Problems with my Roadster's clean channels, I need your help

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Active member
Feb 16, 2008
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Hey folks,

I have a problem with my Roadster's clean channel.

The following happens: no matter which clean channel is on, the other clean channel's master volume control contributes in the volume. Since know the two channels' volumes relate on each others master volume setting, to achieve the normal volume on a clean channel on the amp requiers both masters to be at maximum settings, which is crazy. The whole problem was noticed when I couldn't get the clean channels loud enough (in bedroom conditions too). And, if one the masters is set to minimum or zero, it mutes both clean channels.
(the two dirty channels work flawlessly, their master volume controls are working indepently, like the cleans' masters should work...)
Also, when channel 2 is selected, the green channel's indicator is also lighting dimly. I tried the amp with and without the footswitch connected, also tried it in loop bypass mode, the problem is still present.
(I haven't cart the amp around lately. by the way, I'm using JJ KT77s in the power amp, the little knob is set to EL34. I don't think that it relates to this issue, though)

Any ideas?

Has anyone experienced a problem like this?

Thank you in advance!
KH Guitar Freak said:
Are you saying you can't get the clean channel to sound loud enough? Seems strange...

Yeah, but it's just the result of the problem, that's what I experienced for the first time.

If ch#2 is selected, and I turn up and down the master volume of ch#1, the volume of ch#2 is going up and down. Like the the two clean channels weren't independent.

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