than what I deomonstrated. This is just how I am enjoying it at the moment for the most readily available versatility!
sweet video!

Channel 3 and 4 were a little muddy, not sure if that's how you were drivin' it or if it was your pickups. I'm using EMG's, but I guess I prefer more of a brighter sound.

I also noticed you use channel 2 for clean and 1 for your crunch. I actually do the opposite. Do you have a specific reason why?
Matt: might have been the mic on the cam at work or the fact that you are used to actives with your Roadster, but I thought it sounded decent while playing it. :) The audio is compressed some and not as clear as if you were right in front of it. Likely story right?!

I had a hard time getting channel 1 to be ultra clean for some reason, so I put the clean on channel 2 instead. Fixed me right up.

clutch: Sweet! You'll love it...
MusicManJP6 said:
Matt: might have been the mic on the cam at work or the fact that you are used to actives with your Roadster, but I thought it sounded decent while playing it. :) The audio is compressed some and not as clear as if you were right in front of it. Likely story right?!

I had a hard time getting channel 1 to be ultra clean for some reason, so I put the clean on channel 2 instead. Fixed me right up.

clutch: Sweet! You'll love it...

...but I have to convince the wife that I get this one now and then sell my 4x12 and 2ch. I got the feeling if I wait another week, I probably won't get one for another 3 to 6 months. When I talked to Cincy GC they said if I ordered one today the next one would not be until Feb :( I'd hate to go that long without a boogie! Plus it would be fun to A/B the two.

I'm really not worried about my 2ch selling. It's in great shape and was gone over by a tech in August and received a clean bill of health. The tubes are new with the exception of the Rectifier tubes which sound just fine. It hasn't even gone on the bay yet. I do have someome local interested in the cab.

Thanks for your help and guidance. I can only blame you slightly for the GAS :twisted:
There are some tasty licks in that video man, good playing!

You're making me want my JP6 even more :p
Thanks Platypus! You're gonna love your JP6. I've got some different clips of my White JP w/ the D-Sonic that i'll upload in a bit... :)

EDIT: Here ya go!:

Glad I could help with your GAS, clutch! Sounds like you need to move quick unless you want to wait until February! Good luck with the wife... ;) Roses always help in situations like this! Works for a day or two at least (enough time for you to pick up the Roadster!!!)
MusicManJP6 said:
Thanks Platypus! You're gonna love your JP6. I've got some different clips of my White JP w/ the D-Sonic that i'll upload in a bit... :)

EDIT: Here ya go!:

Glad I could help with your GAS, clutch! Sounds like you need to move quick unless you want to wait until February! Good luck with the wife... ;) Roses always help in situations like this! Works for a day or two at least (enough time for you to pick up the Roadster!!!)

****, those are some chops! If you're ever in the Denver area you should swing by and give me a lesson. 8)
steeldragonjovi said:
great recto sounds. What are you running for settings on Channel 4? Bold or Spongy? etc.

Oops - forgot to mention I am using Spongy! I've not gigged with the Roadster yet, but for home use the Spongy setting tickles me to death...
you have 7 channels but you do not have Brit or Tweed modes if I kept up with your recent purchases :D

The Maverick may cover some of that realm though. You ought to post another video, minus the closet. I'll keep the russian judges at home.

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