Retubing my F-50 head.

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Active member
Apr 3, 2008
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I am about to retube my F-50 head for the first time. I bought it used and it seems to have some kind of cheaper tubes but it still sounds good. I usually use JJ tubes. Is this about the best route I can go for the price for my amp?
miqueas92 said:

Talk to Doug about what you want as far as tone goes and he can help you out.


From what i've read it doesn't matter what you tell Doug he's going to send you the same 'doug's set' as he sends everyone else...
Mike Kropotkin

I have been very happy with everything I have gotten from Mike.
I just retubed the rectifier and power tubes in my Blue Angel with a NOS Mullard GZ34, and Mesa 6V6's and EL84's tubes. Sounds great.

Couldn't order new ones today though. Mesa was very busy, I kept getting a voice mail, so I ordered them from Eurotubes.

I like Mesa tubes. My Blue Angel went 8 years on the originals.

Best of luck.

If it were me I would go with a set of JJ6l6's from either Doug or Bob @ Euro Tubes. Plain and simple.
Well, NOS types of rectifiers usually last forever, but to be on the safe side I was told about 3 to 5 years with the new ones.
ok I appreciate that cause I just ordered 5 sets of 6L6's and 1 set of el 34's for the RK and 3Rectfier and forgot the rectifier tubes
lttoler said:
Anyone else like the Mesa branded tubes?

The new Mesa tubes are actually relabeled JJs that have been tested or 'certified' by Mesa (basically hit with a hammer twice). They sound great.

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