Pull deep on Mark III/IV

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I use it all the time on my Mark III. I feel it adds a warmth to the lows that I like a lot. It´s a pretty big bass boost but I have no problem with muddy lows. It´s super tight with a big low end. I think it sounds too thin without it. Works great even at low volumes for me.

I usually keep my bass knob around 2 or slightly lower. The 80 hz slider is then used to give me control of the low end. I usually set the slider somewhere between the middle and top line. I use a recto 2x12 or a Traditional recto cab with my Mark III. Sounds great!
What kind of speakers are you running? Have you trried different speakers?
rabies said:
Russ said:
What kind of speakers are you running? Have you trried different speakers?

Genz Benz gflex 2x12 (custom eminence I think) it's ported and baffled.

Or half-open back 4x12 Mesa 80's/90's cab with 150watt eminence.

The deep pull makes it sound extra satanic, I'll fool around with it @ home tonite.

That is a good thing right?
Man, sounds like fun. Maybe I will drop one of the LP's down to D. I won't be getting as deep though because of the cabinets you have. Can you post a clip of your deep chugging so that I can determine whether a gflex is in my future? I already know I want a Mark cab.
I usually leave my pull deep off at stage volume. but thats also probably cause my band and I play in drop C. When I am recording, or playing at bedroom volume, or jamming, I'll turn it on to get the little extra oomph that lacks in class A.
All this talk of pulling. I feel like I'm skeet shooting.

With a G-Flex 2X12 you will not need your Pull Deep. It seriously extends the amps natural bottom end. I have actually had to run my 80Hz a bit lower, but the pallete of tones from insane to PHAAAAAAT blues is amazing. The only negative is that it can be boomy on cleans, but cleans are for waffle eatin' pussies.(1)


The Chronicles of Riddick-

Toombs -

Where do we drop
your merc-killin' ***?

Who's gonna pay
the most for you now?
- Butcher Bay?

Riddick - Butcher Bay. ( Amused)

Ten minutes every other day
on the dog run.

Protein waffles aren't bad.

Toombs -

Hey, how 'bout Ursa Luna?
Nice little double-max prison.

Riddick -

They keep a cell open for me...
just in case I drop in. ( More Amused)


You know the problem with thesejoints now?Health clubs for waffle-eatin' pussies.
Heh heh... he said he pulls his knob... heh heh... uh hhhhm... yeah knob... heh heh... uh,.... huhuhuhuhuh...

That satanic sound has got to be sick that you have going on. Maybe you should try a Baritone and a Rec? I think it might hit a little deeper. But then again, how low would you want to force the guy to grunt? I still want to hear it. Post! Post! Post!
I recorded some drop c metal clips last night, and even threw in some full step down rock clips, interesting stuff. I tried a different micing technique and I think it worked great. i'll post a link as soon as I get them on a soundclick. I would have put em up yesterday, but it was 1 am and I get up for work at 6
i find the pull deep on the mkIII's give it the real bottom end thump that is a key part of mesa heavy rhy's...the mk IV's pull fat mode is less of an effect on your sound..more improves gain and smoothness..
I like the pull deep. but like the pull bright, as the volume goes up, you can push it in and let the power tubes take over. I usually run my master at about 6-7 and my lead drive at about 4-5 and the power amp at full power. at that volume the pull deep is just too much
Shep said:
i find the pull deep on the mkIII's give it the real bottom end thump that is a key part of mesa heavy rhy's...the mk IV's pull fat mode is less of an effect on your sound..more improves gain and smoothness..

That´s because the Pull Fat on the Mark IV is similar to the Treble Shift on the Mark II and III´s. It lowers the frequency of the midrange and boosts it for a fatter more distorted tone. The Pull Deep is a depth extend feature, not the same thing.

The Mark IV doesn´t have the Pull Deep feature, the closest thing is the presence knob pushed in.
Bullen said:
Shep said:
i find the pull deep on the mkIII's give it the real bottom end thump that is a key part of mesa heavy rhy's...the mk IV's pull fat mode is less of an effect on your sound..more improves gain and smoothness..

That´s because the Pull Fat on the Mark IV is similar to the Treble Shift on the Mark II and III´s. It lowers the frequency of the midrange and boosts it for a fatter more distorted tone. The Pull Deep is a depth extend feature, not the same thing.

The Mark IV doesn´t have the Pull Deep feature, the closest thing is the presence knob pushed in.

The Pull Fat on the MK IV is exactly the same thing as the Pull Shift on the MK II and MK III Treble pot. It smooths out the top end by putting a 250pf and 750pf in paralell for 1000pf or .001. The pull function on the MK IV presence controls are a negative feedback modification. Pulled, they are smooth and pushed they are a stock MK series output section. The placement of the Pull Deep function is not really condusive to adding bottom end, but adds a large bass boost. It's placed too early in the preamp to have a global effect. The Graphic EQ is more of a Global effect as it sends it's output right to the phase inverter, then to the output section. That why they are so effective, in a way. The misnomer about the MK II and III is that people do not realize what amazing tones they can get with the Pull Deep function engaged with lower lead drive setting.
They are like Dumble's on crack. For high gain, it's a tad too much at lower volumes, but is still another alternate tone with the 80Hz slider backed off. Although, with enough treble and EQ'ing it can get really nasty through the right cabinet.
A decent way to blend the Pull Deep is to run your master volume higher and your lead master lower. It seems to integrate a bit better with the power amp. I was wanking to Gary Moore's Cold Day in Hell last night with the Pull Deep engaged. The Master was at 4 and the Lead Master was at 1.5. It was a huge tone sweet tone, yet had tons of gain and harmonics.
This was on the 6/84 Simul-EQ-Reverb IIC+ through a 1X12 Ev Thiele and a G-Flex 2X12.

You can tweak these amps for weeks and still come up with great alternative tones. :D