Pre Boogie Amps

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Jul 30, 2012
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I have a couple of what I think are Pre Boogie amps and I am trying to get some info on them.
Here is a link to the photos of a Fender Bassman 5E6

I also have a Fender Princeton with a 12" speaker and similar mods..
Wow, quite something..
I'll bet it howls like a banshee!!
Imagining a Tele - should come with a health warning...

Any pics of the other amp?
Have U run them past Randall - I imagine he'd remember, even though many yrs ago..

Keep 'em coming.. thoroughly interesting stuff!!
It would be cool to see if Randall did remember these amps. I have neen told that they were used by Hot Tuna in the 70's. Does he have an email. I sent a message to Mesa..
Here are some photos of the other amp. It is a Mesa Boogie.
JOEY B. said:
Piss on "11", that Bassman can be turned up to "12". That's like one louder than Nigel Tuffnels' Marshall. Great score!
I have always been a fan of amps that will go up to 12. I have a Fender Blues Deville and a Fender Blues Deluxe and both have 12 on the speedometer...
Wow! If that is an authentic, pre-Boogie Randall Smith amp, you may have a part of history there... :D

How does it sound?
I have not jammed with the Bassman yet, but the 1 x 12 Mesa Boogie rocks hard and LOUD..
That 1x12 Boogie has a lot in common with a IIA..

be interested to see what the innards reveal..
Really enjoying ur pics though.. thanks for sharing,
Update! Update!

Just got this from the Mesa Boogie folks...

Hello there,

I passed this to our tech Mike Bendinelli that is more familiar with these older versions, here was his response:
"It looks familiar, I think it was here about 20(?) years ago and I would say it was a Randy mod."
That's about all of the info we could provide. Hope that helps!

Best Regards,
Marcus Daniel | Customer Service

1317 Ross Street | Petaluma, CA 94954 | USA
Phone | 707.778.6565
Hours | Monday-Thursday 9-5 PST
majorbytes said:
Update! Update!

Just got this from the Mesa Boogie folks...

Hello there,

I passed this to our tech Mike Bendinelli that is more familiar with these older versions, here was his response:
"It looks familiar, I think it was here about 20(?) years ago and I would say it was a Randy mod."
That's about all of the info we could provide. Hope that helps!

Best Regards,
Marcus Daniel | Customer Service

1317 Ross Street | Petaluma, CA 94954 | USA
Phone | 707.778.6565
Hours | Monday-Thursday 9-5 PST

Not very helpful are they ?

Get some gut shots of the Fender up and let's take a look.
Agreed Ed, I was thinking exactly the same thing..
I mean, here's a potential piece of history, and a few lines is the reply..
I was expecting even "we passed this on the Randy and he'll get back"..

Without being too cynical, I wonder if it was owned by (insert any super-famous muso name here) the response would be rather different..

Love some more pics..
majorbytes said:
Update! Update!

Just got this from the Mesa Boogie folks...

Hello there,

I passed this to our tech Mike Bendinelli that is more familiar with these older versions, here was his response:
"It looks familiar, I think it was here about 20(?) years ago and I would say it was a Randy mod."
That's about all of the info we could provide. Hope that helps!

Best Regards,
Marcus Daniel | Customer Service...
Nope, didn't help. :lol:

Mike Bendinelli, I talked with him during my Mark IIB mod ('82). He's a bit off the wall if you ask me. Nice guy.

20 years ago(?), that would be 1992, can't imagine Randall Smith doing amp mods.

A modded Bassman must have been done in 70's I would think. I know someone who had an Ampeg who he claimed was modded by Randall Smith but that was in the early 80's and his Ampeg was a 70 model.

But nevertheless, you do have a piece of history. Now if could find pictures of pre-Boogie Princeton.

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