Probs with my LSC effects loop...

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Lone Star State

Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
Chico, CA
I went to boot up my rig for our gig last night & was having probs. Narrowed it down to my effects loop; basically it doesn't seem to be working. I changed the tube and still the same thing.


Very faint sound.

FX send pot on back does nothing 'till it's about 4/5s of the way up and even then, the volume doesn't get to where it should be.

Amp works fine when loop is bypassed/off.

I have a gig on Saturday night, so I'll just use my pedalboard. After that I think I'm going to take it to the Mesa repair guy closest to me.
i had this problem also: turned out to be oxidation/dirt in the effects loop jack(s)
I had the exact same thing happen...I just swtched to hard bypass, and liked the tone a lot better anyway....I did change out all the tubes as well, but I don't think it was a tube issue anyway..I found that I don't miss the solo feature anyway....I really noticed a huge improvement in tone on the hard bypass the manual says..."for you tone purists"...
I suppose I really should get the loop/solo thing repaired...Boogie told me that the loop jacks might be dirty?...anyway...I'm happy with it in hard bypass...
Any luck? You may also have a bad potentiometer. I this happen on my Nomad. If pulling on the knob and wiggling it changes the EFX loop volume, then you have most likely found the problem.
I've been out for a while...sorry.

Anyway, I got it repaired; it was something in the loop circiutry, not the pot. Everything is good now. Man, this amp still kicks ***. I'm going to post some pics of my rig as soon as my pedalboard is done.
