Predict the futurist amp sounds --come in and discuss

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2007
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Ok, I've been thinking about this for a while. When the marshall master volume series came out, people thought it was the "modern sound". More gain and a great change for the guitar world. But now it became "vintage". When boogie came out, it adds in more gain to eliminate the use of a front end boost. Then there's this whole high gain revolution of the mark series. And now we consider the mark series "vintage" with that tight sound after the rectos came out. Now the fat loose distortion becomes "modern". Looking back, this has come a long way.

My question is, it's inevitable that the rectos will become vintage one day and if so, what do you think the future sound will become? Tighter sounding like the mark or looser? Guitar amps may have a polyphonic distortion like a futurist synth? An amp will produce a mix of different amps at the same time? Infinite sustain? Cast your opinions.
....modeling thats the modern

this is barely related, but if modelers are modeling already existing amps then what is going to happen when they get to the point where they can nail all these sounds perfectly?.

Somebody needs to design and build new real tube amps in order for there to be something to model.

Or. it could get to the point where the modeling no longer models the amp as a whole, but each individual electrical component inside the amp. each capacitor and resistor so new amp design can happen on a computer without wires or solder. This is already current technology, but as of now you cant real hear what the finished result would sound like. If modeling gets that good then building the thing in real life could be an option, but not necessary.

You could model designs that are impossible in the real world. things that would require massive transformers. things that might need water cooling. the kind of stuff that is at this point inconceivable for an amp designer.
I think you're going to see a bigger advancement on amps like Road Kings. Modelling amps are the modern because it's one amp that can do so many different sounds but it is still unlike having that true tube amp sound.

With amps like the Road King you are starting to get closer to having multiple different amp sounds with that true tube amp taste. This is just what I think will happen in the future for people chasing the sounds of amps that are already out there.

As far as what the future holds for new sounds... I have no idea!
Not to sound sarcastic, but if the present trend keeps going it will be acoustic guitars for about 20 years.
coppa said:
....modeling thats the modern

this is barely related, but if modelers are modeling already existing amps then what is going to happen when they get to the point where they can nail all these sounds perfectly?.

Somebody needs to design and build new real tube amps in order for there to be something to model.

Or. it could get to the point where the modeling no longer models the amp as a whole, but each individual electrical component inside the amp. each capacitor and resistor so new amp design can happen on a computer without wires or solder. This is already current technology, but as of now you cant real hear what the finished result would sound like. If modeling gets that good then building the thing in real life could be an option, but not necessary.

You could model designs that are impossible in the real world. things that would require massive transformers. things that might need water cooling. the kind of stuff that is at this point inconceivable for an amp designer.

agreed... while its not a new technology, its finally starting to close the gap, especially the axe-fx. While line 6 models the tone of the real thing, the axe-fx goes further into modelling the distinct controls and nuances of each amp and is able to model the sag of the power amp. There are even talks that a future version will allow you to use different power tubes in each amp (as a parameter in the modelling). If they can do that with the current technology i can only imagine what the future holds.
coppa said:
You could model designs that are impossible in the real world. things that would require massive transformers. things that might need water cooling. the kind of stuff that is at this point inconceivable for an amp designer.

200W class A amps...16 6V6 tubes...ten channel multivoiced preamp...the ballbuster could be a reality!
The evolution of tone has a lot to do with the evolution of the music for which it is used. I think that rock music has hit a wall in the last 5-10 years, and therefore so has tone.

Yes, I will say it: Everything has been done. Not that there's no more good songs to be written, but stylistically there are very few (if any) other musical styles left to be fused with rock music that will produce record-seling results. Rock has hit a point where all the great tunes have been written, and most subsequent music will be reincarnations of those songs. Though I am not just referring to metal, Rob Zombie put it best, "All the metal riffs since Black Sabbath are just Sabbath riffs played faster or slower."

What kind of world is this where stereo effects and high-gain amps are now several decades old? Where do we have to go from here? Oh, I don't know, how about jamming every possible feature and effect into an amp so we have an excuse to raise the price? That's where we're at. It has a lot to do with the fact that the market for beginner guitar equipment has become so demanding. Amp production corner-cutting is at an all-time high - and even the so-called "pro" gear is affected. We've all seen Marshall and Fender cut corners on their amps in recent years, and I hate to say it, but I don't think anything Mesa makes now will outlast their stuff from the 80's and early 90's. Have you SEEN a Strategy 500? Jesus Chriiiist...

So the trend has become cost-effective, instant gratification, feature-a-plenty amps that most likely will need to be sent back for repair once or twice in the first few months of ownership.

Now, what I would like to see is exact reproductions of the greatest amps (Fender Blackface, JCM 800, Mark IIC+) with the same parts (Output transformer, choke, power transformer) and shipped stock with PREMIUM tubes. If its grail tone, the pro's will pay it. I'll pay it, even if its thousands.
I think evolution will go with Keyboards ... then amps that model those.

Tube amps go for feel, gut, and breath. Heavier, smoother, lighter, cleaner it's all a version of what we have --- or older guys had in '67.
Well since stereo rigs have been around for awhile maybe someone will design at 5.1 surround sound amp system.

Think about it, in a stereo system you can have one effect going to one side and another to the opposite side.

With 5.1 you could have 5 different sounds going to 5 different speakers. With digital modeling this is completely possible now

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