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I would guess that its a taste thing, wether your after power tube saturation of preamp tube saturation?
Godsmack guitar player has had his roady setting his trile rec like this since the beginning. I set my master at 3/4. In fact in the 90's I had a Marshall Jubilee and I used the same approach. It just has more balls!
ChrisRocksUSA said:
Micah said:
ChrisRocksUSA said:
so to clear things up

OUTPUT and SOLO must both be maxed? or just output?

then you raise the individual channel volume to taste?

In this scenario the solo knob wouldnt make any difference since your volume is already maxed so you dont have anywhere to go. Max both or just the'll get the same affect. Let me know how this works for you!

does it have to be turned up kinda loud?

I tried it but it sounded kinda muffled, i'll try it again after my final exam tomorrow :cry:

Try adjusting your Gain or Tone controls.
One thing this will do is make your preamp
allot more transparent so anything that was
muddy before and you couldnt hear due to
low poweramp can hear now!!
I suggest that you take all of your knobs and
start @ noon to readjust everything from scratch--
that will let you sense as you are turning up the
volume where the mudd is comming from.
Remember that if your are getting mudd from
the bass, try tuning up the mids to clean it up--
if you seem to loose bottom end (you will notice
that as you turn up the mids) try turning the
bass up more to compensate. Treble in my
opinion should be between 1 o'clock and 2:30
just for clarity--but not too much or you will
loose your chunk on the upward strum.
JamesD said:
I just tried this with my 3 channel dual and it seems to be pretty good. I play through a Marshall 1960A cab right now til i can find a good Boogie cab for a price i can afford. I also play around the same style of music and tried your settings, pretty good stuff, i had to back down the mids like you said a little due to my EMG's in my Viper, but im getting pretty close to the sounds im hearing now. A litle more twisting from here and i might just find it. I am however also noticing it kinda seems muffled a tiny bit, any ideas on getting that out? Thanks in advance!

I would try backing down the Bass while
chunking an open D untill you find a spot
where you can both get your mids heard
and have enough chunk. Sometmes having
the presence set too low can mud things up
--check this too. Also, with your
bass/mids set high, where is your gain
set in relation to the tone controls? I
would suggest geeping this in the 2-2:30
range and in extream needs...3. Other
wise you miht start to flab the bass and
get muddy. Let me know how this works
for you! :wink:
Boogiebabies said:
I think maxing the master is a bit much. I used it at about 60% and get all the effects of an overdriven power amp. Any higher and DR's get too muddy for me. I do the same thing on MK series amps. Lowe preamp volumes and masters at 5. It really brings the whole amp together.

Good tip.

Definatly! Everybody has there own tone!! :wink:
ChrisRocksUSA said:
JamesD said:
I just tried this with my 3 channel dual and it seems to be pretty good. I play through a Marshall 1960A cab right now til i can find a good Boogie cab for a price i can afford. I also play around the same style of music and tried your settings, pretty good stuff, i had to back down the mids like you said a little due to my EMG's in my Viper, but im getting pretty close to the sounds im hearing now. A litle more twisting from here and i might just find it. I am however also noticing it kinda seems muffled a tiny bit, any ideas on getting that out? Thanks in advance!

yo dog, I have a similar situation

I tried it on my 3 channel recto, with my ESP kh2 (wit EMGs)

I find I like the tone better if I have the output at like 1 o clock

Sweet! :lol:
Boogiebabies said:
In my trials, I just think 10 compresses the power section too much.

Cool--try backing off the output untill you get the
squeeze you want :)
Humbility said:
I have my single recto master set at somewhere between 1 and 2 oclock. I find thats about where the threshold is for bottom and tightness just before it gets mushy. I've been playing it that way since day one. Its HOW I get the sound I like.

Sweet man! :wink:
allcountyfair said:
i tried my triple recto at 1 oclock and at full and i got the same sound at each.

Try turning up the preamp master a little more to hear the difference. I believe you'll hear the difference--you may need to back down the presence a little to accomodate for any harshness that you may not want due to the volume increase. Let me know how this works for you! :wink:
Grandor said:

I would guess that its a taste thing, wether your after power tube saturation of preamp tube saturation?

