Roadster- too much all around

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Mar 2, 2008
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I'm looking to sell my Roadster and 2x12 cab that I've had for about a year. It's just too much amp for me - too loud, too many channels, too many options. It was my first high gain tube amp, and I've realized that I'm more of a minimalist with gear - I just want it to sound good. But I spend more time tweaking the Roadster than liking how it sounds.

Are there other Mesas I should check out? I'd like to buy used, under or around 1000 bucks. 2 channels, plenty of dirt, no rectifier models. I play on a LP with PAFs and a PRS Soapbar. Hoping for a good hardcore/punk/thrash high gain tone, nothing too extreme.
alex1564 said:
I'm looking to sell my Roadster and 2x12 cab that I've had for about a year. It's just too much amp for me - too loud, too many channels, too many options. It was my first high gain tube amp, and I've realized that I'm more of a minimalist with gear - I just want it to sound good. But I spend more time tweaking the Roadster than liking how it sounds.

Are there other Mesas I should check out? I'd like to buy used, under or around 1000 bucks. 2 channels, plenty of dirt, no rectifier models. I play on a LP with PAFs and a PRS Soapbar. Hoping for a good hardcore/punk/thrash high gain tone, nothing too extreme.

something from the Mark series perhaps.
Check out the Stiletto.. might be your cup of tea.

I set mine up once and haven't touched the dials after almost a year since those first 5 minutes. It's a very instant gratification amp.
+1 on checking out the Stiletto.

I was in your boat a while ago too..except I had a roadster combo. Great sounding amp...but I had all the same complaints as I could barely carry the thing on my own!

Then I picked up a Deuce II and all those problems went out the window.

My advice is hang onto that 2X12 cab and look into the Stiletto Ace (if you think the roadster was too loud...don't bother with the Deuce/Trident).
Part of the problem is that I don't really like the rectifier style distortion. I should've done more research before buying the amp, but you all know how GAS is...

Barebones, instant gratification is what I'm looking for. More specifically, 1x12 combo, under 50 lbs, easy to dial in, 2 channels, great genuine-sounding saturated crunch for under 1000 bucks. Cleans and clean headroom is important to me (jazz group), but so is that clear, articulate and thick saturated gain tone. Am I asking too much from one amp?

I've been suggested to check out a Peavey JSX and an ENGL Thunder, as well as a Fender Twin/Hot Rod with a tube overdrive pedal.
alex1fly said:
Barebones, instant gratification is what I'm looking for. More specifically, 1x12 combo, under 50 lbs, easy to dial in, 2 channels, great genuine-sounding saturated crunch for under 1000 bucks. Cleans and clean headroom is important to me (jazz group), but so is that clear, articulate and thick saturated gain tone. Am I asking too much from one amp?

I've been suggested to check out a Peavey JSX and an ENGL Thunder, as well as a Fender Twin/Hot Rod with a tube overdrive pedal.

Finding a Mesa combo under 50lbs's is pretty tough. The Express amps might fit your needs, but I'm not sure. I still think your better off with a head because its ultimately more versatile.

I've played the JSX and was quite satisfied with that amp...ultimately the Boogie won me over though. I think the combo version of that amp comes in around 80lbs though.
I gigged a JSX for roughly a year. IMO, if you like that fizzy, compressed, hishy sort of gain style then it's a good amp. I couldn't stand the thing after a while though.

ETA: Try either a Stiletto or a Lonestar. Even the Lonestar Special might be the ticket, but you'll get better clean headroom from the Lonestar Classic.
Yeah from youtube the JSX seems pretty fizzy, compressed, and definitely has that Satch vibe. I'm not sure if I dig it - but I'd have to play it to see.
I've got a JSX and a Retoverb.

The JSX with KT-77's in it and an MXR 10 Band EQ in the loop sounds great.
IT sounds quite a bit different from a Recto (which is why I keep it around).
It does have a bit of a compressed sound and feel to it, but Satch never really plays rhythm so it's set up as a lead players amp.
You really have to spend some time tweaking it. I like mine a lot.
Peaveys have a "voice" to them , just like the lines of Mesa do, so you may get along with it and you may not.
If you do play one for a while set all of the EQ controls at noon and add from there.
I've never played a thunder but I have played an SE.
Hands down my favorite amp that I've ever plugged into.
Unfortunately It's too much cash for my budget.
Y not try a Mark IV? different distortion to a Recto for sure. Tighter and more articulate. Try one out some time :)
If you find the Roadster too loud, don't be surprised if the Stiletto doesn't strike you the same way.

Based on what you say you want, I'll give a big +1 to the DC-3 recommendation and add a Rocket 44 or 440 to the list. These will do the sounds you listed beautifully.
alex1564 said:
I'm looking to sell my Roadster and 2x12 cab that I've had for about a year. It's just too much amp for me - too loud, too many channels, too many options. It was my first high gain tube amp, and I've realized that I'm more of a minimalist with gear - I just want it to sound good. But I spend more time tweaking the Roadster than liking how it sounds.

Are there other Mesas I should check out? I'd like to buy used, under or around 1000 bucks. 2 channels, plenty of dirt, no rectifier models. I play on a LP with PAFs and a PRS Soapbar. Hoping for a good hardcore/punk/thrash high gain tone, nothing too extreme.

check out the splawn line, especially the nitro..... i think they have what your looking for ..... those amps sound so killer..... very very easy to dial in a great tone IME..... the nitro i test drove had the kt77s in it and the voice of the amp reminded me of a combo between a hot rodded marshall and sweet mark iv type rhythm ..... you can get that amp nice and chewy for leads and has a very tight tracking for rhythms

another amp you might want to check out is the vht cl50 or the deliverance.... the deliverance is a little looser but has some killer tone... the cl50 has a great tone for hard rock, metal, and punk..... if you go that route get one with the graphic eq and reverb.... vht makes killer amps
was just checking out craigslist and saw a few vht heads in your price range (jump on this one)
alex1564 said:
How about solid state amps?

Stay away from the dark side Alex. Say no to SS.

Like you I wanted a simple amp that would sound great without hours or days of tweaking. After many amps I've settled on two keepers, Mesa DC-5 and Stiletto Ace depending on what I'm playing. For the simplest, lightest amp of the two I suggest the DC-5. Weighs about 60 lbs, great clean headroom in channel one but with the right adjustments it will break up very nicely. I also like the second channels drive tone as well and the amp is so simple. Plus it has an EQ.

As someone suggested already, the DC-3 would probably work well also. I just prefer 6L6 tubes when a lot of clean headroom is desired. DC-3's use EL84 power tubes.
You have a great amp with the Roadster!!! If you dont like the roadster. I would recommend not going with boogie. It gives you the option to run the amp in 50 watt mode, if thats too loud, then im sure boogie doesnt make an amp that you will like. If there is one thing that is true about boogie amps it would be that they are meant to crank!! If you dont want to crank, and you think your roadster it too loud. Dont ever look at boogie again, or you will be disappointed. People that dont crank their boogie amps dont deserve them!!! sorry for my bluntness!!