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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2006
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FYI: To all of you out there who own a recto...
I stand by my theory of pegging the overall
amp volume and barely touching the preamp
master (channel volume) volume to get your
overall volume. The sustain and clarity and
tightness of bottom end that I get is not replicated
to my ears when the amp volume is @ half and
the preamp volume is @ 10-11. Guys(gals) you
wont be disappointed by trying this!!
CudBucket said:
But you're like 3 months old.

Ive heard it said that you could learn
allot from a child--not that I know
everything(certainly not...and not more
than most either) But I found something
cool and it tickles my ears!! It also fixes
the problem Ive found with the volume
drop in the clean chanel and makes it
sparkle!!!! :lol: It might tickle your
ears also.....?? :wink:
Micah said:
FYI: To all of you out there who own a recto...
I stand by my theory of pegging the overall
amp volume and barely touching the preamp
master (channel volume) volume to get your
overall volume. The sustain and clarity and
tightness of bottom end that I get is not replicated
to my ears when the amp volume is @ half and
the preamp volume is @ 10-11. Guys(gals) you
wont be disappointed by trying this!!

Agreed. Been doing this for a while.
basically max the output knob and level each channel seperately is what you're saying.. correct?
Peace said:
basically max the output knob
and level each channel seperately is what you're
saying.. correct?

Definatly--Max the volume for the overall amp
(the poweramp and solo knobs closest to the
power and standby switches on the 3 channel
models) and turn the channel master volumes
that are used to ballance the channels out to a
matched volume no matter the gain level set to
the channel to adjust your overall volume for
the channel. Again, in a real life situation your
not going to get away with much preamp volume
given that it will be extreamly loud!!!!!!!
ohhhhhh thats why guitar center had them set up like this.... i didnt notice at first and i went to change the 2nd channel output and i almost blew the windows out. The only downfall of this is that the solo footswitch switch does nothing but thats ok...
Definatly--I would suggest for a hot power
amp situation like this that you use the volume
knob on your guitar for the boost--try setting
your volume knob on your guitar @ like 7 for
rhythm and opening it up for leads--how does
that work for you? I like this scenario because
its a back-to-the-basics aproach where you get
great clarity, tight bottom end and sparkle simply
by rolling the guitar knob back and forth.
Most of the time I dont even use the clean channel
--its the old ""Marshall"" mentality. Its not fender
clean.....but for the stuff I play.....its good enough!
If I need better I can always go to the clean channel
which is ohh-so-buttery with this kind of power-amp
so to clear things up

OUTPUT and SOLO must both be maxed? or just output?

then you raise the individual channel volume to taste?
Or you could just bypass the loop and output/solo controls. It does the same exact thing. I've been preaching this for a long time.
ChrisRocksUSA said:
so to clear things up

OUTPUT and SOLO must both be maxed? or just output?

then you raise the individual channel volume to taste?

In this scenario the solo knob wouldnt make any difference since your volume is already maxed so you dont have anywhere to go. Max both or just the'll get the same affect. Let me know how this works for you!
Micah said:
ChrisRocksUSA said:
so to clear things up

OUTPUT and SOLO must both be maxed? or just output?

then you raise the individual channel volume to taste?

In this scenario the solo knob wouldnt make any difference since your volume is already maxed so you dont have anywhere to go. Max both or just the'll get the same affect. Let me know how this works for you!

does it have to be turned up kinda loud?

I tried it but it sounded kinda muffled, i'll try it again after my final exam tomorrow :cry:
Kung-Fool said:
Or you could just bypass the loop and output/solo controls. It does the same exact thing. I've been preaching this for a long time.

Definatly man--I never thought about it like that--it would be the same thing-- Actually, have you A/B'd them? I wonder if it free's things up not having the loop in sequence?? maybe affect the tone a little??
I just tried this with my 3 channel dual and it seems to be pretty good. I play through a Marshall 1960A cab right now til i can find a good Boogie cab for a price i can afford. I also play around the same style of music and tried your settings, pretty good stuff, i had to back down the mids like you said a little due to my EMG's in my Viper, but im getting pretty close to the sounds im hearing now. A litle more twisting from here and i might just find it. I am however also noticing it kinda seems muffled a tiny bit, any ideas on getting that out? Thanks in advance!
I think maxing the master is a bit much. I used it at about 60% and get all the effects of an overdriven power amp. Any higher and DR's get too muddy for me. I do the same thing on MK series amps. Lowe preamp volumes and masters at 5. It really brings the whole amp together.

Good tip.
JamesD said:
I just tried this with my 3 channel dual and it seems to be pretty good. I play through a Marshall 1960A cab right now til i can find a good Boogie cab for a price i can afford. I also play around the same style of music and tried your settings, pretty good stuff, i had to back down the mids like you said a little due to my EMG's in my Viper, but im getting pretty close to the sounds im hearing now. A litle more twisting from here and i might just find it. I am however also noticing it kinda seems muffled a tiny bit, any ideas on getting that out? Thanks in advance!

yo dog, I have a similar situation

I tried it on my 3 channel recto, with my ESP kh2 (wit EMGs)

I find I like the tone better if I have the output at like 1 o clock
I have my single recto master set at somewhere between 1 and 2 oclock. I find thats about where the threshold is for bottom and tightness just before it gets mushy. I've been playing it that way since day one. Its HOW I get the sound I like.

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