Rectos aren't tight? bullshit

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
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rabies said:
it's all technique and EQ/settings.

Amen to that. Rec's are pretty tight but I think the bottom makes them seem not so tight. The Mark IV to me seems much tighter but it might be because it isn't nearly as deeply voiced. The overall feel of the Mark IV is just tighter to me too though even with the Rec in Diode Rectification.
I just looked at my 2 ch and the bass on Modern Red Bold was about 1-1:30 last I played it. It could be the 2 ch voicing and the 7581's though. Through my Tradidional cab it was sounding pretty tight. With less bass than that it sounded like it didn't have enough bottom to appreciate for what I was playing.
here we have an exemple of fuckin' tight musicians! There is no other way than make the recto sound good as hell!!!! Thanks for the vid!

rabies said:
I'm telling you people. Gojira is badass. One of the meanest sounding bands I've heard ever (LOG is a close 2nd).

They are really great i'm going to see the other videos...
That band was pretty good, and I agree, some fuckin' very tight music both tonally and musically. I think the fact that the musicians are so tight with each other really, really enhances the tightness of the guitar sound. Having your bass drum hits offset from your rhythm hits can really muddy up the overall feel of it.. these guys are pretty fackin' on the ball.

PS - They aren't even the same type of music as Meshuggah, I dunno how you can even compare them. To me, Meshuggah is about atonal polyrhythmic metal grooves. These guys more or less just seemed like straight 4/4 metal styles (it was not bad though, that song had some decent moments)
Gojira are awesome. I just paid over $25 for Terra Incognita on CD. I don't pay that kinda dough for CDs very often, but it was worth it. It's very refreshing to listen to a death metal influenced band who doesn't have grotesque gore lyrics.
rabies said:
You're right, but Meshuggah is WAY too repetitive. Gojira has some variety in riffs, but lacks the leads.

That's not really what I was getting at either, but nevermind it, this ain't the place to discuss it :lol:
Umm, in a line-up of various amps of the same genre, you'd find the Rectos to be not of the "tighter" sounding variety!
the tightness of an amp by itself is completly different to one which is in the mix with a band,for example in my band my 2nd channel is on vintage mode,the treble is at about 2o'clock,the middle at about 2 o'clock the bass approx. 10 o'clock the presence approx. 12,the volume at 11 o'clock and the gain at about 2 o'clock,on its own it isnt very great but when sitting in the mix,ohhh boy it is sonic bliss that sex's your ears right up

the 3rd channel is set in modern mode with the setting approx.
Treble-2 o'clock
Middle-8 o'clock
Bass-1 o'clock
Presence-10 o'clock
volume-10/11 o'clock
Gain-3 o'clock

By them selves they dont sound fab. but in the mix as mentioned they are tight as ****,in the bedroom probably a different matter,these two channles are almost polar opposites but in the mix both are real tight

Im pretty sick of hearing that recto's arent tight,they are if you know who to set them up especially when practising with the band!!!
I guess the way people interpet the word "tightness" as it applies to an amps tone and response can be misconstrued? For lack of better terms, I'd call the Rectos loose!
Unfortunately you can't tell much about the guitar tone at all from the video :cry:

Sorry rabies, oh man, Gojira... Everyone is entitled to their musical opinion and I guess that kind of music is definitely not my cup of tea though I am not closed minded enough to consider anyone's opinion "wrong". (OK, With the possible exception of people who like COUNTRY music. :p )

This isn't the forum for a discussion about that however...What I will say is I am pretty happy with the "relatively" tight sound I am getting from my Dual most of the time...although I know there is a bit of a trade off for that signature thick tone that you can't get from any other amp. :D
not my cup of tea either mine is more along the lines of green tea by John Scofield,Im sure rabies is a scofield fan as well,there is a mass majority of us on this site who like a wide range of musical styles,Im mean tonight I have listened to the pixies 'b' sides,John Petrucci,Jaco Pastorius,Greg Howe and Daft Punk,right now Im listening to Stevie Ray,just cause I play a recto doesnt mean I play that stereotypical sound,my band sounds nothing like the jazz I practice for example.

Nobody was saying that it is bad but the recto's arent a crap amp and there are lots of forumites who hate the recto's,thats there opinion but I cant see why they are 'bad' amps,I think they are great,tight or not I love the sound from mine and thats it for me,perhaps not to anybody else but one thing I have learnt on this forum over the past few months is that you cant really knock anybodys tone/amp habits because its a totally subjective topic,the fact are that the recto is not as tight as a MKIV,but the rect isnt a MKIv and a MKIV isnt a recto,i could have bought any amp I wanted(with the exception of a dumble etc)and I chose the recto,its a great amp and I think it sounds way better than most amps

ohh a wee rant has come to an end!!!!!!!
My Roadster is heaps tighter than my old Marshall Mode Four. I think it's a nice balance where it is between loose and tight to be honest. I bit of tweaking goes a long way.

Ciao ...

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