Recommendations for an Overdrive Pedal

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Jun 12, 2009
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So im looking for a nice OD pedal to run in front of my Mark V to make Sweeping, tapping and legato stuff a little Smoother.

Any recommendations? (dont worry about price...within reason...)
Here are the classics:

-BB Preamp
-Fulltone OCD
-Ibanez TS-9
-Maxxon OD808

Any of these would do the job. Which one you choose is subjective, based on your style the sound you are after.
I have an OCD but i don't like it that much with the Mark V. With the toggle on the OCD set to HP it turns anything on channel 3 to mush. It works a little better with LP mode and boosting the level.

I have a Tim pedal coming soon, looking forward to trying that.
I'm kind of fond of my Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive(s). I have two, one is Keeley modded for a smoother tone. I use the stock one for a (mostly) clean boost - puts a little edge on a clean channel or kicks my crunch channel into a not-quite-saturated solo sound. The Keeley mod I use for a more traditional front-end "fuzz". All this stuff sits on a tray in my rack so pedal-board space isn't a issue.

I'm thinking about a Octavia to round out the front-end distortion thing - I'd kinda like to go into Hendrix territory from time to time.

Ah, toys!!! :wink:

Aside from the classic pedals already mentioned in this thread I would highly recommend the Visual Sound Route 66 pedal. It works great on the Mark V without addin any coloration. I'm also very interested in trying out Visual sound's truetone clean boost. I love the products these guys put out. Top notch quality and sound.

Really? Really?! I find it difficult to believe the need for an OD out front of the Mark V. Don't get me wrong, I can't play a Recto without an OD, but the Mark's don't need them and sound worse with them in my opinion. What do you guys have them set at?
Mark Fore said:
Really? Really?! I find it difficult to believe the need for an OD out front of the Mark V. Don't get me wrong, I can't play a Recto without an OD, but the Mark's don't need them and sound worse with them in my opinion. What do you guys have them set at?

I used an OD pedal on the Mark V for a clean boost and it sounded great! I set the volume to about 4:00, and the tone to 11:00 ish. That said, I agree that the Mark V does not need a boost to sound good on Channel 3, but I like using a boost on Channel 2 especially for lead playing so your fingers don't feel like they're fighting with the strings.

Mark Fore said:
Really? Really?! I find it difficult to believe the need for an OD out front of the Mark V. Don't get me wrong, I can't play a Recto without an OD, but the Mark's don't need them and sound worse with them in my opinion. What do you guys have them set at?

Use a clean boost on the crunch mode and let the 80's licks fly. The OCD does work well on that mode with the pedal level dimed and gain low.
I will give my OCD another spin then... thanks for the info. I'm glad I didn't sell it :)
I have a modded Boss SD-1. It's killer. Foundit from the guy who makes them on e-bay. Comes with 3 different chips that are interchangeable and each has a different sound. He also upgrades some of the other components. I know none of you would try one but you don't know what you're missing. LOL Cost $180
Chaosmaker911 said:
So im looking for a nice OD pedal to run in front of my Mark V to make Sweeping, tapping and legato stuff a little Smoother.

Any recommendations? (dont worry about price...within reason...)
put it in triode configuration. It makes everything liquid and smooth
Tubescreamer and Zendrive

usually on the Clean setting on Ch. 1, one or the other or both (which I ran in front of my Mk IV as well).
Teed doesn't like these pedals IMO.

Sometimes on Ch. 3 IIC+ setting for full on frontal assault, but like it has been said before...not really needed cause the IIC+ is fine by itself, as is Mk. I

This is just to give me more options, which now I have many...I like to go from mild warm Dumble to balls out liquid lead tone during extended solo's, so this is what I like:

Vox Wah->TS->Zen->Keeley comp->amp
Carbon copy->Phase 90 in the loop

Oh, an Anderson Hollow T for guitar and often a Leslie 16 as an extra speaker cab

Oh...No metal for me please...just Classic Rock, for those who keep wondering if the Mk. V can only do "the metal"
spacin007 said:
Tubescreamer and Zendrive

usually on the Clean setting on Ch. 1, one or the other or both (which I ran in front of my Mk IV as well).
Teed doesn't like these pedals IMO.

Sometimes on Ch. 3 IIC+ setting for full on frontal assault, but like it has been said before...not really needed cause the IIC+ is fine by itself, as is Mk. I

This is just to give me more options, which now I have many...I like to go from mild warm Dumble to balls out liquid lead tone during extended solo's, so this is what I like:

Vox Wah->TS->Zen->Keeley comp->amp
Carbon copy->Phase 90 in the loop

Oh, an Anderson Hollow T for guitar and often a Leslie 16 as an extra speaker cab

Oh...No metal for me please...just Classic Rock, for those who keep wondering if the Mk. V can only do "the metal"
hollow T is killer-love how it feels a live in your hands-I always wanted to play a Byrdland ala Ted Nuge and find those sweet feedback "spots" on stage...I get it with the Hollow having an onboard ebow :) awesome guitar!!
I've had a BB Pre for a couple of years now, using it to add to my Carvin Legacy gain for leads, and I really like how transparent it is. I found Boss OD's, even Keeley modded ones, added a metallic tinge to the sound.

Anyway, I wasn't sure if it would work well with the Mark V but so far it sounds pretty good. I'm using it to get extra gain on CH2 in Crunch mode for leads.

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