Rectoverb 50 head pre amp tube designation

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Dec 20, 2014
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Hi all. New to the forum. I have a single rectifier rectoverb 50 head that's working beautifully. I just want to educate myself a bit more as it's my first all tube amp. I've done a search with no results so here goes. Which preamp tube is for which channel/function? The owner's manual is a bit vague (to me). In other words if I'm on channel 2 in the modern mode which preamp tube(s) am I actually using? The manual states v2A is3rd stage rhythm, v2B is 3rd stage lead etc. What does this mean in relation to channel and switch positions? The reason I ask is if I'm gigging this and I lose a pre amp tube on a particular channel, could I yank the v4 (effects loop) tube since I don't use the loop and replace the bad one with that? Or am I out in left field here? Thanks all and have a Merry Christmas.
Greetings. To your question, IDK.
I do know it is a good idea to have spare tubes and fuses in your bag when gigging.
Especially power tube pair(s) and fuses.
Or, bring a back up amp.
If you like living dangerously, well that's cool too.
After studying your question some more, I would guess that channel 2 in modern mode would be using all of the pre amp tubes except for V4. Just a guess though.
I think Channel 1 is considered Rhythm and Channel 2 is Lead. When you start flipping mode switches, all bets are off because the circuits are getting all rearranged, I think.

I really have no I idea of what I'm talking about.

The idea of messing with pre amp tubes in the middle of a gig freaks me out. Power tubes or fuses wouldn't freak me out too much, just a little bit.
Thanks for the reply. I agree with your first response totally. I was thinking about ordering a complete set of tubes anyway and now I'm definitely going to. You also may be right in your second response as there's a lot going on inside that head for sure. I have a good feeling about this piece of equipment though. It's built like a bomb shelter and if it holds true to it's reputation I'll get many years out of it. I've had Peavey equipment older than me (40) that has been through more battles than
I can remember and they still function. I've had this Rectoverb now for 7 months and couldn't be happier. It's awesome. I play mostly old school thrash and death metal and this thing has PLENTY of gain. Occasionally I'll boost it with an MXR Classic Overdrive but most of the time it's not needed. And LOUD! This thing eats my Marshall AVT150H Valvestate for lunch in volume dept.