Problems with my new Road King II

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Oct 6, 2006
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Hey all, (long post, sorry!)

I got a Road King II last month unfortunately just before the v2 ones with the tuner jack came out, I must have missed it by just a week or so, (didn't even know about it) and I'm having several issues with it:


1. The big one - I accidentally left the amp on standby for about 4 days straight last week after band practice. Went in the other room, totally spaced out and forgot to go back in and turn it off. Since then I've noticed a couple pretty bizarre things going on:

a. Ch 4 (which I use in Vintage 4X6L6 for rhythm) doesn't seem to have as much saturation in the distortion as it did before. Sounds much cleaner and less crunchy. Ch 3 (leads - Vintage 4X6L6) seems fine though.

b. Ch 2 Brit (2XEL34) is suddenly very loud, even with low master settings, does not balance well at all with the other channels.

Am I looking at a tube problem here or did I (God forbid please) break something worse by leaving it on that long? None of the tubes appear to be glowing more red than the others and if it were a preamp tube I don't see how Ch 3 would still be fine but 4 not since they're using the same tubes.

The rest of these issues I had before it got left on:

2. I don't fully understand what's going on with the Effects Loops, even after reading the manual multiple times.

Here's the setup - I'm running a Pod XT Live into Loop 1 (yes I know, I'm saving to buy a higher quality processor soon) with all the amp modeling turned off. I'm basically only using it for delay, a bit of chorus, and the noise gate. Loop is only active on my Ch 3 lead sound and Ch 1 sparkle clean.

The thing I don't understand is what the relationship and proper settings for the Send Level knob on the back of the amp, the physical output knob on the back of the POD, and the Ch Volume within the POD preset are.

I understand the concept of wanting unity gain between having the Loop switch on and off, but I just don't know what the correct way to achieve this is - do I have the send level on the amp down lower and the POD output maxed, or vice versa? What is the role of the preset's Ch. Vol in this? When recording direct with the POD, the manual tells you to max the output (so it's a line level signal), but it says nothing about what to do when running it into an effects loop like this.

Can anyone clarify this?


3. Related to the loop also... The Solo and Output knobs don't seem to be doing what I'd expect them to.

My understanding is that you set Solo somewhere slightly above where Output is and then you'll get a boost when you press Solo on the footswitch. My amp isn't doing this - I'm hearing an increase in volume even when the two knobs are set to exactly the same position and even when the Solo is lower than the Output knob. Am I misunderstanding how this system works?

What do the individual Channel Masters actually become when you're using the Output/Solo system (which I understand runs off the effects loop somehow?)

I love the sound of this amp and I'm a pretty tech savvy guy, but I'm starting to feel slightly overwhelmed with all the issues...

Help is appreciated!

Okay, I think I can answer number 3 for you. The Solo knob acts like an additional volume knob, and when you set it anywhere above the zero position, it's adding volume to the overall "Output" level. It does not replace the output's volume, it adds to the volume. So setting the "Solo" below the "Output" level is still going to add volume to the overall amp's output and setting the Solo slightly above where you are putting the output, it's going to probably be really loud lol.

The "Output" is a Master Volume, allowing you to adjust each "Master" which is really the CHANNEL volume to get each channel relatively level, then, using the "Output" you can adjust the overall volume of the amplifier, just like a Master Volume on a Marshall.

Anyone feel free to correct/explain me better...I know what I'm trying to say, just hope I got it there in this post haha. Good luck man

Dude you're right... how did I not see that??!! I guess the volume change becomes so small that I thought it was going away when it was slightly below the output.
Platypus said:
Holy crap.. 4 DAYS?! :shock:

Yeah I know, you should have seen the look on my face when we walked in for practice and the amp was sitting there on...
Sometimes, with my RK II, I just gotta step back and take a deep fuckin' breath..... :shock:

I'm still learning about mine too although I am gigging with it and stuff...

I know this isn't really solving any of your well posted problems but,

take a deep breath............ and relaaaaaax........

There is a simpleness in it's, at times, overwhelming complexity...... :roll:

But sometimes I still just need to step back and take a deep breath before I break something.........

I hope you get yourself situated comfortably with it soon....

When you drop that kind of money on something and it doesn't fit like a well made glove in the early stages it tends to make a person..... edgy.....

You'll get it set like you like it....

Keep tweakin'.....

Question #3
Most important: The Output and Solo controls only work if the effects loop is active.

You mentioned only having the PodXT Live in the loop on Channel 3, so that's the only channel on which Output and Solo can be doing anything.

If you enable the loop on all four channels, the Output and Solo controls will work properly throughout.

You mentioned not much happening with the Solo level. Don't forget that it follows the effects loops, so if you have the Send Level really low on the back of your RK II, the Solo control may not have as much gain to offer as it would if the Send Level were in the middle position close to 12:00.

#2 I have a Pod XT Live that I use on rare occasions (like laying down a live guide track during recording with my band's rhythm section). I used it for a few months in the FX loop of a Triaxis rig once while I was waiting on new rack gear to arrive, and like you, I turned off the cab sims and amp models and just used it for effects.

The trick is how to set the output on the Pod XT Live.
1. The switch on the rear should be set to LINE and not AMP.
2. The level knob on the rear shoudl be set to MAX.
3. Line 6 suggets using the PWRAMP setting when in an effects loop.
4. I would start with the RK II's Send Level near 12:00 when doing these tests... lower your Output on the amp to not hurt yourself :).

It was a pain getting the levels worked out, but you should be able to make it work fine.

My channel 2 set on Brit with 2xEL34's is extreamly loud for me also, its always been that way, but thats with the gain MAXED!
Keeping the amp on for 4 days on standby should not hurt anything. You are just running the heaters in the tubes and it shouldn't hurt the amp itself in anyway. You might have some bad tubes in the pre section. It could also be your ears, your settings, the room, etc. I am always an advocate of retubing anyway as Mesa usually uses tubes that will last a long time instead of ones that make their amps sound the best.

If you are really concerned and it really does sound different take it to a tech and have it diagnosed.
Leaving an amp in standby shouldn't hurt it. I have heard stories of guys leaving on vacation and coming back and their amps still being ok. In all honesty I feel that it is better that it was in standby then on. If you think about it, you broke your tubes in some. Also, when you go buy an amp off the salesfloor of your typical guitar shop it has been in standby for who knows how long at times and things are usually fine provided someone didn't use standby and hit the tubes cold.