Quad preamp- 2 channels at the same time?

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Feb 28, 2007
Reaction score
South France
Hi all!
I recently purchased a quad preamp. So far i ve only had the chance to play via the direct recording on my computer so I don't have any idea of the full potential of the thing. One thing that bothers me is:
I ve always read that you can play with both channel at the same time. I checked the manual on mesa boogie site and it says that you can press on 2 buttons at the same time on the footswitch to actually have for instance rythm 1 and lead 2 at the same time. But it doesn't work. My footswitch works for the channel switching but this tip doesn't work.
Have any idea?
Thanx!! :D
ce n'est pas possible avec le footswitch d'origine mais via les 8 relay derriere le quad et un switcher type amp gizmo...
the boogie footswitch wont allow you to use two channels at once (at least mine wouldnt), to do it you need to use latching switches plugged into the back of the preamp. I use a rocktron octopus to midi switch mine and can do all the combinations.

Alright thanx guys. I wanted to buy a midi interface to pilot the quad anyway, so I guess I have no choice now hehe. How does the combination between lead 1 and lead 2 sound? Is it worth it?

blues 57: Merci bien de l'info! :wink:
Forsaken dreams said:
How does the combination between lead 1 and lead 2 sound? Is it worth it?

blues 57: Merci bien de l'info! :wink:

In my opinion, no. But see for yourself. Just connect a cable from the rear jacks & see what you can come up with. You can also mix a clean with a lead.
Clean channel and lead channel really sound nice together. Add a little chorus and you have a wicked sound. 8)
Ok, so I finally had the chance to use the Quad with the rest of my setup (a engl el34poweramp and a 2x12 v30 cab).
The Quad is hard to manipulate, because there are so many things to tweak and every little change in setting gives a huge tonal change. Im not used to that but I think it's cool.
So far i ve been able to find a really warm and cool clean sound, and nice smooth lead sound. The rythm sound is more challenging. I use the lead 2+ rythm 2 combination for the lead sound. It works great, adding the rythm 2 kinda smoothes the sound and erase the kinda harsh frequencies in the upper range. I did the same with lead 1 and rythm 1, and I use this combination for my rythm sound. It's very cool but the sound is still kinda harsh in the hi mids frequencies. Maybe I should try with an external eq...

Anyway I m thinking about selling my engl el34 poweramp and buying a Mesa poweramp, with simulclass option, to give it the real Mark tone which im fond of. What do you guys suggest? 295? 2:90? or why not the new 2:100? I know it's not simul class but Petrucci used a IIC+ preamp with the 2:100 on the Score dvd and his tone is just godly!!

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