Reverb options for Stiletto Ace Combo

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Jan 1, 2007
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I've tried a two ways to get reverb into the ACE:

A Lexicon Alex that I just didn't find satisfactory and a Trex roomate reverb pedal. The Trex pedal is great so far and have run both in the effects loop and in front of the amp. No real spring type sound though.

Anybody have any other options

place it into a swimming pool (release the water first) or into a hall.

I use a Boss analog delay just barely tweaked up . Its not exactly a reverb sound but its sounds fantastic .
I have a Line 6 Verbzilla, which is nice and clean, but I am still somewhat undecided on it because it seems to drop the volume slightly when played through the loop.
Barry said:
I use a Boss analog delay just barely tweaked up . Its not exactly a reverb sound but its sounds fantastic .

Same (DD-3) Sounds pretty good. Some guys on here swear by the Holy Grail and it is much cheaper than the T-Rex.

The problem with the delay pedal is that if you get a good setting on it with a heavily overdriven sound when you switch to a clean or semi-clean setting the delay "opens" up and there is too much of it. It is hard to find that happy meduim with just one setting. I like a tad of delay with lead tones and a nice reverb with clean tones.

Let us know what you end up doing :D I wish the Stiletto Ace had some of that beautiful Lonestar reverb :(
cvansickle said:
I use a t.c. electronic G-Major to provide the reverb with my Ace.


But as someone above mentioned, I also like just a touch of delay... I actually prefer that to verb. Really fills things out and not really noticable.
kselbee said:
cvansickle said:
I use a t.c. electronic G-Major to provide the reverb with my Ace.


But as someone above mentioned, I also like just a touch of delay... I actually prefer that to verb. Really fills things out and not really noticable.
After reading your post, I went back and checked all my presets. I discovered that most of them didn't have the delay turned on at all! I experimented, and found that some of my really heavy settings sound even better with a 10% mix delay, pin pong, at 186 ms. Like you said, just a touch so that you can hear what it's doing, without making you sound like The Edge!
I have a Peavey Valverb in my Triaxis rack. Sounds great. You would like it much better than digital units. They're only about $300 used if you can find one.
Van Amps sole mate you run it in line with your pedals, the last in the chain. Awesome! Real Verb.