Rectverb build quality

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2006
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I cant help but notice the large amount of post here which all consist of Rectoverb problems,ratteling tubes,reverb you name it its been posted here,I have never played a rectoverb(and quite honestly dont think I want to),No offence to the die hard verb fans out there but I think the build quality of these amp are not as controlled as other mesa amps judging by the amount of problem posts there are here

Anybody agree,I think I will stay well away from this series,I was thinkin about one a few years back as I use alot of reverb on my cleans and love rec's but Im some what glad I didnt

Just what I have picked up on from this forum,may not be true bit it does look like this is Mesa's deserted son

Yeah i don't know what the deal is because i've had a rectoverb for over 3 years and never had one single fact i would say my recto's build quality far surpasses most other company's out there and has pretty much sold me on mesas.......
See I cant understand this,why is there so many people who have problems with them,Is it they are pushing them too hard and what they really need is a Dual or Triple Rec,somethin with more power,I do belive these are 50watt heads yeah
I wouldn't say people have problems, I'd say it's just finding an acceptable tone from what I've read here. I have a rectoverb, solid amp, but I do occasionally have to do some fine tuning.
Well, I've had my rectoverb series II for about 8 months now, and the only issue I have with it is the vibrating tube that's real annoying since I only play at home and never crank the amp past 1/3 of the output, so the vibrating tube is very audible.
My girlfriend just bought a Solo head 50 with a 2 X 12 recto cab and I must admit I'm a bit jealous. I "may" eventually sell my combo to get a head and cab. Or save myself mucho $$$ and just buy a cab and play my rectoverb combo through that.
Mostly all the problems with rectoverbs I've read about were with the combo version though. Heads seem more reliable, as they always are.
I don't think Mesa skimps on what some may consider the entry level Rectifier, or for that matter, any of their product? If anything, it's the quadruple channel monsters that have been more prone to problems!
well, apparently I have a series I recto and other than the lack of reverb, the amp is ROCK solid. Its so freakin' loud that I've never been able to get to a 1/3 of the output because its so damned powerful! Now, maybe if I played bigger clubs, I would experience the full force of this baby... but just the typical 100-300 capacity gig, I have to keep it choked down quite a bit. Just really disappointed with the reverb. Looking into accutronics for a replacement. I'd much rather have an outboard tank much like the Fender Twins. They supposedly (and probably do) have the exact model (type 4) installed in the Twins. I plan on trying this out.
its funny you started this thread because just yesterday I started another about a problem with static on my rectoverb. It took a lot of messing around with but in the end it was a shotty guitar cable. Two of them for a matter of fact,,,those cheapos from GC. Thats my fault,,,thought they were just fine,,,at least for the first 6 months or so.
Anyways, Id hate to sound like iM defending the rectoverb because I really dont care what anybody thinks,,,You will never know me anyways.
But a rattling tube can hardly be the amps fault. I must admit that the reverb isnt the lushest out there,although not the worst either. Its a bit miss leading in my opinion that boogie name the thing rect-o-VERB and put in a verb that doesnt standout like its name.
But all in all for the 6 months that I have owned her,,,she has been a delight to play with no probs what so ever. I also have noticed since reading through this forum that most,,,not all,,but most posters are asking about problems of one sort or another about their particular amp and it seems that its about even to me for every series. One more thing is I have learned by reading these that everybody including myself are all after that perfect tone from that perfect amp..There just isnt one out there. Everybody likes something different. If they all like the same amp then some will want better cleans,,,more gain,,more headroom,more VERB,more yadayadayadayada... It never seems to completely end.
I understand it just seems latly that these amps have not been in great shape by the number of post with problems,there are alot to do with duals but they are normally tonal questions and that is a problem that will never end,we will always seek that grailtone,these amps are always great sounding but is there build quality as great as even there bigger sisters the Duals there isnt many(as much)posts here about malfunctioning Duals its normally malfunctioning player(hehe)who are seeking a different sound by placing different tubes or speakers in it...I dunno it just came to me this morning that whilst I was trolling through this section a mass majority of posts were complaints about the rectverbs

Sorry to offend verb fans out there :(
mesanomad100 said:
I cant help but notice the large amount of post here which all consist of Rectoverb problems,ratteling tubes,reverb you name it its been posted here,I have never played a rectoverb(and quite honestly dont think I want to),No offence to the die hard verb fans out there but I think the build quality of these amp are not as controlled as other mesa amps judging by the amount of problem posts there are here

Anybody agree,I think I will stay well away from this series,I was thinkin about one a few years back as I use alot of reverb on my cleans and love rec's but Im some what glad I didnt

Just what I have picked up on from this forum,may not be true bit it does look like this is Mesa's deserted son


I had one and never had a moments trouble out of it . I sold when i went up to a RK . My bandmate now owns the same Rectoverb and its still going strong .
Yeah I can see where all these posts are goin...It jnust seeemed that latly there were alot of problems with the verbs but then I had a swift look through and you know truly is the roadkings which have more problems than any other mesa line,and they are the most complex and most expensive(over here in the UK),is it that there complexity is their downfall :(