Quick ? about my new Mark V

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Jun 3, 2010
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I absolutely love this amp...every mode - every channel....it's just amazing to me. The only complaint I have is that I cannot set the Mark V head on top of my Roadster 2x12 cabinet because the cabs handle hits the bottom of the Mark...so the Marks feet don't rest on the cab. Whats up with that?! Anybody else run into this?
FlapJack said:
I absolutely love this amp...every mode - every channel....it's just amazing to me. The only complaint I have is that I cannot set the Mark V head on top of my Roadster 2x12 cabinet because the cabs handle hits the bottom of the Mark...so the Marks feet don't rest on the cab. Whats up with that?! Anybody else run into this?

It does the same thing on mine (Mk V on a Recto 2x12), only it just barely touches the reverb tank. If it's just barely touching it's not a big deal. If the tank is actually low enough that it's causing issues (all 4 feet won't touch the cab) you can try raising the tank slightly by loosening the bolts holding it in place. It's shock mounted on some rubber washers and they'll expand as the tank is loosened up slightly.
screamingdaisy said:
FlapJack said:
I absolutely love this amp...every mode - every channel....it's just amazing to me. The only complaint I have is that I cannot set the Mark V head on top of my Roadster 2x12 cabinet because the cabs handle hits the bottom of the Mark...so the Marks feet don't rest on the cab. Whats up with that?! Anybody else run into this?

It does the same thing on mine (Mk V on a Recto 2x12), only it just barely touches the reverb tank. If it's just barely touching it's not a big deal. If the tank is actually low enough that it's causing issues (all 4 feet won't touch the cab) you can try raising the tank slightly by loosening the bolts holding it in place. It's shock mounted on some rubber washers and they'll expand as the tank is loosened up slightly.

If I set the MkV on my cab I can make either the front 2 feet or back 2 feet touch, but not all 4. I know boogies are built tough but it really gives me an uneasy feeling having the amp rocking back on forth on its reverb tank. The feet that aren't touching are a good 1/4 inch off the cab. Amps not light enough for me to feel comfortable having the reverb tank take the weight of the amp.

I cut some plywood, routed a space to accomodate the cabs handle, and put that on my cab so that I can stack my Mark on top of it, but it just seems silly that I would have to do this.
Hendog said:
So the Mark V head will not sit on top of a Recto 2x12???

Just wanted to note that the cab I'm speaking of is a Roadster 2x12. Probably just doesn't make a difference I just wanted to mention it again.
"I just bought a brand new in the box Mark V from my local dealer. It looks like they made some cosmetic changes to the head version.
The tube guard is now painted black and they are using Ruby reverb pans with an extended cover. Not sure if anything is different
on the inside but it looks to have some changes. Anyone else notice this?" - DaveP

This is a quote from DavePs thread "Mark V changes." Could this extended cover be the reason this is happening? How were the Mark V's before the change?
I need to know if I buy a Recto 2x12 Horizontal are all 4 feet going to touch and rest correctly???

Why would the Roadster 2x12 have a different handle than the Recto 2x12?
Hendog said:
I need to know if I buy a Recto 2x12 Horizontal are all 4 feet going to touch and rest correctly???

Why would the Roadster 2x12 have a different handle than the Recto 2x12?

Nobody is saying it does, but from what I'm gathering it might depend on how old your Mark V on if you will have my problem or not . I'm still waiting on others to chime in, specifically those with a newer Mark V and Roadster cab like myself.
domct203 said:
How about putting some spacers (washers?) between the rubber feet and head shell to extend the length of the feet? You might need longer screws if you need a lot of spacer thickness.


Yep that's probably what I'm going to end up doing, it beats hauling the super cool slab of plywood around :lol:

Just curious if I'm the only one or if anybody else got one of the latest batch of Mark V's (mine is 004026) and had a similar issue.
It doesn't happen on mine (#367), but it sure is close, about 1/16" away from the handle.
Buy taller feet. They're all over the net. Google is your friend. :D

Try these:


You need to go to the hardware store and get longer screws.
I just got my first Mesa product.
A rectifier 2x12 horizontal and the next step is a MarkV.
This issue with the head and the speaker handle is strange, shouldn't all heads fit on top of all speakers?? Maybe they ran out of those kind of rubber feet and for some time they are using shorter feet...
Still, once I get the MarkV i'll build a case for the speakers and the head, something like the case john petrucci uses, cab and head, all connected, all fit really nicely, good protection for the road, great for carrying and all feet in their place...
Anyone tried to build a case like this before????
Rkorn said:
I just got my first Mesa product.
A rectifier 2x12 horizontal and the next step is a MarkV.
This issue with the head and the speaker handle is strange, shouldn't all heads fit on top of all speakers?? Maybe they ran out of those kind of rubber feet and for some time they are using shorter feet...
Still, once I get the MarkV i'll build a case for the speakers and the head, something like the case john petrucci uses, cab and head, all connected, all fit really nicely, good protection for the road, great for carrying and all feet in their place...
Anyone tried to build a case like this before????

The thing about the Mark V is that the bottom of the head has a cutout that the reverb tang hangs down through. Mine is one of the earlier ones, and the clearance is pretty tight. It could be that the new reverb tank hangs lower, or that it was installed a little "tighter" than normal on a few amps, which would also cause it to hang lower below the head (It is sitting on rubber grommets, held in place by screws. Tightening the screws further would push the tank downward).
I wished I already had my Mark V.
Being in a gig, knowing that the 6505 will be replaced by something like a Mark V... I just want my Mark V.
Who ever says the 6505 is only for metal, and that it is the ultimate metal amp... doesn't know metal...
Every band that say they use the 6505, when you hear their albums... it's not only a 6505, ab box... etc!
Great distotion, but NO fullness, no body... just distorion...

Can someone please send me a Mark V???? (maybe next year I'll have the money)...
Like I said, the tank is mounted on rubber grommets that act as a shock mount. There's a good chance that the only issue is that the person who installed the tank put a few too many turns on the bolts so it sits a little lower than normal.

If you back off the bolts a couple of turns it should raise your tank enough that your issue will be solved.