Putting my Roadster 2x12 on a diet

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2007
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I picked up clean 2x12 Roadster combo and it's such a killer amp, but too heavy for practical use. (I sold my Tremoverb combo years ago when I was much younger for the same reason). Love my TA15, other than the lack of an effects loop), but this Roadster is the most versatile amp I've ever owned and I've owned a ton (still do).

Has anyone removed speakers, rear panel or anything else to lighten the load and hooked the amp to a separate speaker cab?
screamingdaisy said:
You could move the chassis into a headshell and use the combo as a cab.


You will need a custom headshell though as the combo chassis is flipped over compared to the head. If you use the standard Roadster headshell all the front and rear panel labels will be upside down. The amp will operate properly, it will just be odd to look at.

I took the speakers outta my Roadster 2x12! Not so much as for the weight but for the tone. I love the sound of my TremoVerb 2x12 with its open back but don't like the closed mini cab of the Roadster. I just run it to my 2x12 vert w/ EVs now and its great! I'm thinkin of putting one V30 in it to see how that goes mixed w/ the EVs... Way easier on the back without those speakers in the combo though! Good Luck!
It's already on wheels. Doesn't help with lifting it up stairs or into an SUV.

I thought about the head shell. But I understood that due to the orientation, there is no head shell available from Mesa due to head being "upside down". Can anyone recommend someone who makes a headshell? Did that with my Bogner and it worked out perfectly.
domct203 said:
screamingdaisy said:
You could move the chassis into a headshell and use the combo as a cab.


You will need a custom headshell though as the combo chassis is flipped over compared to the head. If you use the standard Roadster headshell all the front and rear panel labels will be upside down. The amp will operate properly, it will just be odd to look at.

and the knobs would be upside-down too.

To the OP i'd say sell the combo and pick up a roadster head + roadster 2x12 cab. the roadster cab is the same internal dimensions as the combo so you get the same sound in an easier to move package. i've got a roadster 2x12 cab on the way for my Mark V and i was quite impressed with it at the store. it's gonna be so much easier to haul around than my 4x12 :mrgreen:
domct203 said:
Here's a Roadster Head for sale on The Board at a great price. I'm sure you could easily sell your Combo to recover the funds.


Thanks for the tip. I tried to get in touch with him, but he was very hard to reach and didn't respond to a number of emails and PMs and it sold on Ebay.

I'm actually thinking about getting a headshell so I have choices and a matching cab.
I'd just stick it in a headshell. The upside-down faceplace will produce hours of idle conversation, and you'll always have the option of putting it back in the combo cab should you decide to sell it.