Roadster Retube - now ive got the fizzy distortion! :(

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Jan 17, 2008
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I recently decided to change the tubes in my Roadster (as it hadnt been done since I bought it) to find out my tone had actually changed for the worse. I bought 4xSED 6l6s, a tungsol (V1), JJ high gain (V2), penta (V3), shuang-something (V4) and a sovtek LPS for V5 through Dougs tubes. Anyway my beef with this tube selection is that it seems to have introduced that 'fizzy' high gain sound common to the dual rec's! This is most unwanted and i had never noticed it at all with the mesa tubes. The distortion used to be thick and cutting but clear, now it seems to be thick but with that fizzyness to it. The new tubes also introduced more treble, which isnt unwanted, just an observation. For comparison the tubes in there before were the STR440s (Ruby's) and all Russian 2's except V3 which was a chinese 1 or 2.

Anyway my question is does anyone know what this 'fizzyness' may be due to, tube wise? I'm not to keen on spending $150 on tubes to end up keeping them in the cupboard. I'm hoping this can be fixed or remedied somehow. The amp still sounds great but the fizzyness is noticable and quite annoying. Like a bee living behind the speakers or something to that effect.

Does anyone have any advice?
Thanks in advance
It's most likely in the preamp tubes. I'd start by replacing all the original preamp tubes and try it out to make sure it's not the power tubes. Then I'd start replacing the preamp tubes one at a time, playing after each exchange. This way you should be able to identify which position creates the fizz.

Also call Doug on Monday and explain the problem. I'm sure he's dealt with this before.
Personally, I HATE the Tung Sol as a V1 tube...actually, as a preamp tube in general. Many guys here swear by it, but to my ears, it has way too much of a fake treble.

The SEDs are great tubes, so it's definitely in the preamp.

I'd pop the stock preamp back in there, and keep the SEDs...that should give you the best tone out of what you have!