Q about the FX loop for DR

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2006
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I have a 3 Channel DR and I know that because I use stomp boxes the parallel loop sucks and I'd have to mod it to series to use it. But I'm thinking of going to an all rack FX setup, would I be able to use it then or would I still need the mod?
it's not whether you have a rack or a pedal....it's about the effect in question.

Parallel loops take certain types of effects (regardless of rack or pedal) better than a Serial loop, and vice-versa.

If I recall, parallel loops take "time-based" effects well, such as reverb and delay, but not other types of things such as flanger.

Then, there will always be certain efx which should only go before the amp, period. These are your wah's and distortion pedals, mostly.
So hows it going to work with an FX rack? Just dont use the loop unless I use it in series?
Man it's like pulling teeth around here to get the answer youre looking for :shock:
Regardless of pedal or racks, you can use the loop. But changing to a rack setup will not make the loop any better than it already is. Using racks or pedals for your effects does not change the functionality of the loop.

Example: You have a Delay Pedal. You plug it into the loop and it does it's thing. Then you go out and buy a rack processor with Delay as one of its effects. Same thing happens...you just plug it into the loop and you play.

What a Parallel loop does is take a certain % (that you select with the knob in back) of your amp's original sound and sends it to the effects unit. It gets colored, and then the signal returns to the amp. Whatever the leftover percentage is that you never selected (i.e. you send 85%, 15% left over), does not get colored at all by anything. It goes unchanged from the preamp to the poweramp. In essence, that leftover % is natural amp tone.

A Serial loop takes the whole signal--all of it--there is no selecting percentages or anything like that. At least this is what I remember from my research a year ago.

Serial loops work well for things such as flanger and other odd effects like that. Parallel loops work well with time-based effects such as reverb and delay. Wah pedals and distortion pedals do not work at all. They should be plugged in before the amp's Input Jack.

Are you understanding it more now? Sorry if you already knew all of this stuff...

BTW, people usually answer here very quickly..It must be a slow couple of days.
Guess I'll be the odd man out here, but I actually PREFER parallel loops. :shock: I dont really use effect-drenched tones...just a little delay and 'verb for ambience during clean passages, and delay for some (well okay most) soloing.

Rack FX tend to have a million options, handle high signal levels better, and the higher-end ones sound pretty good. Pedals typically offer only one or two useful FX, but IMO can sound better as long as you watch how hard you're driving them.

Try this with your pedals before you shitcan them...set the FX Send on the amp around 1:30. Turn the Output UP (at least 12:00). Make sure any mix/blend/wet/dry controls on your pedals are all the way up (100% wet). Use the amp's Channel Masters to set your relative volumes, and the FX Mix to blend in your effects...a little goes a long way here. Keeping your Output turned up typically requires lower Channel Master settings, which makes it less likely to overload the pedals.
junior said:
I set the masters about 12:00 and use the Output to set my volume. Am I doing wrong?

there's no real right or wrong way. the important thing is to just play at a decent volume so you are driving the power tubes.

Some people don't use the Output and only do ch. masters. Some people put the Output at 12 and adjust the masters (what I do). Some people do it your way...try all three and see which gives you the best tone at low volumes.
junior said:
I set the masters about 12:00 and use the Output to set my volume. Am I doing wrong?

Not at all...whatever gets you the tone you want! The reason I'm doing it like I suggested earlier is that I'm running a run-of-the-mill delay (Boss DD6) in my loop, and if I set the Channel Masters too high it makes the delays distorted and harsh sounding (digital clipping sucks)
I keep my clean channel about 12:00 or 13:00 and then I match the other channels masters with it. If I set more than 13 or 14 it starts to get distorted. Does this happen to anyone here or it's just me? I'm using EMG active pups.
EMG's are notoriously hot pickups...Try bringing down the Gain knob as much as you can, use the neck pickup, and roll off a little volume.
my .2 cents.

i was having such a hard time with my FX loop that i got a rack effect unit (rocktron xpression).

still hated the sound, so i mod the FX to series.

finally ended up selling the xpression and bypassing the FX altogether.

now i run all my effects in front. it takes more tinkering with levels and chain order but in the end it sounds the best!
junior said:
I keep my clean channel about 12:00 or 13:00 and then I match the other channels masters with it. If I set more than 13 or 14 it starts to get distorted. Does this happen to anyone here or it's just me? I'm using EMG active pups.

i had the same problem at the live show last night and i did what you did.. now its ok

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