Red Barchetta has switched to the Mark V

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Red Barchetta

Well-known member
Feb 22, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans Area
Hello all! It's been a while since I posted regular-like...but now that I've switched from my trusty Roadking 1 to the Mark V...I figured I'd come stick my .02 in. Only had the amp about 12 hours so far...but wow. This think kicks! I will do an in-depth soon, and I'm sure I'll be around gleaning any and all information I can get from you typing...I'm going to play my Mk V! (yes, I know it's 3am...and I just don't care!)

i have done the exact same switch and somehow ended up selling my roadking a couple days ago which i originally had no intentions of but with an offer that only put my mark only 200$ away from being paid for, i could not turn it down. another 200$ for tubes and have a killer amp at an even better price!!

i spent quite a few hours today digging in it and especially focusing on the IIc+ voice. took an hour and a half but finally got a kick *** tone dialed in. really liked the IV voicing but been unhappy with the IIc+.....until now anyway!!! discovering the pentode/triode switch on the back for channel 3 made a big difference.

also channel 2's crunch voicing just makes me giggle it sounds so good!!

my road king sounded a bit sad after getting some hours into this amp dialing it in.
I agree that the MarkV shits all over the road king.

At the moment I am using the Mark IV mode with Preset EQ on 12oclock for my rhythm sound, Mark I with sliders (to get rid of the bass flubb) for my lead tone
and the clean mode on channel 1 for my cleans.

There are so many ways you can use this amp to get metal tones it is unreal! You can use crunch mode with an OD pedal for your rhythm or lead tone, Mark IIC+
for your rhythm or lead tone and IV and extreme for differently voiced rhythm tones.

I seriously think that a metal album tracking just the MarkV in different modes would be insane. It would sound like 3, 4 or 5 amps were used. There is no way I would ever get rid of this amp. It is exactly what I have been looking for ever since I first picked up an electric guitar in 1993.

This will be the ultimate road amp. I want to hear a metal band with 2 MarkV's in use where different modes are used by each guitar. If only I could convince the other player in my band to spend the $6000AUS and get one too.
I had intended on keeping my Road King too...but my cousin is coming over in 1 hour to buy it! He's gonna be happy, I'm gonna be happy, looks like it'll all work out!!!

Red Barchetta said:
Hello all! It's been a while since I posted regular-like...but now that I've switched from my trusty Roadking 1 to the Mark V...I figured I'd come stick my .02 in. Only had the amp about 12 hours so far...but wow. This think kicks! I will do an in-depth soon, and I'm sure I'll be around gleaning any and all information I can get from you typing...I'm going to play my Mk V! (yes, I know it's 3am...and I just don't care!)


Congratulations on the new Mark V. I love the hell out of mine, it just rips!
Congrats! I received my head juin 11th and I am in tone heaven since then. I am still discovering all the possibilities of the amp. It seems to be endless...

Have fun my friend!
Figured I'd resurrect this old post almost a year to the day I got my MK V. In a nutshell, all I can say is OMG! This amp is awesome. I am playing quite the variety of music on it...some you may not expect. I retired my old classic rock band after 11 years about two months before I got the MK V. I started a new band that plays Beatles, Stones, Byrds, Dylan, Petty, Wilburys, etc etc. We use a lot of vintage guitars and amps, period correct. My MK V is the newest amp in the stable by about 40 years. I am (and think you would be too) surprised at how well I can ape the sounds of the vintage Vox, Fender, and Ampeg combos we are using...this amp has been wonderful for all that, especially on CH 1 and 2. I find ch3 with the MK IIc+ setting is about the most versatile...I can rock the vol pedal way down and have an edgy clean sound that roars up to the sky when I dime it. I'm loving it. The only drive pedal I use with this amp is a Fulltone OCD...and not too often, as the amp has such awesome drive on it's own.

I am also covering a lot of Rush and Pink Floyd with it...especially Rush, and the MK V is simply stunning.

Overall, the only thing I may be changing is switching from my loop-master fed stompbox pedalboard to maybe a TC Electronics G-System. I just need to do a little more research.

Anyway, that's it in brief. Love this amp. If you haven't made up your mind to get one or not, just get one. You won't be sorry.

Red Barchetta said:
Overall, the only thing I may be changing is switching from my loop-master fed stompbox pedalboard to maybe a TC Electronics G-System. I just need to do a little more research.

I recently picked up a G-System, and I'm loving every minute of it.
SteveO said:
Red Barchetta said:
Overall, the only thing I may be changing is switching from my loop-master fed stompbox pedalboard to maybe a TC Electronics G-System. I just need to do a little more research.

I recently picked up a G-System, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Steve, If you'd take some time to write me a message with how you're plugging it into your amp, etc, I'd appreciate it....

Red Barchetta said:
SteveO said:
Red Barchetta said:
Overall, the only thing I may be changing is switching from my loop-master fed stompbox pedalboard to maybe a TC Electronics G-System. I just need to do a little more research.

I recently picked up a G-System, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Steve, If you'd take some time to write me a message with how you're plugging it into your amp, etc, I'd appreciate it....


I'm running the preamp of the Mark V through the insert loop of the G/S, and switching only the channels via the relays (I never use the EQ switch, anyway, and the G/S has a boost so I don't need the Solo function). I have a Nova Drive in Loop 1, a Radial ToneBone Classic in Loop 2, and a TubeWorks Real Tube II preamp in Loop 4 (which is what I'm using the other G/S switching relay jack to control).

The way I have it set up is for a five channel system, using the three channels of the Boogie and the two main channels of the Tube Works preamp. I programmed five basic patches for switching and routing templates, then set about tweaking from there.

The absolute coolest feature for me with the G/S is having the Nova Drive integrated into it- it appears in the G/S parameter menu just like all the other effects when linked up with the TC MIDI pigtail. I have various boosts in different presets depending on which channel of which preamp I am using the boost on, and it works VERY well with the Boogie. I can get the Clean mode of channel one to sound very much like the Tweed mode, which gives me the ability to have those two tones available via footswitching. Actually, I'm probably going to yank the Tube Works pre out of the system, because as I get more familiar with the tone shaping of the two TC units I am finding the second preamp to be unnecessary to get those additional tones.

In short, adding the TC units brought me right back to that original honeymoon feeling that I had when I first brought home the Boogie. :)

If you have any specific questions that I didn't address, ask away. :)
Red Barchetta said:
I started a new band that plays Beatles, Stones, Byrds, Dylan, Petty, Wilburys, etc etc.

Very cool!!!

I'm in an outfit playing the same and the MV definitely excels and hits these classic
sounds just fine. I got mine in April and I'm glad to read about everyone still enjoying
these after a years worth of playing.

I think I'm out of my honeymoon phase and she's definitely a keeper for me.
Before purchasing my MarkV combo last November I had been playing through a hand tuned and factory modded Fuchs ODS-50 combo exclusively for about five years. Inall that time the only amp to draw enough of my interest to even consider a purchase was the MkV. After an impromptu MkV demo while purchasing strings I was quite sure I would end up purchasing one. ...and did so the following month. Since its arrival the MkV has seen as many hours of use as the Fuchs. Both are keepers and there's almost no crossover between them - very different amps. After a few years with the Fuchs I sent it back to Andy for some factory mods and to have a few attributes tweaked to ideally suit my approach to the instrument. The MkV offers so many widely variable parameters that I am able to make adjustments via user controls to tweak the amp to ideally suit my playing as well. I'm still finding new tones and textures more than six months later. The MarkV is an amazing amp!

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