Roadster- too much all around

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chris_EIT said:
Y not try a Mark IV? different distortion to a Recto for sure. Tighter and more articulate. Try one out some time :)
...and if you think the Roadster has too many options/dials/channels, then you most certainly spend ALL your time turning dials on the Mark IV. The Mark IV is not the amp for a minimalist.
i disagree severely (but respectfully) with nathan

as i think you know(from here and on the SDUGF), i had a roadster head too .. i was IN LOVE with the tones(never minded knob twiddlin to get all the varieties out of it), but couldnt get on with my bandmates who ragged on me for being too loud (50 W is not that much quieter than 100w) ... the weight was sure a disincentive too ...

i recommend that you go check out the LSS or LSC .. i played an LSS On 5 watts and the tones were KILLER at manageable volumes ... now, it obviously will need a pedal to get brutal gain tones where the roadster had them (and then some) at the tap of a button ... but it did the smooth singing boogie lead tone easily- and the cleans were as spectacular as you'd imagine ... i am also interested in trying the 5:25 when the 1x12" combo hits shelves ... probably try the 5:50 while i am at it too ... both in 5 watt mode, of course

good luck
i still say check out the splawn nitro or quickrod..... from your description theyd be right up your alley.... i'm not sure tonewise other than the stiletto mesa has what your looking in tone.... plus you can get great tone at lower volumes
I really think you should preview a LSC head. I just picked up a short head and it weighs in at around 40-45 lbs. Great cleans and when you want it to overdrive it will. Very warm with tons of headroom. Not too dificult to dial in but very respossive to all tonal changes. If you don't like rectifier overdrive then it offers you the option of silicone diodes. We play allot of jazz, standards and oldies and this amp is perfect.
Why not check out a THD Univalve? I'm very seriously looking at these. Very cool and innovative. Anyone here tried them yet? You can put ANY tubes into them to change the tone and feel. Self biasing. Hot plate built in. Light and under $1000. Oh and class A. The Bivalve let's you put in any combination of 2 power tubes....
Yikes, you're scaring me! I've got a Roadster showing up Wednesday and it's my first Mesa Boogie, so it's a big unknown for me... fortunately, living in the sticks, I've got some space between me and the neighbors so volume won't be too big of an issue.

Another consideration would be a Valvetech VAC which can deliver a fair amount of organic high gain AND a some sweet cleans,,, not too complicated or pricey either.
What about a Rectoverb combo?

IMO - you can dial it down so it's not as "recto" sounding as you might think upon first glance.
Here are the amps I've been suggested to look at:

peavey JSX
ENGL - thunder, screamer
mesa - stilettto, dc series, express, lonestar, rocket
randall g3
splawn - nitro ,quickrod
VHT - cl50, deliverance
THD univalve
Valvetech VAC
Orange Tiny Terror
Fender supersonic

Lots of amps. Any other thoughts on these amps, or other suggestions?
I'd recommend a Studio Preamp with either a 50/50 or 20/20 power amp. You can get a Studio for $400 and a 50/50 for $450 and you'll have a beautiful clean channel and the smoothest lead tone you could ask for. The 50/50 has plenty of low end so you can get real heavy and you'll have plenty of gain.


Here are the amps I've been suggested to look at:

peavey JSX
ENGL - thunder, screamer
mesa - stilettto, dc series, express, lonestar, rocket
randall g3
splawn - nitro ,quickrod
VHT - cl50, deliverance
THD univalve
Valvetech VAC
Orange Tiny Terror
Fender supersonic

man dont listen to anyone and try them out. Everyone hears things differently!! People will usually recommend what they own. Everyone one of those amps above is loud and good at certain things other than the fender supersonic that amp is junk!! Trial and error is the only way to do it. But i will tell you that quality wise you cant beat a mesa boogie, hand made in america, great service. My best friend owns a marshall jcm 2000 and it has plastic knobs, to me that means something. Im a total quality guy not a price. And with any music equipment you pay for what you get.
Glad to know your opinion. Lucky for me I'm a tone-oriented guy, not a bells/whistles/who can make the most superb amp guy. One of the reasons why I don't want the Roadster anymore is because my 200 dollar Spider III actually sounds better to my ears. I'll turn plastic knobs and play digital amps all day long if they sound good - that's all I'm going for. Nice high gain tone in the smallest package possible.
alex1564 said:
One of the reasons why I don't want the Roadster anymore is because my 200 dollar Spider III actually sounds better to my ears.

I don't think there is anything more to say. I have a line 6 hd147...compared to the spider series the hd147 is like diezel amp. As much as I like the hd147 or my previous line 6 amps (spider III 2x12 , flextone XL)...there is no way they can come close to the roadster amp. And if your ear chooses the spider over's time for that regular health checkup!
i've been looking at the ISP Theta lately and for the price (1400 for the head) it looks like a killer amp.... now i know this might be heresy with it being a solid state and all but from the clips i've heard the amp really cooks.... its only 2 channels but with its pre-preamps (awesome concept BTW) you basically get 4 channels..... again i've never played one so i'm only going off of clips and reviews but it may be an option
vertigo_ said:
alex1564 said:
One of the reasons why I don't want the Roadster anymore is because my 200 dollar Spider III actually sounds better to my ears.

I don't think there is anything more to say. I have a line 6 hd147...compared to the spider series the hd147 is like diezel amp. As much as I like the hd147 or my previous line 6 amps (spider III 2x12 , flextone XL)...there is no way they can come close to the roadster amp. And if your ear chooses the spider over's time for that regular health checkup!

Yup, something must be wrong with me, not liking the one Mesa amp that I've had experience with. I'll ring the doc.
vertigo_ said:
alex1564 said:
One of the reasons why I don't want the Roadster anymore is because my 200 dollar Spider III actually sounds better to my ears.

I don't think there is anything more to say. I have a line 6 hd147...compared to the spider series the hd147 is like diezel amp. As much as I like the hd147 or my previous line 6 amps (spider III 2x12 , flextone XL)...there is no way they can come close to the roadster amp. And if your ear chooses the spider over's time for that regular health checkup!

Yup, something must be wrong with me, not liking the one Mesa amp that I've had experience with. I'll ring the doc.

Thanks again to everyone who gave real suggestions! :)
cool - as long as you've found the tone that inspires your playing ... go for it!

i can relate ... i replaced my roadster with a blues junior (modded) and a zendrive pedal (soon to add either a crunch box or twintube classic) ...

Alex I really think you should check out the Stiletto...

It was pretty much born to be played with LP's with PAFs.. match made in heaven. The fluid drive mode has more than enough gain for you and it's so much easier to dial in than a recto that it's silly. You literally cannot find a bad setting anywhere in the dials no matter what.. even running everything at noon is perfect.

I would give that a shot first and let us know what you like/dont like about it and perhaps we can tailor suggestions based on that... but based on what you said and my own experience (owned a DR for years) I think you'll get along swimmingly with the Stiletto.