Rectifier + ISP Vector SL with pics

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Well-known member
May 9, 2007
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Long Island NY
just wondering if anyone else is running this setup... I've been having sum minor problems with mine in combination with my triple rectifier and after discussing this with buck waller it seems to be apparent only with rectos ... its very strange but just wondering if anyone else is using the ISP vector sl 1x15 with a recto or any mesa for that matter

so yeah just chime in if your running it :lol:

thanks :D
Ah yeah? which problem? I know there's a ground loop issue with the prorackG but it's a pity you got problem with this set-up. I use the CAA OD100 with the Vector SL without any problem... i thought maybe the Vector SL could sound great especially with the rectifier?!? It would be cool to remove the bass from your cab and shoot it in the Vector SL in a way to push the bass with muddying your sound! :twisted:

Did Buck make you feel there was anything to do to solve the issue? Could you specifically explain me what's happening with your set-up? Thanks.
soundpurist said:
Ah yeah? which problem? I know there's a ground loop issue with the prorackG but it's a pity you got problem with this set-up. I use the CAA OD100 with the Vector SL without any problem... i thought maybe the Vector SL could sound great especially with the rectifier?!? It would be cool to remove the bass from your cab and shoot it in the Vector SL in a way to push the bass with muddying your sound! :twisted:

Did Buck make you feel there was anything to do to solve the issue? Could you specifically explain me what's happening with your set-up? Thanks.

you hit the reason i bought it, right on the nose :lol: the crossover in the vector + basson fullstack = :twisted: i seriously love the sub it makes such a difference with the tone of the recto and helps tighten up the bass and make it feel so massive and create more headroom than words can explain...

i can use the vector with the recto and it sounds better than i could ever describe here, but im only be able to use the modern voicing on channels 2 and 3... all other voicings and channels i get a rumbling sound out of all the speakers in the setup (sub and 2 4x12s) so in essence i cannot use the 1st channel at all, and im ONLY able to use the modern voicings on ch 2 and 3. its hard to describe it any better than that. the sub is in perfect working condition and sounds great with my solid state marshall avt150h and my friends tsl but just runs into problems with the mesa

seems the problem with running the vector with certain amps (krank and mesa rectos) that the output transformer is sending too hot of a signal to the sub turning the speakers in the bassons pretty much into microphones. pretty much the eminence speakers are really sensative and the vector needs a lower impedance or colder signal to function properly. sometimes its that the signals too hot and sometimes its the positioning of the sub that its too close to the cab or too close to a different signal chrisian olde woblers had the same problem with his kranks when they were too close to his tour bus on stage so yeah just wierd :?

ive spoken to buck quite a few times about this and hes an amazing guy and hes been beyond helpful trying to get this resolved. we're trying to get an idea how to help other ppl with the same problem without goin crazy modding it but its still in the works. i already tried a phase reversal and trying all the simple things moving cabs(setup positions) different cables, different impedance selections, etc. but worst comes to worse im probably going to have to mod it to take a signal prior to the power section(loop or slave)

just trying to find out if anyone else has had any problems its mostly with mesas and kranks from what ive heard, i bought my vector from a friend on another board and it worked amazing with his engl powerball, so its not a bad sub, in fact its worked fine with my marshall avt 150 and my friends tsl. i still love my sub and my setup, ill never sell it and i recommend it to everyone because it sounds so amazing, luckily i play progressive metal and deathcore stuff and enjoy the modern voicing but when i feel like playing jazz or other softer stuff im sorta screwed :lol:

btw ive never had a problem with my pro rack g its the best noise suppressor out there
Wow, amazingly it's exactly the mod i almost asked to buck before to order the 212 vector cause i wanted to be able to play with only a preamp or a pod for small gig but i changed my mind for the tremendous power of the Vector SL. I've heard good thing about the vector cab too. Maybe it could be a good option for you, it's a little less powerful though (400 instead of 600W rms :roll: .

I can't have a good price for my 4X12 but i'd rather play with G12H (UK) along with the Vector SL since the cab is high-passed at 120 hrtz. The G12H wouldn't sound loose with the Vector SL and still can offer its nice breakup.

Anyway, i always been a huge G12's fan. Did you heard the theta amplifier? The reverb seems to be very nice! (check out the video on the ISP's website). Good luck with your Vector SL, it's a good machine for sure.

