[Retubing a Triple Rec.] - Need help on tube characteristics

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Mario Verkerk

May 6, 2011
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Hello fellow Mesa enthusiasts,

My 2005 Triple Rectifier needs new tubes. I own and play the amp for about 2 years now and I think it's time to re-tube.

At first I wanted to just put all Tung Sol tubes in the preamp and Sovtek 6L6WXT+'s in the power section. But I decided to do a little more research before ordering tubes. Sidenote: I know about the V1 and V5 'special' tubes and I don't believe in gold-pins ;-)

I keep reading things about mixing tubes... The most extreme case I came across was a mix of 2 6L6's, 2 KT66's and 2 6550's in a Triple rec.
For the power section I like the sound and feel of 6L6's. Last year I had EL34L's in my amp, but didn't like that so much (I sold that tubes btw).

Now I'm looking for a great mix in the preamp.
Can someone give me some guide lines or 'handles' if you will, in my search for great tone?

I know a thing or 2 about tubes and tube amps in general but any advice is welcome!
Hello, and Welcome to The Board.

I do not like the practice of mixing powertubes on an amp that was not designed for such. You need an understanding of how the tube amplifier (and the tubes) operate and be able to take specific measurements to be sure you are doing it correctly.

As far as the preamp goes (12AX7's), mix and match to your liking, just be sure to keep New Sensor Corp. products out of the cathode follower positions (V3 & V4 on the Triple Recto). New Sensor brands include Sovtek, Electro-Harmonix, Tung-Sol (re-issue) & Mullard (re-issue). These brands have been known to fail in cathode follower usage. Read more here: http://www.forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25102&start=19

I hope this helps.

Try a 5751 in one of the gain stages to reduce fizz on the lead channel. As far as power tubes go I like Ruby's.

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