Roadster - that Brit mode (channel 2)....

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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Hertfordshire, UK
Just wondered if anyone would care to share their settings for this seemingly cursed channel?

try as I might, I just can't get a good sound out of it.

My settings for the channel change daily as I'm just not happy with it, however , I'm current running the treble and presence higher as, pure some advice I read online. I've also tried boosting it with a Keeley SD-1, with little success. it still just sounds thin and weak :(

The other channels are great - but channel 2? Grrrrr!

All advice appreciated!
Are you finding the same thing between your Fender and your LP? I play a strat through my roadster and I like the brit mode. It's a darker, fatter sounding strat with Kinman AVN blues pickups. You are correct that the treble and presence are up there; between 1:00 and 3:00. Bass is down around 10:00 and mids at 11:00. Gain is at noon and same for the master. It works for me; but it's mostly rhythm with a bit of an edge. It's not a Marshall tone, but it's a good tone. It will never sound like a marshall.
i coulnd´t find well sounding settings for brit mode as well. i was looking for some kind of JCM800 crunch sounds, no way on brit mode to get it close to marshall.
so i tried the channel 1 tweed mode with gain turned up very high - guess what - that´s the sound i was looking for!
now i use channel 2 in "fat" mode as my main clean sound and channel 1 "tweed" as my 800-like sound - and it´s perfect!
btw. i use the roadster with EL34 power tubes.
I wasn't entirely happy with Brit until I put EL34s into the power section, now I use it all the time.

As joe web said Tweed on 1 is awesome too, try that and use ch 2 for a cleaner sound.
The moment that you let go of the idea that 'Brit = JCM 800' and understand that 'Brit = Plexi' is the moment that you will begin to understand what to do with the mode.

Till then, you're going to struggle.

I'm talking a stock plexi.
Not a hot-rodded, modded, or variac'd plexi. And not a plexi with a pedal in front of it. Just a plexi.
That being said, it takes a pedal great, and sounds guessed it.... a plexi with a pedal. Not a JCM 800.

Brit mode on my old Roadster sounded nothing like any Marshall model, just imo. Very frustrating mode, a pedal did help it become a bit more palatable though.

Reading the comments about the tweed mode in channel 1 though makes me wish I had experimented with it more before I sold it off. :D
Thanks for all the suggestions guys - I'll have to have a play about with using Channel 1 as my light crunch and see if that's any better :) Silly as it sounds, I hadn't thought of doing that lol
guitarbloke said:
Thanks for all the suggestions guys - I'll have to have a play about with using Channel 1 as my light crunch and see if that's any better :) Silly as it sounds, I hadn't thought of doing that lol
as told before, i was happy with the brit mode as well, had a really nice clean sound on channel 1 tweed and one day i just turned up the gain - i was like "wow, that´s the sound i was looking for!"
so i set up channel two to match 99% of the clean sound of channel one and let tweed be my 800 style sound.
just give it a try!
I always thought the Brit mode on the Roadster was like a gained up JTM45 more than anything. Could get it similar to a JTM45 if I turned down the gain. IMO, most underrated mode alongside the raw modes...
I also use channel 1 Tweed/Channel 2 Fat.

At home Brit is too abrupt a change for me, although I suspect Brit mode would work really well with a full band where the bassist holds down the low end which keeps the channel switching sounding more consistent.
I think the pickups of the guitar really send Brit And tweed into another place. A few of m guitars are loaded with P90s and they sound much crunchier than some others I have
as most of you guys i use my channel 2 as clean... and the tweed mode for crunchy sounds... and if i wanted a crunch sound i would problably use the raw mode in channel 3...
now i will have to use the brit mode coz i'm playing a Zeppelin gig and that mode sounds to me like a matchless or orange amp...
i'm using the 6L6s
I use the brit mode for a gritty clean tone and push it with an OCD or GT OD for more gain. I usually have a ton of gain on channel 3 in vintage mode to get something with tons of sustain that contrasts nicely to channel 4 modern setting.
edub said:
I use the brit mode for a gritty clean tone and push it with an OCD or GT OD for more gain. I usually have a ton of gain on channel 3 in vintage mode to get something with tons of sustain that contrasts nicely to channel 4 modern setting.


I use CH2 Brit for gritty rhythm (rolling stones), CH3 Vintage for the Zepplin, CH4 for foo fighters etc.
Funny, I was going to post almost the same concern with the Brit mode LOL
Let me preface by saying that I'm a lifetime Marshall guy that appreciates the thick rectifier distortion. I dabled with a 3ch DR about a year ago and realistically had too many amps a too little time to utilize them, so sold it. Never spent alot of time with it, but it was a monster no doubt. So fast forward to about a month and a half ago and in a 3 way trade, I unloaded my JVM410H for a dead mint Roadster head. I'm REALLY liking the Roadster so far. I've gigged with it twice and seems like a real versatile beast. The bottom end of the Roadster completely crushes the JVM.
I'm running it through the same Marshall 1936 cab as I ran the JVM with a G12T75 and WGS Veteran30.

I've been playing around with it for since I brought the Roadster home a month and a half ago and found that the Ch2/Brit mode sounds much better in 50w/Spongy modes. I've also found that the Middle and Presence controls do almost least in Bold mode. The Gain and Treble knobs change the entire character of the channel as well as the guitar you're playing.

Ch3/CH4 are sweet. Nothing wrong with those. Straight Rectifier awesomeness.
Am I the only one running Ch3 in Modern mode? I tried Vintage for a while, but I'm a gain freak and my band usually plays stuff heavy.

I'm definitely going to run home after work to play with the Channel 1 Tweed mode now, too!

Thanks and happy to be a Boogie guy again!