Edited: could you believe that the other day i was playing through my 4X12 cab with the Vector SL beside (totally unconnected) the blue light was "lighted on"???? :shock: I know it's some-kind of induction for sure but in which way?!!!???
I'm very satisfied with my rig right now the vector sl seems to be a perfect compliment to the recto and 600watts is great for aggressive modern music so I've loved it since day one. the 15" sub makes clean clear low end which is what I've searched for. im not sure if the 2x12 will deliver the same as the 1x15 so I'm a bit skeptical if it can perform on the same level. so yeah im def keeping the 1x15 if anything I'll either buy another or buy a new head eventually :lol:

def gonna be fun when i order my new tubes for the recto, either kt66 or kt88 is gonna insane when you have the clear low end of the vector :D
MesieBooga said:
How are you guys plugging in your ISP Subs? I think I used to go into it as a 2nd cab.... :?:

Question is not clear? With the Vector SL as the other Vector series, except the 212.... it's instrument level, you connect your speaker output from the amp in the input of the Vector and connect the ext.cabinet output (from the Vector) to the amp input. You can try any impedance selection cause the Vector cab has virtually no impedance, it's gonna affect only the frequencies balance between your regular cab and the Vector.[/quote]
soundpurist said:
MesieBooga said:
How are you guys plugging in your ISP Subs? I think I used to go into it as a 2nd cab.... :?:

Question is not clear? With the Vector SL as the other Vector series, except the 212.... it's instrument level, you connect your speaker output from the amp in the input of the Vector and connect the ext.cabinet output (from the Vector) to the amp input. You can try any impedance selection cause the Vector cab has virtually no impedance, it's gonna affect only the frequencies balance between your regular cab and the Vector.

I plugged in a speaker cab and an ISP Sub each in it's own speaker out from an amp.
MesieBooga said:
soundpurist said:
MesieBooga said:
How are you guys plugging in your ISP Subs? I think I used to go into it as a 2nd cab.... :?:

Question is not clear? With the Vector SL as the other Vector series, except the 212.... it's instrument level, you connect your speaker output from the amp in the input of the Vector and connect the ext.cabinet output (from the Vector) to the amp input. You can try any impedance selection cause the Vector cab has virtually no impedance, it's gonna affect only the frequencies balance between your regular cab and the Vector.

I plugged in a speaker cab and an ISP Sub each in it's own speaker out from an amp.

Yeah i was going to say that you can avoid the internal cross over but Buck suggest you use the cross over of the Vector for better result. That's cool, which amp do you use?
soundpurist said:
MesieBooga said:
soundpurist said:
Question is not clear? With the Vector SL as the other Vector series, except the 212.... it's instrument level, you connect your speaker output from the amp in the input of the Vector and connect the ext.cabinet output (from the Vector) to the amp input. You can try any impedance selection cause the Vector cab has virtually no impedance, it's gonna affect only the frequencies balance between your regular cab and the Vector.

I plugged in a speaker cab and an ISP Sub each in it's own speaker out from an amp.

Yeah i was going to say that you can avoid the internal cross over but Buck suggest you use the cross over of the Vector for better result. That's cool, which amp do you use?[/quote]

Had it w/ an Elmwood M60. Would like another ISP Sub!
Wow! awesome amp! i tried it but i took the OD100SE+ for the versatility. Great choice! and which sub? the Vector 112? i guess...
????i think you're mixing yourself with the [/quote] you add in your post. I fixed it in my post to make it clearer.
MesieBooga said:
I plugged in a speaker cab and an ISP Sub each in it's own speaker out from an amp.

Because you wrote this i thought you already own a Vector sub. If not there's two kind to connect along with a cabinet:

a 300W rms:

and 600W rms (Vector Sl):

There's an active cab if you want it included in a cab (sub is 400W rms):
soundpurist said:
MesieBooga said:
I plugged in a speaker cab and an ISP Sub each in it's own speaker out from an amp.

Because you wrote this i thought you already own a Vector sub. If not there's two kind to connect along with a cabinet:

a 300W rms:

and 600W rms (Vector Sl):

There's an active cab if you want it included in a cab (sub is 400W rms):

WOW! :shock: thanks for the info.
yeah its been a while since i posted this thread and i figd Id update everyone on whats happened in the past month. I wound up sending my vectors input card and amp to Buck and Bill at ISP. They did a few mods to it and sent it back to me and its been working great since i got it back. I just figd I'd let everyone know that my rectos working great with the recto and its now even more versatile than before.

heres a before shot


And This is after the mod


essentially they added a line level in and a direct out for recording and using it live at a place with a good pa. They updated the entire card and amp to current spec which means they updated teh gain pot and a few other things. Currently im using the line level input by pluggin in from my slave out, to bypass the microphonic feedback deal...

