Roadster Channel switchin pop issue

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
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Hi, I have been looking at getting a new amp, the roadster specifically, but keep reading of this pop issue. I played it multiple times at guitar center, through a tradtional 4x12, and if i manually switch channels (using the knob) it pops no matter what channel im going to or from. I hooked up to the footswitch and it does the same. It appeared to be only from channel 1/2 to channel 3/4 (or reversed) that is going from 1 to 2 made no real issue, or 3 to 4. If I went from "clean" to "distorted" channels it made pops everytime. I tinkered with the gain, reverb, fx loop, and wattage settings but nothing seemed to help. I went and played a 5150 III, JSX, used trip Rec, new dual Rec, and none of them pop while switching channels. (the trip rec was the only one with a footswitch avail, but that shouldn't matter) I have also been testing out the Framus Cobra, and that has not given me any pop noises while switching between channels, again did not use the footswitch though.

All of the amps I had set up in some way for heavy gain, and a nice clean to test this with. I really want to get the Roadster, but its unacceptable to have a pop like that, especially for 2Grand. Has anyone actually gotten this fixed? So there is NO pop, not just "well i switch the channels and it mostly goes away." Recording wouldnt be a huge issue since i can switch and set the amp to sound how i want, but in a live mic'd situation that pop would go through the PA and make a horrible addition to the song.

If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it. I'm also open to suggestions on other amps to look at. I really like the channel 4 modern sound. (hence the desire for a rectifier)

also, I own a 5150II, and can switch seemlessly between all channels.

thanks in advance.
I think I remember reading somewhere that it's a static electricity build-up somewhere in the amp that causes the pop. I also seem to recall reading about a remedy, but I can't remember what it is. That happens on my RoadKing too, but not all the time, and it isn't very loud. It's not proportional to the volume, it's always pretty quiet. So if you're playing loud, it shouldn't even be noticeable.

But yeah I agree that having a pop coming from a $3500 amp is kind of like ""
The pop is a static charge built up inside the switching relays.

This works for me:

Use the "Standby Shuffle", that is to cycle through all the channels while in standby, ending in Ch 3. Use this every time before you come out of standby.

At gig levels the pop is pretty much non-exisitent. At low "bedroom" levels however the pop is loud and annoying, but I did not by a Recto for "bedroom" levels. At home I'll use a Hot Plate so I can keep my amp settings at gig levels and there's no pop.

I think the amp has finally broken in after ~9 months of 6-8 X per month of being played at band levels.

Same here. At bedroom levels it's f&*$%ing annoying but when played at gig levels you don't even notice it.

Bob Rock
I do the "Standby Shuffle" on my RKII. It pops only once and it's over with. It only happends going to ch3.

I agree with you 100%. The pop is not acceptable considering the price.
The pop issue is annoying like everyone else has said, but only at bedroom volumes. So long as you come out of standby with tuner mute ON, switch quickly between channels, and then switch quickly again once you're out of mute and you will have no issues for the rest of the night. This is what I've found to work the best. A quick 30 second fix that is not a big deal doesn't seem like a big reason to not buy the roadster in my opinion. You can't get this kind of sound without going mesa.

Quite frankly, this amp could hit on my girlfriend and I wouldn't care. Its sound is just that good.
I've not tried the standby shuffle along with the tuner mute. Might have to try it. I'm not too worried about the popping though really...
I've gigged a few time with it and nobody's noticed the popping, not even me! Once your full band is playing, any popping will blend in pretty good, i have my amp right behind me and have never noticed it at a gig yet. Its not that big a deal, just gets talked about alot. Kinda like having a small chip in the paint on the back of a guitar, you know its there and it may bother you, but for the most part nobody else gives a ****.
When I had mine, I could get rid of the pop's by powering on (leaving in stand-by) and then pressing each button on the footswitch (1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4) and then when I took it out of stand-by, the pops weren't there.

try that?

Also, as mentioned above... it's not that noticable in a gig level band situation.
I kept reading about the pop issue but I got mine recently and it doesn't have the pop issue at all :? Dunno why it's different from roadster to roadster like that.

Actually it pops once when you switch to 3rd channel when you first power up. After that, no pop from any channel to any channel in any volume!

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