Quad preamp - tube replacement

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2006
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Just thought I would share my recent re-tube with you.... it sounds better than the day I bought it (going on 17 years ago!!). This is such an easy way to breath new life into your sound. It is also really cheap considering that you can do it all yourself and experiment with different tubes in different positions until you find what you like. Now it is as if every frequency is fully represented with a perfect balance and when I select a note, those frequencies open up a sweet spot that unites every particle in the room... awesome!!

Many thanks to Doug at http://www.dougstubes.com/ for his advice and good prices! He is a really knowledgable and helpful enthusiast if you want to check him out....

I made the following selection after some painstaking experimentation (all 12ax7's):

V21 input tube for channel 1 clean.. GT 12ax7C with balanced triodes at plate voltage.. 90/90 clean and headroomy with some woolyness if pushed.

V23 channel 1 lead.. GT with 100/100 balanced triodes... more gain and that type of harmonic content that bites in a juicy way... think brown without the mud

V11 input channel 2 rhythym.. tung sol balanced 110/110 makes for a nice hot signal and is deep and toneful. Great to put through my Mesa strategy 500 power amp flat out on half power with the grindier channel selected!

V13 channel 2 lead.. tung sol balanced 105/105 lots of shred tones here!!! Doesn't need to much drive as single notes just sing out and again, are fully represented harmonically. No mosquitoes here! Plus it is huge for riffing!

V12 channels 1+2 to the fx loop.. electro harmonics russian 12ax7 110/110 giving a nice push so as to drive the effects loop

V22 effects return and output.. tung sol 105/105 to push the output along and keeping the signal rich and intact

V14 EQ and reverb mixer... electro harmonics russian 12ax7 unbalanced plate voltage 105/110

V24 reverb driver and return.. tung sol 100/100 this thing has two reverb tanks and the depth is now suprizingly big and organic... enourmous depth available!

As you can see, I am running channel 1 (clean and lead 1) with groove tubes and channel 2 (rhythym and lead 2) with tung sol's. This really opened up the tonal spectrum for me and I would highly recommend it to others using the Mesa Quad. I run the Quad into a Mesa Strategy 500 which has grey Mesa 6550-A's and yellow Mesa 5881-6L6's with GE JAN 12ax7WA's for the two different channels. This drives a Marshall 4x12 and Marshall 2x15. I can pull pretty much any sound I want now and not only is everything noise free it is dynamic and toneful. Not so portable but set it up and it does the job marvelously!

It certainly works for me but of course everyone has their own vibe... so I'm interested in what other experiences people have as good alternatives.