Roadster Pre-Amp Tubes

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Mar 9, 2010
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So, its finally time to do something with my Roadster 212 Combo preamp tubes. Lost my tone, and the power tube change didn't bring it back this time. So, I've done a little research, I understand the various functions of each pre-amp tube, and have made the following selections:

V1: Tung Sol Reissue
V3: Penta Shuguang Select
V4: Tung Sol Reissue
V5: Penta Shuguang Select
V6: Tung Sol Reissue

So, does this seem like a good setup? Any suggestions?

While I'm waiting on tube delivery, I also need to figure out which preamp tubes are which. Lookin at the back of the amp, is V1 the one on the left closest to the rectifier tubes, or the one on the right behind the guitar input jack? Are they in order V1-V6, or are they in some other strange order?

I also tried to pick up some old used RCA 12AX7 tubes. They arrived today, and I'm worried. Instead of the nice gray plates, these are sort of semi-shiny black, like they are burned or somethin. Also, instead of a nice halo getter, these have some goofy looking d-shaped deal. I think that I may have messed up and bought the wrong ones. At least I didn't pay too much for them.....

Thanks for the help!


Simple Gear: Roadster 212 Combo w/ Hotplate, Jackson SL1 USA Soloist, and Electroharmonix analog pedals. Who needs more?
I love the breakup of the Chinese tubes, but I hate how they deaden the attack of your picking. At least thats what they do in my Recto. I have tried and tried them in ever position in ever combination and just cant get them to feel right.

The combination I always go back to is a Mullard in V1 with EH's in V2 and V3. Chinese in V4 for the loop and a balanced Tung-Sol in V5.
V1 is going to be closest to your input jack and they go in order from that point. The last preamp tube closest to your output tubes is your phase inverter and is what links the preamp stage to the output stage.

My Roadster sounds PERFECT with a Tung Sol in V1, and Mesa Russian AX7s (Electro-Harmonix) in the rest.
Hey dudes!

Thanks for the advice! Gotcha on the tube order: V1 on the right closest to the input jack, going in order to V6 on the left near the recto Tubes.

I got the rest of my tubes today. Can't wait to start experimenting -- we'll see if I like the Tung-Sol or the RFT better in V1.

Oh, and BTW -- I was joking about thinkin that he RCA's are wrong - I definitely scored on some vintage good used legendary long black plates with a D-getter from the late fifties. Can't wait to see how they sound too -- some claim that they provide one of the best tones of all time, right up there with Amperex and Mullard.

Anyone who doesn't want their Mesa Russian 2s in good condition, feel free to give them to me. I'll pay for shipping... :lol:
Arent those just JJ's? Theres an auction of 6 Mesa Russian-2's on ebay right now.
Well, they look at lot more like those Sovtek/EHs really. Never liked them JJs in Mesas personally. YMMV...
The auction you posted actually has a mix.

The ones that are actually labeled Russian 2 are Electro-Harmonix. I am 100% sure of them.

The ones that aren't labeled (that just say 12AX7-A and nothing else) are supposed to be JJ's. Don't like those at all personally.