Most definatly it is all subjective to ones ear--I
find that I get clear chunk and screaming
leads on the metal side of the world, but could
be eq'd for whatever. I find my notes want to
sing forever and my sustain is rediculous!
Also the clean volume drop issue is fixed--
it just butters tat channel right up!!
David.W said:
Godsmack guitar player has had his roady setting his trile rec like this since the beginning. I set my master at 3/4. In fact in the 90's I had a Marshall Jubilee and I used the same approach. It just has more balls!

Straight up-- :wink:
The clean volume drop isn't a problem if you set your amps levels relative to the clean channel.
If you work with the clean channel first and then set your drive channels to taste relative to the clean channel, then your fine.
Grandor said:
The clean volume drop isn't a problem if you set your amps levels relative to the clean channel.
If you work with the clean channel first and then set your drive channels to taste relative to the clean channel, then your fine.

I always found that tonally the clean didnt possess the punch of the other 2 channels and it didnt have enough dynamics to my taste--with the master set as it is, I get that high midrange sizzle as I slide the pick off of the string. Form the compression I can play really soft pretty stuff and still hear myself relative to the other channels or I can dig in and get a top end sparkle. Not to mension the sustain......... My chords just want to keep going!
I am at work now, but i will try your suggestions with the pressence and see if that helps when i get home. I do like the clean channel like this, pretty clean but if you dig in a little you get that little bit of agression in it, im also gonna try to fatten the clean up some with my sonic maximizer and see what effect that has. Thanks for all the tips. Good thread to see different peoples points of view and to give them a shot! Thanks Everyone.
JamesD said:
I am at work now, but i will try your suggestions with the pressence and see if that helps when i get home. I do like the clean channel like this, pretty clean but if you dig in a little you get that little bit of agression in it, im also gonna try to fatten the clean up some with my sonic maximizer and see what effect that has. Thanks for all the tips. Good thread to see different peoples points of view and to give them a shot! Thanks Everyone.

Definatly! Let me know how that works for you!
Kung-Fool said:
Or you could just bypass the loop and output/solo controls. It does the same exact thing. I've been preaching this for a long time.

Hey I tried this last night and it seems that it did something to reduce the overall volume and for the most part took away the affect the maxed volume had on it--something wrong with my amp?? anyone know anything about these loops?? it seems my loop acts a little funny anyhow--I have a thread from yesterday about this--HELP anyone??? :(
Micah said:
Kung-Fool said:
Or you could just bypass the loop and output/solo controls. It does the same exact thing. I've been preaching this for a long time.

Hey I tried this last night and it seems that it did something to reduce the overall volume and for the most part took away the affect the maxed volume had on it--something wrong with my amp?? anyone know anything about these loops?? it seems my loop acts a little funny anyhow--I have a thread from yesterday about this--HELP anyone??? :(

Strange. If you set the loop to bypass it should be completely out of the circut.
Micah said:
Kung-Fool said:
Or you could just bypass the loop and output/solo controls. It does the same exact thing. I've been preaching this for a long time.

Hey I tried this last night and it seems that it did something to reduce the overall volume and for the most part took away the affect the maxed volume had on it--something wrong with my amp?? anyone know anything about these loops?? it seems my loop acts a little funny anyhow--I have a thread from yesterday about this--HELP anyone??? :(

well the loop is an extra gain stage.... anyway i tried maxing out the master volume and stuff.... it didnt really do anything for me, it made things sound worse to my ears... now bypassing the loop, that does some good, unfortunately i dont do it much cuz i have effects as well like my master volume control at least for practicing, but for recording i bypass the loop
I have a question with this whole scenario: Where do you have your effects loop levels set on the rear? The send level can also act as a level control (same as a channel master), and when cranked, can create additional gain from that tube driver! Maybe this is what your experiencing with the loop engaged? Otherwise, with the loop bypassed, you'll obviously have to make up for the volume difference with your channel masters, they will now act as your final outputs!
BTW, I've never liked running the effects loop on my two channel Dual Rec either! More clarity, less compression with it bypassed!

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