Anyways heres my little journal I was keepin on HCAF, it has more pictures and info for anyone else thats interested :D
nitrous2400 said:
yeah its been a while since i posted this thread and i figd Id update everyone on whats happened in the past month. I wound up sending my vectors input card and amp to Buck and Bill at ISP. They did a few mods to it and sent it back to me and its been working great since i got it back. I just figd I'd let everyone know that my rectos working great with the recto and its now even more versatile than before.

heres a before shot


And This is after the mod


essentially they added a line level in and a direct out for recording and using it live at a place with a good pa. They updated the entire card and amp to current spec which means they updated teh gain pot and a few other things. Currently im using the line level input by pluggin in from my slave out, to bypass the microphonic feedback deal...

Anyways heres my little journal I was keepin on HCAF, it has more pictures and info for anyone else thats interested :D

Wow, I've read your post on H-C, so you will make your own cross-over for the speaker output on your rectifier? too cool. I remember I asked Buck to convert a Vector 1X12 to line level and he answer me he could do it, I was really impressed... finally I took the Vector SL. The first time I used it I didn't like to way the bass sounded separated from my 4X12 then I discovered that if you boost the bass on the amp, it won't be the same frequency as you boost the level on the Vector SL while you decrease the bass on the amp. So I chose the second option, the level is always at the minimum on the vector SL and I control the bass with the whomp switch behind my OD100SE+. Funny cause the situation is now reversed...

... you know when you play in front of your cab and then when you go away you don't hear the bass anymore??? :lol: Now I can have Bass at will wherever I am in the room with a tight mid-bass sound in the 4X12 cab without the low frequency muddying the sound. It's funny to hear that having low end in a guitar cab is almost a sacrilege when I can play with a tighter sound with all the low end that I wish.

Don't get me wrong I'm not using an absolute mid-scooped sound but now my sound is huge and I cannot live without the Vector SL anymore, it's a drug.

I'm happy you had the problem fixed. Tell me about a great service, that's what I like from (John) Suhr products too same kind of professionalism (I had with my SE+) you're not getting anywhere...

...there's no reason to be unsatisfied with those products cause if YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT those guys can do any kind of mod your asking for!!!!

Thanks for sharing your story and pics, it's very interesting. 8)
soundpurist said:
Wow, I've read your post on H-C, so you will make your own cross-over for the speaker output on your rectifier? too cool. I remember I asked Buck to convert a Vector 1X12 to line level and he answer me he could do it, I was really impressed... finally I took the Vector SL. The first time I used it I didn't like to way the bass sounded separated from my 4X12 then I discovered that if you boost the bass on the amp, it won't be the same frequency as you boost the level on the Vector SL while you decrease the bass on the amp. So I chose the second option, the level is always at the minimum on the vector SL and I control the bass with the whomp switch behind my OD100SE+. Funny cause the situation is now reversed...

... you know when you play in front of your cab and then when you go away you don't hear the bass anymore??? :lol: Now I can have Bass at will wherever I am in the room with a tight mid-bass sound in the 4X12 cab without the low frequency muddying the sound. It's funny to hear that having low end in a guitar cab is almost a sacrilege when I can play with a tighter sound with all the low end that I wish.

Don't get me wrong I'm not using an absolute mid-scooped sound but now my sound is huge and I cannot live without the Vector SL anymore, it's a drug.

I'm happy you had the problem fixed. Tell me about a great service, that's what I like from (John) Suhr products too same kind of professionalism (I had with my SE+) you're not getting anywhere...

...there's no reason to be unsatisfied with those products cause if YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT those guys can do any kind of mod your asking for!!!!

Thanks for sharing your story and pics, it's very interesting. 8)

hey soundpurist yeah i remember talkin to u about it awhile ago now when i first started this thread. but yeah right now i have no crossover in my setup which is okay but its not my thing, im not big on my rectos bass. I actually have tried to minimize the bass as much as possible so i can have a tighter sound. I use a ton of mids and now that im runnin the cabs full range with the added sub its a shitload of bass :lol: even with the dial almost completely off my house is still shaking. its really amazing. im waiting for an order of capacitors to get here and then ill begin to mod my jacks on the back of the bassons so i can have a crossovered sound for more of a 3d sound ...

i hope it works i dont know any guitar cabs with xovers in them so i guess ill be the first with xovered cabs and first with a vector with linelevel inputs :lol: ill keep you posted man :D

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