Hi there!
Newbie here in need of some help... I want to record my Mark IV straight into my ProTools 192 (No mic, no pre amp / DI box). My questions are:
Can I go straight into the 192 without a preamp/di box of some kind?
Should I use the Recording Out or the Slave Out?
What's the difference?
What do I bypass on the MKIV by going Recording Out (only he Presence controls I believe) or the Slave Out?
I'm just a bit confused. I've used the Recording out but the signal level is not very hot and with some noise (it peaks at -15/-10) AND I have both the recording out and the output level at 10! I'm afraid I'll go deaf if I accidentally push in the silent recording on the Output Level knob!!
I haven't really tried the Slave Out.. but I guess that'll be next.
Anyway, any help would be much appreciated. As much as I'd like to mic the amp, is just not practical within my set up.
Newbie here in need of some help... I want to record my Mark IV straight into my ProTools 192 (No mic, no pre amp / DI box). My questions are:
Can I go straight into the 192 without a preamp/di box of some kind?
Should I use the Recording Out or the Slave Out?
What's the difference?
What do I bypass on the MKIV by going Recording Out (only he Presence controls I believe) or the Slave Out?
I'm just a bit confused. I've used the Recording out but the signal level is not very hot and with some noise (it peaks at -15/-10) AND I have both the recording out and the output level at 10! I'm afraid I'll go deaf if I accidentally push in the silent recording on the Output Level knob!!
I haven't really tried the Slave Out.. but I guess that'll be next.
Anyway, any help would be much appreciated. As much as I'd like to mic the amp, is just not practical within my set up.