Quick opinion on the bass knob (Rectos Read)

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Active member
Mar 8, 2006
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In recent experiments, Ive realized that the one knob that has the biggest impact on your tone is by far, the BASS Knob on the 3 chan. Dual rec. I was begining to get so frusterated with my dual rec that i was tempted to sell it for a krank revolution. However me and a buddy of mine went to go see Pillar and discovered he was using a krank cab with a dual rec faced against the wall (Prolly to save his endorsement) I noticed a big foot footswitch on the floor and just had to ask him. Whats in that rack. He showed me and sure enough it was a dual rec 3 channel. He claimed his Krank was in the shop. But i stated BS anyone endorsed doesnt have to wait for there amp to get out of the shop. He replyd with I just love the sound of the mesa live man. :twisted: To all those who are struggling with getting the amp tight. Roll the bass off. Might sound bad in front of the amp. But it sounds great coming out of the house.

Any comments would be delighted. Just hope I dont sound like a newb stateing such an obvious comment.
Even though I do not have a recto I can tell you that when you play in a live situation your tone will seem different then at home. Adding lots of bass specially on a recto will make you lost in the mix. PLUS when the volume is turned up it just tightens up with little or no bass.
Yeah, I had a similar experience with the bass on my Triple. I had it set at like 2:00 and when my band went to play at a local venue with an amazing sound system, my friend who is their sound tech told me to roll off the bass because it was sounding really "woofy" and sure enough, brought it back to around 12 on both the ch 2 and ch3 (modern mode on both) and it did help a lot. Sounded awesome in the mix.

for my sound i completely disagree. I am the only guitarist in my band(rock/prog/alt) and my bass player isn't your typical bass player (he cares how his bass sounds). so his bass is more tight and crisp sounding. i have my bass knob on my tremoverb like 3/4 up at like 2:00. due to this... my sound.. mixed with the rest of the band, meshes very well. we play alot of shows and people always say how good mine and my bass players sound mixes and i've had a couple local "gearheads" tell me my distorted tone sounds killer. So i will have to say that it's all relative.