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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2006
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Where do you set your presence on your Recto? Im currious where you set your presence for live sounds? I like to be able to get singing leads on channel 3 of my triple in the modern mode and still have a nice huge chunk. Lately Ive found a good blend with my B-M-T all set to 12 with my gain about 1:30 and my master and output @ 10. I have my presence @ 1:00 but Im afraid it might be a little harsh--The problem is that I find the notes dont seem to sing as well when its below this point-- Where have you found it best to put your presence? :?:
11:30 on 2nd channel vintage and 12:00 on 3rd channel in vintage mode as well.
Platypus said:
11:30 on 2nd channel vintage and 12:00 on 3rd channel in vintage mode as well.

How are your single notes on in the modern mode on channel 3 with the presence @ noon?
Micah said:
Platypus said:
11:30 on 2nd channel vintage and 12:00 on 3rd channel in vintage mode as well.

How are your single notes on in the modern mode on channel 3 with the presence @ noon?

I rarely use the modern mode on channel 3 because it's almost impossible to get to sound good for both rythm and solo tones.. plus it's extremely harsh and barky with EL34's.. when I ran 6L6's I would run the presence at like.. 10 o clock max on the 3rd channel modern.
Platypus said:
Micah said:
Platypus said:
11:30 on 2nd channel vintage and 12:00 on 3rd channel in vintage mode as well.

How are your single notes on in the modern mode on channel 3 with the presence @ noon?

I rarely use the modern mode on channel 3 because it's almost impossible to get to sound good for both rythm and solo tones.. plus it's extremely harsh and barky with EL34's.. when I ran 6L6's I would run the presence at like.. 10 o clock max on the 3rd channel modern.

Sweet man Thanks! I might try backing it back down to 12 to see if that will work--my only concern is that it wont sing the way I want it to--
Try it.. if anything the lower your presence the more sustainy and easier the notes are to play.. but I love how focused and cutting higher presence settings are so it's a balance!
Sweet--I'll try to ballence that out a little more tonight when we play--thanks a bunch! :wink:
2ch Recto...

Orange/Vintage and Red/Modern. I run the orange channel presence off, and the red channel presence at about 1, perhaps just under, on a scale of 1-10.
Ok--Last night I messed with the presence @ about 12 and it started to get too unfocused for my tastes. I definatly like it @ about 1 or shortly under 1 oclock on the modern channel 3. We were playing live last night so I didnt have a chance to mess with it very much--but a thought crossed my mind(Hey..isnt that a Blindside album..?) today that if I bring the treble up a little bit to about 1 oclock it might take a little bit of the nasty edge off of the upper mids and make it a little more balanced. It is super punchy right now and I like that--its just the edge is kind of overbearing--
For the record that will put my settings like this:(all in oclock)

Pres: 1
Master: 10
Gain: 1
Bass: 11:45
Mids: 12
Treble: 1 (where it is currently @12)

I'll let you know what I get from this set-up. The next time I'll get to play is Saturday night though-- :cry: Thanks for everyone's input so far!
2 channel modern red i have it usally around 10-11 oclok. higher than that the high pitched notes sound too harsh (and the amp buzzes alo) but lower it's more of a smoother lead tone-creamy. but is till mainitan a big chug on rhythym sounds
PolishSasquatch said:
2 channel modern red i have it usally around 10-11 oclok. higher than that the high pitched notes sound too harsh (and the amp buzzes alo) but lower it's more of a smoother lead tone-creamy. but is till mainitan a big chug on rhythym sounds

I hear you--my problem is just that I like my notes to sing but I want it to have some edge too. In channel 2 the presence only has about a third of the full potential of channel 3 and I end up having a hard time tightening everything up without that added presence. Its really open but not as tight to my ear--What is it about channel 2 that you like as opposed to channel 3? :?:
well, i only have 2 cahnnels haaha ( i have the old dual recto) [i should have made that a bit more clear before] but i played around a bit with the resence on mine, and i set it to 12:30abouts, and wow, it sounded MUCh more meaner. but it's that buzz that's kinda annoying. you can;t hear it when i;m playing but when i ahve my guitar muted u can tell. Oh well, gotta deal with that. I still haven;t fully figured my amp out yet. I have my treble at around 2:30 and the presence at 12:30 and thatsa mean sound i;m getting.
PolishSasquatch said:
well, i only have 2 cahnnels haaha ( i have the old dual recto) [i should have made that a bit more clear before] but i played around a bit with the resence on mine, and i set it to 12:30abouts, and wow, it sounded MUCh more meaner. but it's that buzz that's kinda annoying. you can;t hear it when i;m playing but when i ahve my guitar muted u can tell. Oh well, gotta deal with that. I still haven;t fully figured my amp out yet. I have my treble at around 2:30 and the presence at 12:30 and thatsa mean sound i;m getting.

Ahh! I hear you! Where do you have your Gain, Master, bass and mids set to? I notice the buzz a little as well but its almost like it wants to feed back and thats why its buzzing--I do like the fact that it wants to go out of control if I let it but if I grab the strings or back my guitar volume off it goes away-- Im interested to know the rest of your settings--I pretty much have everything near noon:(oclock on all of the settings)

Presence> 1
Master> 10
Gain> 1-1:30
Bass> 11:45(about)
Mids> 12
Treble> 12

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