Quirky thing about the Mark 4 I noticed

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Paul Secondino

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Maybe it's just mine but since I haven't read any comments on this particular attribute, I figure I'll mention it. It's about the Lead presence control and its pull function

I usually run the lead channel without the presence pulled. But just rediscovered that when you pull it, you lose a noticeable amount of volume.you can get it back with the master volume but have oyu noticed that on your Mark 4 ?

Also, I find that the lead presence control doesn't do a whole heck of a lot. it seems to have 3 points of action , zero, five and ten with no noticeable increase or decrease in between those numbers. Is yours like that or is it a gradually sloping sound ?
It sounds to me like yours is functioning normally. When the presence is pulled it adds a 1000pf cap to the negative feedback loop. This seems to trim the top end and smooth out the bass quite well. The volume drop is probably caused by not allowing the exact same volume and frequencies to shoot by. I agree with your conclusion on the effect of the presence pots impact. It does behave a little differently depending on if the pot is in or pulled and at higher volumes. The manual states that the knob should be pulled to get the C+ tone, but I 1000% disagree. It is exactly the opposite. To me, pulled, is a unique, sweet tone found only in the MK IV.
I personally HATE pulling the presence, but lots of guys like that so no offense. It sounds to me very much like the scoop switches on other amps, and kills all the mids and volume. But I have never noticed the presence knob to have a quirky sweep. I always thought it was a smooth and gradual taper. :?: I kept it around 3-5.
I'm glad this question was posted since I have been wondering the about this for a while. And kudos to boogiebabies for confirming my thoughts on the IIC claims in the manual.
I prefer the presence pushed in but turned up high(8).

I like that for rythm tones, much more grind and power in the chords.
I agree, the presence knob pulled has no place in my tone :p
It's usually pushed at 3.5 and on the LEad channel this sounds really nice for leads and rhythm XD
I find with the lead prescence pulled it really smooths out the lead tone and I seem to hear more of that...harmonic scream is maybe the right word.

I sometimes like it pushed on a low volume setting, but most of the time, and especially when jamming with the band at louder volumes I like the smooth tone of it when its pulled.