Question about my MK II...

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Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Hey all, just bought a Mark II. Serial number in the 60xx range. Short head chassis, but the original owner mounted it in a fender bassman enclosure for some reason (doesnt span the length of the front panel though), but I got it for 400 bucks.

anyways, the knobs in the front are black and not silver in the center like a Mk II B, which makes me think it could/should be a MK IIC?

Problem is, with my amp, there is no pull switch on the Bass control and the Master 1 pull switch says "Gain Boost" and not "Deep"... any idea what amp this is?

I can try and take pics for later tonight, but my camera sucks so that probably wont help much.

Looks like it might be a Mk IIB:
Yup, it's a Mk II. The S/N on mine is in the 10XXX range, & has black knobs.

What features does yours have (EQ, 60/100W, reverb)?

These amps are great. They're not Mk IIs, but they are bargins. Great clean tones, rugged, & sound good cranked. I call mine "the Pocket Bassman". :)

Dirt123 said:
Yup, it's a Mk II. The S/N on mine is in the 10XXX range, & has black knobs.

What features does yours have (EQ, 60/100W, reverb)?

These amps are great. They're not Mk IIs, but they are bargins. Great clean tones, rugged, & sound good cranked. I call mine "the Pocket Bassman". :)

Yeah, the clean tone is absolutely what sold me on the amp. Grabbed a 60's strat and tore it up, and the amp begged for more.

Aside from being in a ratty bassman enclosure, and the 2nd from the right slider on the EQ being busted off (can still move the arm though), the actual chassis is in really good shape. Unfortunately right now theres a volume drop when the EQ is activated, but they said they'd fix it for free for me after I finish building my plexi clone in about 3 weeks (hopefully).

My model is 100 watta with 60 watts switchable.

" They're not Mk IIs, but they are bargins " : what do you mean? It's not a Mark II? How different is it? I was hoping I'd be able to eventually mod this to IIC+ specs.
It will never be a C+, but it will always be a very cool IIA or B. The IIB's are the clean machines from Boogie and they can really kick out the overdrive too.... Dime V1 and crank it to get some power tube distortion also, you can't help but smile..

You can pick up a head cab for yours on ebay for around $150.00.
Awesome. I'll keep an eye out for one, then I'll have this spare bassman head for my next amp project.

Quick question: what kind of footswitch will work for this amp? It only footswitches between clean/lead on this amp right?
Any one button foot switch will work. The Mesa footswitches have an LED without the hassle of a battery. I have a Carvin footswitch that work with the the Boogie also.

I'm using a Midi Octopus for all my channel switching and effects, This switch's the effects and the amp channels simultaneously. I use rack effects and a tube preamp into a AA165 Bassman in combination along with my Mark IIB.
The result is a lot of combination tones and killer lead tones. :)

a very PHAT sound!!!
joelap said:
Dirt123 said:
.... They're not Mk IIs, but they are bargins. Great clean tones, rugged, & sound good cranked. ...


" They're not Mk IIs, but they are bargins " : what do you mean? It's not a Mark II? How different is it? I was hoping I'd be able to eventually mod this to IIC+ specs.

Stupid fingers. I meant to say Mark II-Cs. Oops.
