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great post...thanks!! and WELCOME :D

There seems to be an issue with the reverb
on this particular least that's how I take it.

I will test drive it, but I'm going to try the Rectifier Solo 50 also.
If the Solo gives me the tone I desire, I'll probably purchase it.
I have a rack gear processor that has an echo effect.

Tubegear Junkie
Tubegear Junkie said:
kmanick said:
The effects loop to me is un-usable with my Boss ME-50.
even if I plug in my MXR 10 band EQ in the loop by itself it drastically muddies up the tone of the amp.
I haven't decided whether I should just mod the loop to serial (because I would leave the EQ on all the time) or I should just get a Roadster and be done with it.
Other than those 2 points I love this amp, it does it's "thing" really well.


Thanks for your reply- it's very helpful.

Just a suggestion- take the MXR 10 Band EQ out of the effects loop and run your guitar straight into MXR EQ then out to the input jack. Leave the loop for all your effects pedals. See if that helps- if you haven't already tried that.

Tubegear Junkie

Actually I've got the EQ back in the loop and it sounds very good. I originally had the EQ + the ME-50 in there and it must've been the combination of the 2 that was giving me all the mud.
Now it's working fine on it's own, but I think I still am going to do the loop mod,because I'd like to throw a delay in there along with the EQ.
As far as effects go those 2 are that all I need in the loop anyway.
I'm using a cheap delay (until the new BOSS DD-7 comes out) along with an EQ and a chorus pedal in the loop with great results. I don't see the big deal about the parallel compared to serial loop in this amp honestly...

My only gripe at this point is the delay when switching b/w clean and distortion with the footswitch. It's not just a delay, but also a bit of silence too. It's not HORRIBLE, but it's bad enough to have to practice hitting the switch a tad early to prevent it sounding like you are hitting it late. Everything else is great though!