Quick ? about my new Mark V

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screamingdaisy said:
Like I said, the tank is mounted on rubber grommets that act as a shock mount. There's a good chance that the only issue is that the person who installed the tank put a few too many turns on the bolts so it sits a little lower than normal.

If you back off the bolts a couple of turns it should raise your tank enough that your issue will be solved.

Screaming, I'm not trying to be a jerk, so don't take it the wrong way...but you can stop posting your solution because I'm not asking for one.
FlapJack said:
Screaming, I'm not trying to be a jerk, so don't take it the wrong way...but you can stop posting your solution because I'm not asking for one.


I'm just not sure what your goal is at this point beyond looking for a problem when one doesn't (for the most part) seem to exist.
screamingdaisy said:
FlapJack said:
Screaming, I'm not trying to be a jerk, so don't take it the wrong way...but you can stop posting your solution because I'm not asking for one.

Sure. But it sure seems like you're looking for a problem when one doesn't seem to exist.

Doesn't seem to exist? That is impossible to determine at this time. I don't need you coming in here with a condescending attitude when all I'm trying to do is gather info. It's possible not enough owners of the latest shipment of Mark V's have seen the thread. They may not even be members yet. Instigating an arguement just because I pointed out that you are off topic brings down the overall quality of this board, and is unnecessary. I'm new to this board and the last thing I want to be involved in is a stupid arguement.
Back to the topic at hand:

FlapJack said:
So has nobody else run into this?? Just to clear things up a bit: I am NOT looking/asking for a solution to this, I do indeed have a brain and its not that hard to figure out an easy fix for it. I'm just curious if others are experiencing this because if Mesa is shipping out amps that have this "flaw" it'd be best if THEY were the ones that did something about it so that everyone that buys the amps from here on out isn't having to go out and buy new feet, etc., on their brand new $2000 amp.
FlapJack said:
screamingdaisy said:
FlapJack said:
Screaming, I'm not trying to be a jerk, so don't take it the wrong way...but you can stop posting your solution because I'm not asking for one.

Sure. But it sure seems like you're looking for a problem when one doesn't seem to exist.

Doesn't seem to exist? That is impossible to determine at this time. I don't need you coming in here with a condescending attitude when all I'm trying to do is gather info. It's possible not enough owners of the latest shipment of Mark V's have seen the thread. They may not even be members yet. Instigating an arguement just because I pointed out that you are off topic brings down the overall quality of this board, and is unnecessary. I'm new to this board and the last thing I want to be involved in is a stupid arguement.

You were trying to gather info, and screamingdaisy was giving you info. I didn't notice anything rude or condescending in his posts, just an attempt to help determine why this clearance issue is happening (is it that the tanks on the newer Marks are deeper and sit lower, or did yours get installed a bit too tightly?).
FlapJack said:
You all can go f%&# yourselves.

This problem is not new to the Mark series. I have a 25 year old Mark II with the same problem. I understand your frustration with this isssue, but there is no reason to lash out at someone's suggestion. Most people play these amps through a vertical 2x12 or a 4x12 with side handles. It sounds like someone at the factory forgot to double-up the reverb tank spacers to provide you with the clearance you need. I have mine set to allow about 1/16" clearance between the handle and the tank. It took me one trip to the hardware store and $1.00 worth of rubber grommets to fix my problem. At least you won't have to work around a huge power transformer and a cooling fan to find a happy medium for reverb tank clearance. Your glass is half full, trust me. :wink: 8)

If you post a picture of your reverb tank spacers, the problem and solution will become much clearer.
Pictures would be great... to understand what this reverb tank is like (i don't have a Mark V, but will).
Once I get it, I'll know everything there is to know about it :)...

If the guy doesn't want a solution (which can be a mere opinion, or isn't it information also), just say "yes, mine has the same problem"... he just had a bad day probably, no trouble there!
I don't have the issue because my (Cornford) cab has side handles. But wouldn't it look so much better if Mesa had made the Mk V cabinet just a bit deeper to safely house the whole reverb tank?